16,084 articles from 22 newspapers.
Newspaper | Article Count | Average Word Count |
Al Jazeera | 838 | 763.1 |
The Atlantic | 638 | 1447.9 |
Buenos Aires Times | 253 | 780.5 |
The BBC | 965 | 921.7 |
China Daily | 524 | 600.0 |
CNN | 834 | 915.7 |
Daily Nation | 591 | 707.9 |
Daily Post | 265 | 500.2 |
The Daily Mail | 1045 | 749.6 |
Deutsche Welle | 497 | 857.2 |
The Economist | 742 | 1024.4 |
Folha de S.Paulo | 349 | 383.3 |
Fox News | 766 | 612.9 |
The Guardian | 1329 | 954.0 |
The Independent | 875 | 749.4 |
NewsHub.co.nz | 618 | 572.4 |
The New York Times | 770 | 1375.0 |
The New Zealand Herald | 849 | 933.0 |
Sky News Australia | 959 | 104.8 |
Stuff.co.nz | 1005 | 761.9 |
The Washington Post | 794 | 1271.6 |
The Yomiuri Shimbun | 578 | 593.2 |