Environmental groups demand immediate climate action, call on political parties to work together


Environmental groups demand immediate climate action, call on political parties to work together

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Greenpeace says the climate crisis has reached a critical point. Credits: AM More than 30 environmental groups have come together and thrown down the gauntlet to all of Aotearoa's political parties, calling for urgent climate action with a 10-point plan.  The plan is calling for an immediate reduction of emissions, restoration of native environments and better support for communities dealing with the worst impacts of climate change.  Greenpeace executive director Russell Norman told AM the crisis has reached a critical point and polluting industries such as the dairy sector need to stop avoiding regulation. "Agriculture is half of all of our emissions and there's been precious little done to cut emissions out of that sector." Norman told AM recent devastating weather events have been made worse by climate change, and is urging the government to act now.  "We need action by the New Zealand Government to play its part in terms of cutting emissions globally. And so this lays out a pathway to do that." Norman said now is the time to regulate polluting industries because "when has the polluting industry voluntarily agreed to cut its pollution? It never happens. Never has happened in the history of the world". "The only way you get progress to deal with pollution is you regulate." The coalition includes the likes of Greenpeace, Forest and Bird, Oxfam and 350 Aotearoa. As election 2023 edges closer, Norman says the 10-point plan is to put pressure on Labour and National to act if either is elected. "There is [an] opportunity to make progress with those two parties. It's just we need to keep the pressure on them. And then of course, then there's the influence of other parties as well, which could change the agenda." Watch Norman's interview above for more.