The Guardian

1306 articles from The Guardian.

Crowdfunding scheme salvages imperfect fruit and veg following the countrys wettest autumn, winter and spring on record When 31-year-old Dutch farmer Bastiaan Blok dug up his latest crop, the weather had taken a disastrous toll. His onions 117,000 kilos of them were the size of...

Groundbreaking new research also reports that 11% of surveyed have faced physical violence in their reporting Almost four out of every 10 journalists covering the climate crisis and environment issues have been threatened as a result of their work, with 11% subjected to physical ...

On first day of predicted intense Atlantic hurricane season, Nature Conservancy urges action and warns against misinformation Misinformation spread by climate deniers such as Floridas extremist Republican governor, Ron DeSantis , increases the vulnerability of communities in the ...

Case alleges French companys exploitation of fossil fuel contributed to deaths of victims in extreme weather disasters A criminal case has been filed against the CEO and directors of the French oil company TotalEnergies, alleging its fossil fuel exploitation has contributed to th...

A 1C increase in global temperature leads to a 12% decline in world gross domestic product, researchers have found The economic damage wrought by climate change is six times worse than previously thought, with global heating set to shrink wealth at a rate consistent with the leve...

Experts say changing climate is threat multiplier and that US and Germany already include it in planning The US, Germany and other countries are putting the climate crisis at the heart of their national security plans but the UK is failing to do likewise, experts have told the go...

Fighting spirit helped us achieve the Paris accords in 2015 and we need it now the world is on course to overshoot 1.5C Hopeless and broken: why the worlds top climate scientists are in despair Christiana Figueres was the head of the UN climate change convention from 2010 to 201...

Exclusive: Planet is headed for at least 2.5C of heating with disastrous results for humanity, poll of hundreds of scientists finds Hundreds of the worlds leading climate scientists expect global temperatures to rise to at least 2.5C (4.5F) above preindustrial levels this century...

Top experts believe global temperatures will rise by at least 2.5C above pre-industrial levels by 2100. That frightening prediction must spur us to action F irst, the good news. We understand the problem: almost two-thirds of people worldwide believe the climate crisis is an emer...

Large parts of islands could be uninhabitable by 2050, federal court told in first climate class action taken by Australian First Nations people Torres Strait Islanders could be forced to leave their homes within the next 30 years if urgent action is not taken on the climate cris...

Video series launched in which comics translate climate science into down-to-earth language S cientists can struggle to get their message across about the climate crisis to the wider public, so now comedians have been brought in to help cut through the science jargon and get wide...

Illnesses such as dengue and malaria to reach unaffected parts of northern Europe, America, Asia and Australia, conference to hear Mosquito-borne diseases are spreading across the globe, and particularly in Europe , due to climate breakdown, an expert has said. The insects spread...

As the climate crisis has deepened, protesters have become more confrontational and their ambitions have grown T he head of ExxonMobil told to eat shit as he was about to receive an award. A US senator and coal boss called a sick fuck, almost sparking a brawl. Theatre shows inte...

Cost of environmental damage will be six times higher than price of limiting global heating to 2C, study finds The climate crisis will mean that average incomes will fall by almost a fifth within the next 26 years compared with what they would have been if there was no such crisi...

Intense patches of cold water rising from the depths are killing sharks, rays and other creatures, researchers say A climate-disrupted ocean is pushing sharks, rays and other species to flee ever-hotter water in the tropics, only for them to be killed by increasingly intense upwe...

Aerosols produced by pollution cool the planet; the crusade for clean air is removing this protection C urbs on the amount of greenhouse gases being pumped into the atmosphere are just one of the ways that politicians are reacting to the scientific evidence that we are damaging o...

Anthony Albanese wants us to look into his crystal ball of innovation...

Employees at SBTi have called for their CEO to resign over controversial plans which they fear will enable greenwashing Staff at one of the worlds leading climate-certification organisations have called for the CEO and board members to resign after they announced plans to allow c...

Simon Stiell calls for reform at development banks to enable governments to provide more climate finance to developing world The World Bank must take a quantum leap to provide new finance to tackle the climate crisis or face climate-driven economic catastrophe that would bring al...

Livestock bosses celebrate outcome at online summit, while critics condemn failure to tackle meat and dairy consumption Lobbyists for the worlds biggest meat companies have lauded a better than expected outcome at Cop28 , which they say left them excited and enthusiastic for thei...

Leaders need to persuade others of the need for environmental measures rather than capitulate in the face of political headwinds L ast month, a survey of public opinion in Germany, France and Poland found that a majority in each country would support more ambitious policies to ta...

Global concentrations of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide climbed to unseen levels in 2023, underlining climate crisis The levels of the three most important heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere reached new record highs again last year, US scientists have confirmed, und...

Climate modelling by the Australian National University found Australia has experienced megadroughts every 150 to 1,000 years and is due for another Australia should prepare for megadroughts that last more than 20 years and will worsen due to human-induced global heating, new res...

Researchers applaud move away from fossil fuels but say more must be done to mitigate effects on endangered species Up to a third of Africas great apes are threatened by a boom in mining projects for minerals required for the renewable energy transition, new research shows. An es...

Are growing rates of anxiety, depression, ADHD, PTSD, Alzheimers and motor neurone disease related to rising temperatures and other extreme environmental changes? I n late October 2012, a category 3 hurricane howled into New York City with a force that would etch its name into th...

Government has no credible plan for effects of extreme weather, says Committee on Climate Change The UKs plans for adapting to the effects of the climate crisis fall far short of what is required, the governments statutory adviser has said. The Climate Change Committee (CCC) has ...

Global average temperature for past 12 months highest on record at 1.56C above pre-industrial levels, data shows Last month was the warmest February on record globally, making it the ninth month in a row with record temperatures for the time of year, scientists have said. Global ...

Rural households led by women lose about 8% more income to heat stress than male-led families, data shows Women in rural areas suffer substantially greater economic losses from the impacts of climate breakdown than men in developing countries, research has shown, and the gap is l...

Whether your idea of climate activism involves signing petitions, door-knocking or protesting, there are now groups for every demographic S ally Giblin says her former corporate self would never have imagined she would one day be reclining in public as a multicoloured mermaid to ...

Denialism highest in central and southern US, with Republican voters less likely to believe in climate science Nearly 15% of Americans dont believe climate change is real, a new study out of the University of Michigan reveals shedding light on the highly polarized attitude towar...

Gordon Pointe is going for a snip at $295m but set in a location particularly vulnerable to sea-level rises, buyers should beware R eality deniers with big pockets are sought by a family of Floridian property developers hoping to sell the most expensive home in the US: a waterfr...

The press is covering the 2024 campaign as if climate isnt on the ballot, but 56% of US voters are concerned or alarmed about the crisis Fact one: more voters face national elections in 2024 than ever before in recorded history about 4 billion people, nearly half the human popul...

Effect of El Nino phenomenon combined with human-driven global heating is causing increasing alarm among scientists From deadly floods in California to devastating fires in Chile, scientists say the world is not prepared for the climate disasters that are hitting with increasing ...

Former White House chef Sam Kass hosts a four-course dinner featuring dishes that could drastically change or disappear The premise sounded like a rich persons ethically suspect fever dream: a dinner structured around endangered foods, dubbed the last supper. But it wasnt a scen...

Federal and Queensland governments are trying to convince UN body not to add the reef to list of world heritage sites in danger The Albanese government has claimed it is on track to have national climate targets that would be in line with keeping global heating to 1.5C in a repor...

Extreme weather threatens worlds biggest carbon store as the rainforest is already close to tipping point The climate crisis turned the drought that struck the Amazon rainforest in 2023 into a devastating event, a study has found. The drought was the worst recorded in many places...

Terms such as green, sustainable and environmentally friendly understood only by minority, says study The British public has a worryingly low understanding of language around the climate crisis and environmental policies to reduce waste, according to the findings of a survey. Onl...

They had health warnings but focused on other things. Their deaths opened my eyes to the scale of the challenge ahead The kids bedtime had long since passed, and my frustration was beginning to show. As they faffed, I fretted about the list of chores still to do before I could c...

The freezing temperatures in Iowa fuelled by global heating have not dampened Republican enthusiasm for oil and gas I n the wake of an Iowa primary election chilled in a record blast of cold weather which scientists say may, counterintuitively, have been worsened by global hea...

Scientists say sea level rises, flooding and extreme weather will accelerate release of arsenic into water supply Climate breakdown will put tens of millions of people in Bangladesh at heightened risk of cancer from contaminated well water, according to research. Sea level rises,...

YouTube criticised for amplifying lies about the climate with disinformation videos watched by young people A third of UK teenagers believe climate change is exaggerated, a report has found, as YouTube videos promoting a new kind of climate denial aimed at young people proliferat...

New paper claims unless demand for resources is reduced, many other innovations are just a sticking plaster Record heat, record emissions, record fossil fuel consumption. One month out from Cop28, the world is further than ever from reaching its collective climate goals. At the r...

James Hansen says limit will be passed for all practical purposes by May though other experts predict that will happen in 2030s The internationally agreed threshold to prevent the Earth from spiraling into a new superheated era will be passed for all practical purposes during 202...

In an extract from her book Not the End of the World, data scientist Hannah Ritchie explains how her work taught her that there are more reasons for hope than despair about climate change and why a truly sustainable world is in reach Scientists say temperatures could rise by 6C ...

Disastrous events included flash flooding in Africa and wildfires in Europe and North America The hottest year in recorded history casts doubts on humanitys ability to deal with a climate crisis of its own making, senior scientists have said. As historically high temperatures con...

Exclusive : New premier hopes to navigate path to transition in disaster-prone state that makes billions from coal Even for an incoming state premier, Steven Miles has had a busy first week. Amid record flooding across northern parts of the state, Queenslands new leader flew to C...

Exclusive: Five IPCC report authors say scientists should be allowed to make policy prescriptions and potentially oversee implementation Senior climate experts are calling for an overhaul of the structure and powers of the UNs Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in despair ...

Humanity faces devastating domino effects including mass displacement and financial ruin as planet warms Many of the gravest threats to humanity are drawing closer, as carbon pollution heats the planet to ever more dangerous levels, scientists have warned. Five important natural ...

As Cop28 gets under way, it is vital that corporations and richer nations invest in the global south W ithout urgent action to bolster green jobs in developing economies, the collective action needed to win the fight against climate change will remain elusive. Developing nations ...

From the seemingly inexorable increase in atmospheric CO2 to the rapid growth in green energy, we explore the data as Cop28 begins The level of carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas, has been rising since the Industrial Revolution and is at its highest in about 4m years. The ra...

Parliament to hear increased fragility of energy networks could be used by hostile actors amid existential national security risk to Pacific neighbours The climate change minister, Chris Bowen , will declare runaway global heating remains a national security threat and predict th...

Daily atmospheric carbon dioxide data from Hawaiian volcano more than double last decades annual average Just above this column on the weather page of the Guardians print edition is the daily atmospheric carbon dioxide readings from Mauna Loa in Hawaii, the acid test of how the w...

Global conferences such as the upcoming Cop28 may seem like staid and ritualistic affairs. But they matter S tare at a climate map of the world that we expect to inhabit 50 years from now and you see a band of extreme heat encircling the planets midriff. Climate modelling from 20...

Government assessment says extreme weather events mean country suffers a disaster every three weeks, costing at least $1bn The US is warming faster than the global average and its people are suffering far-reaching and worsening consequences from the climate crisis, with worse to ...

The rhythms of the natural world have informed countless haiku in the centuries since Basho wrote the Narrow Road to the Deep North. But now things are not so clear W ooden tablets dotted along a path between office buildings and the Sendaibori river in eastern Tokyo mark the sta...

Anthony Albanese announces immigration plan with special visa category for people affected by rising sea levels in the vulnerable Pacific island nation Australia will offer residency to people affected by climate change in the low-lying Pacific nation of Tuvalu , as part of a swe...

Last month was hottest October since records began, with average global temperature thought to be 1.7C above late-1800s levels The world is set to have been hotter in 2023 than in any other year on record, scientists have declared, before a landmark climate summit this month. We ...

Study delivers dire warning although rate of increase is debated by some scientists amid a record-breaking year of heat Global heating is accelerating faster than is currently understood and will result in a key temperature threshold being breached as soon as this decade, accordi...

International funding to shield people from heatwaves, floods and droughts only 5-10% of what is needed, report finds The world is woefully underprepared for the escalating impacts of the climate crisis that is already hitting billions of people across the globe, a stark UN repor...

Having good chance of limiting global heating to 1.5C is gone, sending dire message about the adequacy of climate action The carbon budget remaining to limit the climate crisis to 1.5C of global heating is now tiny, according to an analysis, sending a dire message about the adequ...

Analysis also warns of further tipping points on horizon such as drying up of groundwater vital for food supplies Humanity is moving dangerously close to irreversible tipping points that would drastically damage our ability to cope with disasters, UN researchers have warned, incl...

It seems if you experience climate disaster you are much more likely to believe in climate disaster...

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Cop28 will discuss how global food production must become sustainable to stay within 1.5C A third of the worlds food production is at risk from the climate crisis, research has found but at the same time our food systems are one of the key contributors to climate breakdown. Gree...

Exclusive: ex-officials at the Food and Agriculture Organization say its leadership censored and undermined them when they highlighted how livestock methane is a major greenhouse gas T he night before publication, Henning Steinfeld was halfway across the world dealing with panick...

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Analysis shows at least $2.8tn in damage from 2000 to 2019 through worsened storms, floods and heatwaves The damage caused by the climate crisis through extreme weather has cost $16m (13m) an hour for the past 20 years, according to a new estimate. Storms, floods, heatwaves and d...

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Francis also defends climate protesters and calls on governments to make Cop28 in Dubai a turning point Pope Francis has said the rich world must make profound changes to tackle the climate crisis, while defending climate protesters and urging governments to make the forthcoming ...

Rising risk of heatwaves and bushfires means politicians will be put to the test about the effect of the climate crisis. Already, some have roundly failed A s Australia stares down the barrel of a hot summer and a rising risk of heatwaves and bushfires, politicians are going to h...

The tycoon, who is stepping down from News Corp and Fox, has used his outlets to promote denial and delay action, experts say Scientists have described the media tycoon Rupert Murdoch as a climate villain who has used his television and newspaper empire to promote climate science...

Antonio Guterres opened United Nations climate ambition summit with attack on wealthy countries and the fossil fuel industry Humanity has opened the gates to hell by allowing the climate crisis to worsen, the secretary general of the United Nations has warned at a climate summit ...

First complete scientific health check shows most global systems beyond stable range in which modern civilisation emerged Earths life support systems have been so damaged that the planet is well outside the safe operating space for humanity, scientists have warned. Their assessme...

If we dont stop rampant approvals of fossil fuel projects, by 2073 we will be living through the large-scale destruction of our planet Late on a Friday evening, just a couple of weeks ago, Australias federal environment minister quietly waved through a coalmine extension that wil...

Call for EU to match WHOs air pollution regulatory limits as impact of climate emergency interlinks with human health The climate crisis may pose the greatest risks to people with respiratory illnesses, with high temperatures and changing weather patterns exacerbating lung health...

Paintings from a climb that retraced an 1800s route on western Europes highest mountain reveals the extent of the peaks melting ice A British landscape artist who recreated a climb made 150 years ago to document the impact of the climate crisis on western Europes highest mountain...

From wilting wheat to stressed pollinators, US farmers and fishermen see unexpected climate effects T his week, farmers across the midwest are preparing for temperatures to reach 115F (46C) as a heat dome covers the region. After a tricky growing season that seesawed between dro...

Experts warn that global heating is exacerbating inherent dangers of high altitude mountaineering Avalanches in the Himalayas are causing an increasing number of deaths and threatening the safety of climbers, research suggests. While high-altitude mountaineering comes with an inh...

NSW, Queensland and Tasmania experienced hottest winters with spring likely to deliver hotter than average temperatures too Australias winter of 2023 was the warmest since official records began in 1910, with average daily temperatures 1.53C above the long-term average. According...

There has been a lot of commentary about how to measure the cost of renewables but much of it misses the point If youve been reading or watching any rightwing media of late, you will have heard some extraordinary claims being made about the cost of renewable energy and the trans...

The quarterly emissions data reinforces how much of a joke our 2030 emissions target is E very three months two all-encompassing surveys are released that track how Australia is going. One we know exactly when it will be released (next Wednesday at 11.30am), the other we know vag...

The warming planet is causing steep declines among some of the worlds 26,000 wild polar bears, but it is not universal and the picture is complicated, say experts A lone in the Arctic , surrounded by disappearing sea ice ... few fables of the climate crisis are better known than ...

Government to state that climate crisis poses systemic risk to bond value after class action brought by student Katta ODonnell The Australian government has agreed to settle what has been described as a world-first court case that accused it of misleading investors by failing to ...

Anthony Albanese continues to reject calls to make even a sanitised version of the assessment public The Australian government is refusing to release its secret report on how the climate crisis will fuel national security threats and is also refusing to say when it was completed....

Michele Bullock uses speech to detail how central bank is preparing for increased risk of extreme weather events Global heating will present the Reserve Bank with acute challenges, including heightened uncertainty around how the climate will change and the resulting impacts on th...

The acclaimed writer takes on a new challenge with his first art show, bringing together work and writing that tells a long history of environmental change C limate change is a very complex topic that is not just about data and information and physics, its about culture and polit...

The Committee on the Rights of the Child urges governments to respond to young peoples concerns about environmental threats Governments must respond to growing concerns expressed by children about the effects of the climate crisis and other environmental emergencies on their live...

I am doing this for YOU dear reader I hope it brings you some solace...

Heatwaves, wildfires and floods are just the tip of the iceberg, leading climate scientists say The crazy extreme weather rampaging around the globe in 2023 will become the norm within a decade without dramatic climate action, the worlds leading climate scientists have said. The ...

Extreme weather is smacking us in the face with worse to come, but a tiny window of hope remains, say leading climate scientists T he record-shattering heatwaves, wildfires and floods destroying lives in the US, Europe, India, China and beyond in 2023 have raised an alarming ques...

Protesters arrested after blocking route to festival, leading to fiery exchanges and threats T he road into Burning Man is a rural, two-lane highway winding through north-west Nevada. Approximately 80,000 people make an annual pilgrimage to the beloved bacchanal, many hauling tra...

Comprehensive analysis calls into question whether such resorts have a future as global heating intensifies A quarter of European ski resorts will have scarce snow every other year with 2C of global heating, a comprehensive analysis has found. It calls into question whether such ...

What is Australias contribution to the climate emergency, and how successfully is it acting to address it? After nearly a decade of stalling and delaying on climate action, Australia has a government that promises new policies and has set new emissions reduction targets. Guardian...

Many weather stations in Sydney, Melbourne and Hobart clocked their highest July temperatures ever as the countrys winters get hotter Dozens of longstanding temperature records tumbled across Australia during a warm July. Across the country maximum temperatures were overall about...

Half of regular green tweeters abandoned platform after its sale and cuts to moderation, analysis finds Half of people regularly tweeting about the climate and nature crises abandoned Twitter after it was taken over by Elon Musk, according to new analysis. The researchers said Tw...

Many see climate breakdown as a problem of the future, but its here now. To move forward, we must understand our part in it D uring the summer of 2021, I flew to Greece to learn more about the wildfires there. I wanted to hear peoples stories, to understand what it meant to be di...

Sixteen young plaintiffs had alleged the Montana state government had violated their right to a healthy environment The judge who heard the USs first constitutional climate trial earlier this year has ruled in favor of a group of young plaintiffs who had accused state officials i...

As the Australian summer approaches, my apprehension is both a daily shock and uncannily normalised and I know Im not the only one feeling it T hese days, when I come back into the house after being out on the land, its dust that I drop, not the mud I carried in on my boots and ...

Water scarcity threatening agriculture faster than expected, warns Cop15 desertification president The world is likely to face major disruption to food supplies well before temperatures rise by the 1.5C target, the president of the UNs desertification conference has warned, as th...

Readers respond to Ben Okris poem Earth Cries and reflect on what needs to be done to avert catastrophe I love the realness of Ben Okris poem ( Earth cries! We are the gods that must step up to the biggest crisis in history, 5 August ). As a green living coach, I frequently encou...

From air-purified penthouses and private jets, a wealthy anti-green lobby feigns common cause with ordinary people. Lets expose that I n Britain and far beyond, anti-environmentalists have a new favourite argument. No longer able to claim the climate crisis isnt happening, they h...

Global heating is causing vegetation to dry out, priming it as fuel for an outbreak of fire, says scientist at Nature Conservancy The devastating fires in Hawaii, where at least 55 people have died after a conflagration that engulfed the historic town of Lahaina, were worsened by...

Global heating is drying out vegetation, priming it as fuel for wildfires, say scientists. Plus, the plight of the adopted children of Bangladeshs Birangona women Good morning. The devastating fires in Hawaii, where at least 55 people have died after a conflagration that engulfed...

We need a croc in every pool. An orca in every marina!...

Scientists say Takakia, a 390m-year-old moss found in Himalayas, is at risk despite its ability to adapt to extreme weather The worlds oldest moss, found in the Himalayas, may not be able to survive climate breakdown, scientists have said. Takakia, which has been growing for 390m...

Global average temperature exceeded previous record by substantial margin July has been confirmed as the hottest month on record globally after several heatwaves in parts of Europe, according to the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S). The global average temperature was 16.95...

Exclusive: Audit says substantial effort to reduce emissions and limit climate change impacts needed to ensure catchment health Sydneys drinking water is unlikely to remain healthy unless the effects of the climate crisis are mitigated, according to a report handed to the New Sou...

Our inability to confidently predict sea level rise between an extremely challenging two metres and a civilisation-ending 10 metres is an exemplar of the problem facing researchers T hese last few months have been a turbulent time to be an oceanographer, particularly one speciali...

Oarfish swim vertically, moving up and down and side to side like a cursor. It would be easier to believe they do not exist A giant oarfish, also known as the king of herrings, is an eight-metre long ribbon of silver, tapered at its tail and on its head wearing a permanently stun...

The Lawrence Livermore National Laboratorys National Ignition Facility achieved the feat using lasers to fuse two atoms US scientists have achieved net energy gain in a nuclear fusion reaction for the second time since a historic breakthrough in December last year in the quest to...

Human-caused climate disruption and El Nino push temperature in mountains to 37C Exceptional winter heat in the Andean mountains of South America has surged to 37C, prompting local scientists to warn the worst may be yet to come as human-caused climate disruption and El Nino caus...

The Ffos-y-Fran coalmine was supposed to close last September. So why is it still operating? And how long will the local community have to put up with the noise, pollution and health impacts? C hris and Alyson Austin have put on a spread. Its nothing special, just standard Valley...

The celebrated science broadcaster and environmental activist says we have to stop elevating the economy and politics over the state of our world D avid Suzuki is in an office, shirt unbuttoned, sunglasses on, a bookshelf over his left shoulder overflowing with a mess of boxes, b...

Antarcticas sea ice levels are plummeting as extreme weather events happen faster than scientists predicted A ntarctica is currently experiencing dramatic changes at unprecedented rates, marked by repeated extreme events. These include circum-Antarctic summer heatwaves and an aut...

Luca Mercalli describes Italy as one of the most fragile places in the world after recent storms, wildfires and glacier collapse T he collapse of a glacier in the Dolomites and a landslide on the island of Ischia. Devastating floods, wildfires and record-breaking heatwaves . The ...

Transparency would help MPs weigh up predicted wars, water shortages and supply chain collapses against every new coal and gas approval The Albanese government is facing calls to release a declassified version of a secret report into the security threats caused by the climate cri...

Group chaired by former chief scientist Ian Chubb writes to Tanya Plibersek, saying business as usual on the reef is not an option Leading national experts on the Great Barrier Reef have called for an urgent reassessment of the way the worlds biggest reef system is managed, sayin...

Failed states, a rise in authoritarian politics and heightened risks of conflict among potential threats outlined in thinktanks assessment Australia must prepare for devastating climate-fuelled disruption in the Asia Pacific , including failed states, forced migration and regiona...

Emma Howard Boyd and Laura Sandys believed to be candidates for one of most senior climate policy jobs At least 60 people have applied to be the next chair of the Committee on Climate Change, with the government planning to appoint a new head in November, the Guardian has learned...

Oil and gas company to return another $1.5bn to investors through a share buyback BP has angered climate campaigners by reporting profits of $2.6bn (2bn) for the second quarter of the year as the climate crisis triggers extreme heatwaves around the world. The fossil fuel company ...

Announcing new oil and gas licences along with carbon capture projects is like giving cigarettes to someone trying to quit smoking The promises of carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology date back almost 20 years. Yet today, no leading CCS facility is up and fully running in ...

The developed world needs to be shocked out of its complacency about our warming world, and the unexpected effects that will follow A surreal video filmed by a tourist in the most perfect location in Greece last week, posted to show how a weekend trip turned into survival mode in...

In todays newsletter: The prime minister has tactically retreated from talking about the environment but is it a route to electoral success? Sign up here for our daily newsletter, First Edition Good morning. A sense of despondency is permeating Conservative party HQ. The governm...

US tree nurseries do not grow enough trees and lack the plant species diversity to meet ambitious plans, research says In an effort to slash carbon emissions and provide relief from extreme heat, governments across the nation and globally have pledged to plant trees. But the US i...

These unflinching documentaries, indie thrillers and anime fables can help us to understand the climate emergency, and how to respond W e are rapidly becoming the all-star cast of the biggest disaster movie of all time, and tragically its a global success. Towering infernos blaze...

Technologies like geoengineering may tackle global warming but first we need to ditch fossil fuels for renewable energy There is no prospect of a magic bullet rescuing the world from the impact of global warming, scientists warned this weekend. As Earth completed the hottest mon...

Senators bill calls for new conditions in Climate Change Act to influence decision-making on projects that could raise greenhouse gas emissions The independent senator David Pocock will call for a duty of care in Australian law that would require governments to consider the impac...

Focus group for the Guardian made up of Chipping Barnet and Don Valley residents backs net zero policies For all the fanfare about UK political parties facing pressure to re-examine their climate policies given the cost of living crisis, voters in two areas near clean air zones s...

Amid record-breaking heat, increased access to air conditioning could save lives but AC units are damaging the environment. Are there other options? M uch of the Earth sweltered under record-topping temperatures this month. Phoenix, Arizona, broke its record for most 110F (43.3C...

Investing in green jobs and energy is the best long-term way to tackle soaring bills T his summer has been defined by two crises: the continuing, painful cost of living crisis afflicting millions in our country and the climate crisis, which is playing out in horrifying ways acros...

Caribbean Development Bank head urges help for countries classed as developing but not among poorest Middle-income developing countries hit by devastating climate disaster risk missing out on rescue funds, the head of one of the worlds development banks has warned. Hyginus Leon, ...

London mayor to expand charging zone for drivers after high court win and rejects pressure from Labour leadership to think again Sadiq Khan has vowed to press ahead with the expansion of Londons low emissions zone saying tackling the climate emergency and air pollution are bigger...

Campaigners criticise plan to increase oil and gas production despite extreme heat in Europe Shell has reignited outrage among climate activists by handing billions to its shareholders after making profits that campaigners have described as obscene. Protests were held outside the...

Volume of water lost equal to Lake Mead, USs largest reservoir, or enough water to fill around 15bn Olympic-sized pools, study finds The climate crisis has caused the ailing Colorado River basin, a system relied upon by 40 million people in the US west, to lose more than 10tn gal...

Amid the despair and doomism is a real climate emergency. We must act accordingly H ow to respond to the avalanche of record-breaking extreme weather and temperatures terrorising the planet? For many scientists it is a moment of genuine despair , but also a time to resist climate...

Head of World Meteorological Organization also warns climate action is not a luxury but a must as temperatures soar The era of global warming has ended and the era of global boiling has arrived, the UN secretary general, Antonio Guterres, has said after scientists confirmed July ...

Rightwing groups penned a conservative wish list of proposals for the next conservative president to gut environmental protections An alliance of rightwing groups has crafted an extensive presidential proposal to bolster the planet-heating oil and gas industry and hamstring the e...

It is cheaper to adapt to climate breakdown than stop it, former Brexit negotiator argues As temperatures soared around the world this week, the Conservative peer and former lead Brexit negotiator David Frost was telling the House of Lords that global warming was likely to be ben...

Research suggests iron and steel industry waste could be used to lock away carbon for millennia A s recent extreme weather events in the northern hemisphere have demonstrated, global heating is so far advanced that we will have to rely on some forms of carbon capture to prevent t...

British professor elected chair of UNs expert panel, which warned in March that 1.5C threshold could be hit in 10 years The British professor Jim Skea has been elected to head the UNs climate expert panel, taking the helm of the organisation charged with distilling the best scien...

As the barrage of bad news from places like Greece continues, all we can be certain of is there are many surprises lying ahead O ver the past few decades, climate scientists have made huge strides in understanding the future climate. But after recent weeks of extreme heat and dev...

Analysis makes it clear human-caused global heating is destroying lives with worse to come without sharp emissions cuts The human-caused climate crisis is undeniably to blame for the deadly heatwaves that have struck Europe and the US in recent weeks, scientists have shown. Both ...

A collapse would bring catastrophic climate impacts but scientists disagree over the new analysis The Gulf Stream system could collapse as soon as 2025, a new study suggests. The shutting down of the vital ocean currents, called the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (Am...

Analysis makes it clear human-caused global heating is destroying lives with worse to come without sharp emissions cuts. Plus, US actors strike starts to bite on red carpet Good morning. The human-caused climate crisis is undeniably to blame for the deadly heatwaves that have str...

As the northern hemisphere burns, experts feel deep sadness and resentment while dreading what lies ahead this Australian summer G uardian Australia asked seven leading climate scientists to describe how they felt as much of the northern hemisphere is engulfed by blistering hea...

Latest news: Kyriakos Mitsotakis tells parliament we are at war as nearly 2,500 people evacuated from Corfu Greeces prime minister, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, has told parliament: For the next few weeks we must be on constant alert. We are at war, we will rebuild what we lost, we will ...

The climate emergency has inspired a raft of disquieting art, and opinion is divided as to whether it encourages action or despair. But some artists are showcasing a more optimistic vision of tomorrows world T he future was a fantastic place, once. Twenty years ago, the BBCs pion...

Readers reflect on ways to spark action to tackle climate collapse in the face of the rich dictating the conversation and policies George Monbiots article should be read as a survival guide for humanity ( With our food systems on the verge of collapse, its the plutocrats v life o...

A terrible lesson is being taken from the Uxbridge vote. Labour must stick to its green agenda, and decent Tories must raise a voice O ne news story defines this summer: the fact that average global temperatures have recently reached record-breaking levels . Baking European weath...

Despite extreme heat and weather in the US, most Americans arent cowering in fear. Theres a psychological reason for it T his summer in the United States, millions of people have experienced the intense effects of the climate crisis. The heat dome that has gripped the south-west ...

Nothing feels as good as winning. Its been a long time since Labour enjoyed a victory as thumping as the one it scored this week in Selby and Ainsty, a once solidly Conservative patch of rural Yorkshire, and Keir Starmer deserves to savour the moment. In little over three years, ...

Extreme weather, fueled by global heating, is affecting energy, water, insurance premiums and food and housing costs Minerva Contreras cant keep up with the bills. Recently, after a series of extreme heatwaves in California forced her family to run the AC, her monthly electricity...

As much of the northern hemisphere endures blistering heatwaves and parts of Asia are deluged with rain, a number of climate records are being challenged The climate crisis is moving into uncharted territory as much of the northern hemisphere endures a blistering heatwave , many ...

Detailed analysis finds plant diets lead to 75% less climate-heating emissions, water pollution and land use than meat-rich ones Eating a vegan diet massively reduces the damage to the environment caused by food production, the most comprehensive analysis to date has concluded. T...

Diana Francis, Anne Taylor and Dr Barrie Dale on why humanity is still failing to act as the planet burns I was glad to read Jonathan Freedlands thoughts on why environmentalists are failing to get the message of the planetary crisis across ( As heat records break, the climate mo...

Gavin Schmidt of Goddard Institute for Space Studies warns of likelihood of new high as heatwave bakes large parts of planet July will likely be Earths hottest month in hundreds if not thousands of years, Gavin Schmidt, the director of Nasas Goddard Institute for Space Studies, t...

James Hansen, who testified to Congress on global heating in 1988, says world is approaching a new climate frontier The world is shifting towards a superheated climate not seen in the past 1m years, prior to human existence, because we are damned fools for not acting upon warning...

US climate envoy is in Beijing for talks with Chinese officials amid strained Washington-Beijing relations John Kerry has said the climate crisis is a universal threat and must be separated from politics during talks between the US and China. Kerry, the US climate envoy and forme...

The warming of the planet including the most up-to-date data for 2023 is entirely consistent with what climate modelers warned decades ago T hirty years ago, the worlds nations agreed to prevent dangerous human interference with the climate system. But what is dangerous climate...

The man who led the drive to create a not-for-profit Covid vaccine is now focusing on the deaths caused by global heating and pollution I speak as a healthcare CEO, but also as a nature lover and as a grandfather, Pascal Soriot, chief executive of Britains biggest drugmaker, Astr...

Record heat in Europe and the US is part of a pattern of more intense heatwaves made more likely by climate breakdown Scientists say turbo-charged climate change is driving the prolonged period of record temperatures currently baking much of the planet. As the planet has heated, ...

Want to get this in your inbox every weekday? Sign up for the Afternoon Update here , and start your day with our Morning Mail newsletter . Good afternoon. The climate emergency is being felt across the planet, with hundreds of millions of people from Europe to the US to Asia hit...

Exclusive: Document falls far short of what is needed to safeguard lives and livelihoods from heat, drought and storms, say experts The governments plan to cope with the climate crisis has been condemned as very weak by experts, who say not enough is being done to protect lives a...

There is a good chance that the month of July will see the highest global temperatures for 120,000 years The world has just gone through a remarkable experience. It endured the hottest week ever recorded between 3-10 July this year. And meteorologists say there is more to come a...

Chris Gloninger wove the reality of global heating into his forecasts in the conservative heartland of Iowa. Not everyone was receptive I t was a brave, if perhaps scientifically obvious, experiment to convey messages about the unfolding climate crisis via the regular local TV w...

Exclusive : Former envoy raises concerns over possible deliberate defunding of climate diplomacy under Sunak government The UK Foreign Office has said it does not know how many of its officials and diplomats are working on climate change and energy issues, in response to freedom ...

The fossil fuel industry has spent billions on winning over the public. Green activists must learn from its tactics Y ou may think we have all the proof we need. More of it is in front of us right now, with heatwaves scorching through Europe, breaking records, wreaking havoc. In ...

I worry about the climate but didnt think more than 40 Womens World Cup players would sign up to create a positive environmental legacy for the tournament I f I had to pinpoint one moment when I started to really think about climate change, it would be in 2009 when Cop15 was held...

As parts of continental Europe experience a heat dome, tell us about how you are coping With parts of continental Europe experiencing a heat dome and unusually high temperatures, we want to speak to people who are being affected. Where are you and how are you coping with the heat...

Britain and Switzerland among countries that need to adapt most for heating, says research looking at impact of 2C global rise The UK and Switzerland will see a 30% increase in the number of days of uncomfortably hot temperatures if the world heats by 2C, and are two of the count...

Nearly 90 million Americans are facing heat alerts this week, yet GOP members are wrangling over spending to reduce emissions Swaths of the US are baking under record-breaking heat, yet some lawmakers are still attempting to block any spending to fight the climate crisis, advocat...

Climactic event will almost certainly strengthen throughout the year, US climate scientists predict Mild El Nino climatic conditions brewing in the Pacific Ocean will strengthen throughout the year, with an outside chance of a record-breaking event that will further turbocharge a...

The sea is becoming greener due to changes in plankton populations, analysis of Nasa images finds Earths oceans are changing colour and climate breakdown is probably to blame, according to research. The deep blue sea is actually becoming steadily greener over time, according to t...

WA EPA dismisses most grounds of appeal against extension of operation licence for gas processing facility in the Pilbara One of Australias biggest fossil fuel developments is a step closer to having its life extended for nearly 50 years after Western Australian officials dismiss...

As climate pledges become reality, opposition to the green agenda is growing. And the populist right is latching on to it When floods swept Europe in July 2021, killing more than 200 people in Germany, Belgium and neighbouring countries, it was a disaster that came as the climate...

Nuclear bomb fallout marks dawn of new epoch in which humanity dominates planet The site to represent the start of the Anthropocene epoch on Earth has been selected by scientists. It will mark the end of 11,700 years of a stable global environment in which the whole of human civi...

Australias finally got a ticket to the global Climate Club, but will a critical eye on our track-record be the price of admission? The velvet rope has lifted, the bouncers have given the nod and Australia is now officially in the club. The Climate Club, that is. So, everyone want...

Climate Change Committee recommends leaving energy charter treaty, which critics say is weaponised by fossil fuel firms The UK should quit a controversial energy treaty to stop it delaying vital climate action and triggering huge taxpayer payouts to fossil fuel companies, accordi...

New guidance says carbon credits should only be used to contribute to climate mitigation Companies should drop offsetting-based environmental claims and adopt a climate contribution model instead, according to a new quality standard. In a new code of practice, the Voluntary Carbo...

US president had earlier met Rishi Sunak to talk about Ukraines counteroffensive Joe Biden and King Charles have held a meeting on how to tackle the climate emergency, after the US president earlier discussed Ukraines counteroffensive with Rishi Sunak in Downing Street. Biden, on...

Hottest summer on record fuelled by climate crisis brought unusually high mortality rates, statistics show Searing heat killed more than 60,000 people in Europe last summer, scientists have found, in a disaster made deadlier by greenhouse gases baking the planet. EU statisticia...

From nuclear power to electric vehicles, battles between activists risk getting in the way of reducing emissions O ne of the most effective ways to be a climate sceptic is to say nothing at all. Why expend the effort slapping down climate solutions when you can rely on feuding cl...

Margaret Atwood and Cormac McCarthy led the way. Now a new crop of novelists is putting the heating emergency at the forefront of their plots Science fiction has always dealt with worst-case scenarios when imagining our possible futures, and the climate has often formed the backd...

Meteorologists face hostility and threats from viewers as they tie climate change to extreme temperatures and weather T he harassment started to intensify as the TV meteorologist Chris Gloninger did more reporting on the climate crisis during local newscasts outraged emails and ...

Earth draws parallels between human impact on climate and volcanic eruptions that ripped through planets crust 250 million years ago The terror factor generated by the new BBC series Earth which re-creates a climate change event that wiped out most species 250 million years ago ...

Gene editing or selective breeding hold promise of a non-toxic variety of the protein-rich and drought-resistant plant It is grown in some of the worlds most inhospitable, arid regions and is noted for being rich in protein. But the grass pea although hardy and nutritious comes...

The UN has declared the world to be in the grip of the weather pattern but Australian scientists are not so sure. Why the uncertainty? The UNs weather agency warned this past week the world was now in the grip of an El Nino that would likely see a surge in global temperatures and...

US Treasury secretary says Beijing could have greater global impact if it worked with global climate institutions US Treasury secretary Janet Yellen has pressed China to do more to support international climate institutions that are helping finance green initiatives around the wo...

The average global air temperature hit new heights this week. Plus, new Twitter rules restrict US weather service Good morning. With the average global air temperature reaching the highest on record this week, the UN secretary general has declared that climate change is out of co...

After record breaking days on Monday and Tuesday, unofficial analysis shows the world may have seen its hottest seven days in a row The UN secretary general has said that climate change is out of control, as an unofficial analysis of data showed that average world temperatures in...

Exclusive: Aid NGOs criticise government and Labour after Guardian reveals flagship climate pledge is almost impossible to meet Keir Starmer has been accused of wavering on climate commitments after the Labour party refused to commit to the 11.6bn climate funding pledge made to t...

It is not yet clear how the power and possibilities of AI will play out. Here are the best-case scenarios for how it might help us develop new drugs, give up dull jobs and live long, healthy lives R ecent advances such as Open AIs GPT-4 chatbot have awakened the world to how soph...

Scientists quell fears about imminent risk after cases in Texas and Florida but warn that mosquito breeding sites set to grow Although locally acquired malaria cases were recently discovered in the United States for the first time in 20 years, infectious disease experts say they ...

Municipalities that are suffering from the climate crisis employ lobbyists already in the pay of fossil fuel companies Liberal cities and counties across the US including ones suing oil and gas companies are employing lobbyists who also represent the fossil fuel industry, new r...

Average global temperature hits 17.18C and experts expect record to be broken again very soon World temperature records have been broken for a second day in a row, data suggests, as experts issued a warning that this years warmest days are still to come and with them the warmest...

Exclusive: new database shows 1,500 US lobbyists working for fossil-fuel firms while representing universities and green groups More than 1,500 lobbyists in the US are working on behalf of fossil-fuel companies while at the same time representing hundreds of liberal-run cities, u...

Ministers are lukewarm on climate goals, so we must hold their feet to the fire, says Rachael Orr of Climate Outreach You report that the UK government has made almost no progress on its climate plans and is in danger of not delivering on its world-leading net zero plans ( UK mis...

World Meteorological Organization warns of record temperatures and extreme heat in environmental double whammy The arrival of a climate-heating El Nino event has been declared by the UNs World Meteorological Organization (WMO), with officials warning that preparation for extreme ...

Our leaders addiction to economic growth and its consumption of environmental resources has me paralysed with fear and solastalgia M any of us have experienced grieving after the death of a family member or a longtime friend. We regard it as a form of suffering which we hope will...

Heatwaves sizzled around the world from the US south and the north of Africa to China and Antarctica This Monday, 3 July 2023, was the hottest day ever recorded globally, according to data from the US National Centers for Environmental Prediction. The average global temperature r...

Exclusive: Disclosure provokes fury as Rishi Sunak accused of betraying populations vulnerable to global heating The government is drawing up plans to drop the UKs flagship 11.6bn climate and nature funding pledge, the Guardian can reveal, with the prime minister accused of betra...

Rising temperatures in north Atlantic and drop in Antarctic sea ice prompt fears of widespread damage from extreme weather V ery unusual, worrying, terrifying, and bonkers; the reactions of veteran scientists to the sharp increase in north Atlantic surface temperatures over the p...

As Montana awaits a judgment in a historic climate lawsuit, theres a drive to place environmental provisions in state constitutions A constitutional legal strategy is gaining traction as a way to potentially help bring about climate justice, boosted by a recent high-profile trial...

Heat dome of high pressure hovers over Louisiana, Texas and Oklahoma as thousands remain without power in Chicago with heavy rains knocking down trees and power lines Heres a recap of todays developments: Millions across the US have been caught up in dangerous weather conditions ...

Despite record temperatures, some Chinese people are yet to connect the extreme heat to the climate crisis, something activists want to change A s temperatures in the Chinese capital are forecast to creep back up to record-breaking heights this weekend, activists are hoping that ...

Increase of 1C in average annual temperature connected to more than 6% rise in physical and sexual domestic violence As deadly heatwaves sweep through cities in India, China, the US and Europe amid the climate crisis, new research has found that rising temperatures are associated...

Small island countries press for guarantees as rising sea levels risk leaving their citizens stateless Small island nations would rather fight than flee, but rising sea levels have prompted apocalyptic legal discussions about whether a state is still a state if its land disappear...

The deadpan director joins Extinction Rebellion and asks why are we so concerned with our careers when the planet is in mortal danger? J osh Appignanesi is the director who has found a jaunty, funny film-making language in low-budget personal work co-directed with his wife, Devo...

Britain has lost leadership in climate action and political failure means progress has stalled, Climate Change Committee says The governments plans to hit net zero have been comprehensively criticised in a withering report by its own advisers that says targets are being missed on...

Latest heat dome event over Texas and Louisiana, plus much of Mexico, driven by human-cause climate change, scientists find The record heatwave roiling parts of Texas, Louisiana and Mexico was made at least five times more likely due to human-caused climate change, scientists hav...

Even if the world stopped emitting greenhouse gases tomorrow, ocean levels would continue to rise Not only is dangerous sea level rise absolutely guaranteed, but it will keep rising for centuries or millennia even if the world stopped emitting greenhouse gases tomorrow, experts s...

I t doesnt matter which week we choose. There is always a climate emergency; an emergency we can close our ears and eyes to. Two weeks ago, it was the blanketing of New York in a cloud of smoke from Canada. Last week, Beijing recorded the hottest June since records began. All ove...

Planet is being hit by double whammy of global heating and emerging El Nino The planet is being hit with a double whammy of global heating in 2023. On top of the inexorable rise in global temperature caused by greenhouse gas emissions is an emerging El Nino. This sporadic event i...

Chris Gloninger says he developed post-traumatic stress disorder and will resign from job after 18 years at Des Moiness KCCI An Iowa meteorologist says he is resigning from the television station where he works because he developed post-traumatic stress disorder after threats ove...

Tall, dense buildings in towns can trap heat and raise temperatures, and also amplify gusts of wind M icroclimates are best known to gardeners, for example semi-tropical collections on the west coast of Britain where the warm Gulf Stream waters keep certain favoured spots frost-f...

Changes to the World Bank could unlock developing states access to loans and to the means of staving off disaster The Netherlands has almost the same amount of solar generating capacity as the whole continent of Africa. That must be, in part, because the interest on a loan to set...

The budget committee hearing looked into alleged misinformation from big oil that covered up massive risks of the climate crisis The Senate budget committee held a hearing on Wednesday morning to scrutinize the role of oil- and gas-linked dark money in delaying climate action an...

Amazon rainforest and other ecosystems could collapse very soon, researchers warn Ecological collapse is likely to start sooner than previously believed, according to a new study that models how tipping points can amplify and accelerate one another. Based on these findings, the a...

Physicist Gilbert Plass predicted climate change, blaming fossil fuels for rising temperatures I ts often assumed that most people in the 1950s were blissfully unaware of climate change, but in fact there were already alarm bells ringing. In 1953, the Canadian physicist Gilbert P...

Move at Paris summit on global finance will only apply to repayments on new loans Poor countries will be able to pause their debt repayments if hit by climate disaster, under plans announced by the World Bank at the finance summit in Paris. The international development organisat...

As climate change ministers, we urge multilateral banks to come together to help vulnerable nations, who face cascading challenges T he science is clear. The climate crisis is the biggest single threat we face as a global community. In turn, meeting the goals of the Paris agreeme...

She leads a team of 100 at a non-profit with operations across Africa and says climate has been seen through a male perspective for too long S usan Chomba glares out the window of the Prado Land Cruiser at dozens of motorcycles speeding in the opposite direction. Each motorcycle ...

Exclusive: Kristalina Georgieva calls for debt for climate swaps ahead of world summit on new global financial pact Poor countries hit by climate disaster should not be forced to struggle with crippling debt payments, the head of the International Monetary Fund has urged before a...

Ruling could take weeks to emerge in trial for Held v Montana, which is the first constitutional climate trial in US history A groundbreaking climate trial came to an early close on Tuesday as lawyers on each side presented a very different picture of who can be held responsible ...

However, a majority of Australians think more money should be spent on the environment Half of Australians are unaware of the extent of the nature crisis despite agreeing governments need to do more to support the environment, research by the Biodiversity Council suggests. Graeme...

Queensland police alerted to man who suspended himself over Port of Brisbane Road, blocking all eastbound lanes Climate activists have launched a second day of nationwide protests, with campaigners warning the public to brace for rolling protests across Australia. Traffic in Bris...

Taxing worlds wealthiest people could help poorer countries shift economies to low-carbon and recover from climate damage Tax extreme wealth to pay for the climate-related damage to the poorest, a group of more than 100 leading economists have urged. A wealth tax on the fortunes ...

Exclusive : Researchers say governments climate schedule needs to be brought forward by a decade to keep heating to 1.5C Australias fair share of action to give the world a chance of keeping global heating to 1.5C would mean reaching net zero greenhouse gas emissions by the year ...

Blockade Australias coordinated action targets ports in Newcastle, Brisbane and Melbourne Climate protesters have disrupted coal shipments and motorway traffic at ports in Newcastle, Brisbane and Melbourne. A climate protester has suspended herself from a rail bridge at the Newca...

World needs to offer trillions, not billions in overseas support, says leading climate economist Avinash Persaud The world must rethink its approach to the climate crisis, by investing trillions of dollars instead of billions in the developing world, and moving beyond conventiona...

World leaders will meet next week to discuss climate finance, green growth, debt and private investment Talks on a global financial pact that will give poor countries access to funds to help them tackle the climate crisis and develop their economies in environmentally sustainable...

Feedback argues ministers failure to include measures to reduce production of meat and dairy products was unlawful Ministers broke the law by failing to make plans to cut consumption of meat and dairy in England , activists will argue in a legal challenge after they were granted ...

Warning comes as 12 areas of UK put on red alert for very high pollen levels Very high pollen levels and hot weather are conspiring to bring discomfort to hay fever sufferers across the country, with the Met Office saying climate change could make pollen seasons longer and more e...

As climate policy is weakened, extreme weather intensifies and more refugees are driven from their homes and the cycle of hatred continues R ound the cycle turns. As millions are driven from their homes by climate disasters, the extreme right exploits their misery to extend its ...

The scientific consensus is we need to aim for negative emissions by phasing out fossil fuels, not just removing carbon from the atmosphere Were all in denial, in one way or another. Maybe its the only way to get by. But we cant avoid the evidence, collectively, in the long run. ...

Early data shows June temperatures hitting record highs ahead of El Nino that experts say will have significant heating effect Global temperatures have accelerated to record-setting levels this month, an ominous sign in the climate crisis ahead of a gathering El Nino that could p...

As well as defiant stories of empowered kids, we need to offer reminders that the responsibility isnt theirs alone W hen I was in primary school my favourite Baby-Sitters Club member was Dawn Schafer, the environmental crusader. This was the 1990s, when we were all very concerned...

Plaintiffs say state violated constitutional guarantee to a clean and healthful environment for present and future generations A groundbreaking climate change trial will begin on Monday in a courtroom in Montanas capital city, involving 16 young residents who allege state officia...

W hy wasnt the science followed during Covid-19 ( Editorial )? For the same reason we arent following the science to tackle the existential crises we are facing short-term economic and political considerations. We are literally destroying our home, yet industrial farming a lead...

Gate theatre, London Raw, current and fresh, this play about the unfair impact of global emissions leaves you fired up and outraged I f were judging on ambition alone, then Hot in Here has it all. Bicycle power? Yep. Springy trampolines that the audience can jump on? Yep. Even an...

Halting known sources, such as leaky oilwells, could slash projected emissions by half by 2030 M ethane is 80 times more potent than carbon dioxide in heating up Earth on a 20-year timescale. Yet, just as carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere keep rising, despite everyt...

With the Empire State Building and the Lincoln Memorial blotted out, the US is experiencing the climate catastrophe first-hand The unnerving sight of New York Citys skies turning a dystopian orange from wildfire smoke is just the latest in a barrage of recent distress signals tha...

Researchers say bumpier air travel is driving up costs and increasing the risks for passengers and crew The climate crisis is leading to more turbulence during flights, driving up costs and increasing the risks for passengers and crew, according to new research. The study found t...

Scientists say world is burning through carbon budget that can be emitted while staying below 1.5C Greenhouse gas emissions have reached an all-time high, threatening to push the world into unprecedented levels of global heating, scientists have warned. The world is rapidly runni...

Director-general of climate talks, Majid Al Suwaidi, says governments have not reached agreement to discuss key issue UN climate talks this year might skirt the vital question of whether and how to phase out fossil fuels, as nations have not yet agreed to discuss the issue, one o...

Next week the first constitutional climate lawsuit goes to trial amid signs fossil fuel companies are facing accountability tests Climate litigation in the US could be entering a game changing new phase, experts believe, with a spate of lawsuits around the country set to advance ...

Canada is on track to experience its most severe wildfire season on record, and its part of a trend experts say will intensify Canadas ongoing wildfire season is a harbinger of our climate future, experts and officials say. The fires are a really clear sign of climate change, sai...

Eric Adams remarks come as city briefly ranked worlds worst for air pollution; more firefighters to be mobilised as over 200 blazes are out of control With New York City being ranked briefly this morning as the city with the worlds worst air pollution, mayor Eric Adams warned tha...

Google-designed tools help 9,000 young Climate Cardinals volunteers who translate reports into more than 100 languages A network of young volunteers that translates climate information into dozens of languages is being boosted by new artificial intelligence tools designed by Goog...

IPPC chair Hoesung Lee says over-reliance on the technology could mean the world misses 1.5C target Over-reliance on carbon capture and storage technology could lead the world to surpass climate tipping points, the head of the worlds climate science authority has warned. Hoesung ...

Ice-free summers inevitable even with sharp emissions cuts and likely to result in more extreme heatwaves and floods It is now too late to save summer Arctic sea ice, research has shown, and scientists say preparations need to be made for the increased extreme weather across the ...

Proposed compensation would be paid to developing countries that must transition away from fossil fuels Rich industrialised countries responsible for excessive levels of greenhouse gas emissions could be liable to pay $170tn in climate reparations by 2050 to ensure targets to cur...

Practice allows companies to claim to have good environmental policies without having them tested, according to Australias corporate watchdog Companies may be tempted to hide their climate goals over fears they will be scrutinised in an emerging global trend known as greenhushing...

Simon Stiell tells conference in Bonn the world is at tipping point and must fight together for common good The world is at a tipping point in the climate crisis that requires all countries to put aside their national interests to fight for the common good, the UNs top climate of...

Oxfam report says only $11.5bn (9.2bn) of climate finance in 2020 devoted to helping vulnerable states Rich nations are undermining work to protect poor and vulnerable countries from the impacts of the climate crisis, by providing loans instead of grants, siphoning off money from...

Heatwaves, floods or drought are replacing sun, sea and sand. Resorts are fighting back but could face a losing battle S hortly after Easter this year, in the midst of a historic, multi-year drought, temperatures in parts of the western Mediterranean climbed a barely believable 2...

Without emissions reductions, in next 10 years 1.5C target may be permanently exceeded For several years, the world has been in the grip of La Nina , a weather system in the Pacific that tends to bring cooler temperatures around the world. Despite that, there has continued to be ...

Belvoir St theatre, Sydney David Finnigans latest work is kaleidoscopic, using darkly comedic short plays to tell a much grander tale of tragedy, hope and catastrophe H ow would you define the times were living in? As the planet gets warmer and the future seems dangerously uncert...

With six months until UN summit in Dubai, can its oil executive president bring unwilling countries into line? W ithin the next five years, the world is likely to experience at least one year in which the global average surface temperature exceeds 1.5C above pre-industrial levels...

The rising incidence of wildfires means many Californians can no longer insure their property. Its a sign of whats ahead for the whole housing market I nsurance company documents arent exactly renowned for being riveting reading. This week, however, State Farm, the largest insura...

Groundbreaking analysis of safety and justice hopes to inform next generation of sustainability policy Human activity has pushed the world into the danger zone in seven out of eight newly demarcated indicators of planetary safety and justice, according to a groundbreaking analysi...

Nepals head of tourism says variable weather on the mountain has led to one of the deadliest years on record Experts say this is likely to be one of the deadliest years on record on Mount Everest , with variable weather caused by climate change being blamed as one of the main rea...

Around the world, different species are shifting their habitats upwards, with potentially catastrophic results for our ecosystems I n the Alps and Apennines of southern Europe, nearly all the longhorn beetles are moving uphill, and way up at the peaks, the isolation of a brown bu...

Mondays election is going to be a political nail-biter but neither candidate has discussed a post oil and gas world Record-breaking wildfires have charred more than a million hectares of land in Alberta, pushing tens of thousands from their homes and choking the skies in a thick ...

Republican trying to out-Trump Trump on climate, expert says, as governor says he rejects the politicization of the weather Ron DeSantis has been accused of a catastrophic approach to the climate crisis after he launched his campaign for US president by saying he rejects the poli...

Michael Penney and Mike Swinn respond to Gaby Hinsliffs article about voters apparent disinterest in the threats facing our species and planet Gaby Hinsliff is right to draw attention to the lack of urgency about the perils facing us from climate change ( If swing voters were ter...

New book details how New York could rid the city of rats and create more parks if it repurposed its 3m parking spots What could New York achieve if it repurposed some of its 3m curbside parking spots? It could get rid of rats by moving trash off the sidewalks and into containers....

Risks increase for sea traffic as disappearance of ice due to climate change leaves vast areas of ocean prone to fog T he Arctic is turning increasingly foggy, driven by climate change. A recent study looked at Arctic weather records from 1979 to 2018 and found the seas have been...

Paid content is paid for and controlled by an advertiser and produced by the Guardian Labs team. Can we save future generations from extinction? A new documentary offers reasons to be hopeful The Amazon rainforest burns. Australia has lost more mammal species than any other conti...

Patrick Cosgrove says little will work in the face of corporate greed, government inaction and rampant consumerism Helena Echlin writes that sensible methods of climate activism didnt work ( Why I stopped arguing about the climate emergency and tried the silent treatment instead,...

Exclusive: investigation finds energy giants efforts to offset its huge emissions rely on schemes with little impact A new investigation into Chevrons climate pledge has found the fossil-fuel company relies on junk carbon offsets and unviable technologies, which do little to offs...

Joe Biden and Anthony Albanese have flagged a joint push to boost action on the two issues but at this stage much of the work is yet to be fleshed out Joe Biden and Anthony Albanese say climate and clean energy will become a central pillar of the alliance between the US and Austr...

World is on track for 2.7C and phenomenal human suffering, scientists warn Global heating will drive billions of people out of the climate niche in which humanity has flourished for millennia, a study has estimated, exposing them to unprecedented temperatures and extreme weather....

Exclusive : Advocates claim new documents are proof the NT government lied when it claimed it had met all climate risk conditions for the massive new gas project New documents reveal the Northern Territory government knew it could not meet a key recommendation to reduce the clima...

The sensible methods didnt work, so I became a member of the Red Rebel Brigade. Now I feel Im doing something useful My clown-white facepaint makes my skin feel tight and Im scared my elaborate headdress is going to slip. Its my first outing with the Red Rebel Brigade , the silen...

Sparked by his own struggle with asthma, the London mayors memoir-cum-climate action guide is a refreshing antidote to the politics of cynicism and division S adiq Khans first book is ostensibly structured as a self-help title in the vein of, say, Stephen Coveys 7 Habits of Highl...

Lakes and reservoirs have lost 22 gigatonnes a year since 1992, driven by factors including global heating and human consumption More than half of the worlds large lakes and reservoirs have shrunk since the early 1990s chiefly because of the climate crisis and human consumption ...

The effort to stay below 1.5C needs to be a battle people feel we can win. They must sound the alarm, and make sure politicians listen T he end of the world is nigh, again. And as usual, its being greeted largely with a shrug. Perhaps you felt a prick of unease as you scrolled th...

Groundbreaking analysis by One Earth is first to quantify economic burden caused by individual companies The worlds top fossil fuel companies owe at least $209bn in annual climate reparations to compensate communities most damaged by their polluting business and decades of lies, ...

After a new study revealing the extent to which developing nations have been damaged, there is no excuse for further delay T he truth is out, and it lays bare big oils plunder of the environment for commercial greed. Academics now estimate that the 21 top fossil fuel behemoths ar...

Torrential rain, coming on top of the countrys worst drought in four decades, has forced 250,000 people to leave their homes Jamal Ali Abdi has seen flooding in Beledweyne before but never on the scale witnessed earlier this month when the Shabelle River burst its banks, causing ...

This weeks floods are latest weather disaster to hit country, as policymakers finally begin to respond to crescendo This week, parts of northern Italys Emilia-Romagna region received half their average annual rainfall in just 36 hours. Rivers burst their banks and thousands of ac...

Scientists say greenhouse gases have already affected climate patterns in the Pacific that could lead to more severe weather, floods and heatwaves Global heating has likely intensified a climate pattern in the Pacific since the 1960s that has driven extreme droughts, floods and h...

UN agency says El Nino and human-induced climate breakdown could combine to push temperatures into uncharted territory The world is almost certain to experience new record temperatures in the next five years, and temperatures are likely to rise by more than 1.5C above pre-industr...

Temperatures up to 45C recorded in April in parts of India, Bangladesh, Thailand and Laos A searing heatwave in parts of southern Asia in April was made at least 30 times more likely by climate breakdown, according to a study by international scientists. Unusually high temperatur...

A slew of anti-pollution, from toxic water to planet-heating emissions has been issued by an agency belatedly flexing its muscles The sleeping giant of the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has stirred. In the past month, an avalanche of anti-pollution rules, targeting eve...

Abusive, often violent tweets denying the climate emergency have become a barrage since Elon Musk acquired the platform, say UK experts Some of the UKs top scientists are struggling to deal with what they describe as a huge rise in abuse from climate crisis deniers on Twitter sin...

Record sea surface temperatures suggest the Earth is headed for uncharted territory in terms of sea level rise, coastal flooding and extreme weather By the end of March, the surface temperature of the worlds oceans was above anything seen in the 40 years that satellites have been...

The Norwegian archipelago is warming six times faster than the global average, with potentially disastrous results, especially for species such as the polar bear S valbard, the Norwegian archipelago that lies deep inside the Arctic Circle, is on the frontline of global heating. T...

Republicans are determined to link any increase in the ceiling with cuts to Bidens signature climate legislation Amid warnings about looming fiscal catastrophe, the GOP is attempting to use Bidens climate agenda as a bargaining chip over raising the debt ceiling even if it could...

Exclusive: Company accused of lobbying and greenwashing for more fossil fuels despite knowing of risks The Italian oil major Eni is facing the countrys first climate lawsuit, with environmental groups alleging the company used lobbying and greenwashing to push for more fossil fue...

Higher rates slow the renewable energy transition and shield oil and gas producers from competition by low-carbon producers I n late 2021, consumer price inflation surged in many countries. Prices shot up again following Russias invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. In response, ...

Former Bureau of Meteorology staff say claims they deliberately manipulated data to make warming seem worse are being fed by a fever swamp of climate denial F or more than a decade, climate science deniers, rightwing politicians and sections of the Murdoch media have waged a camp...

Majority of shareholders reject proposal to spin off Asian operations, after hour of disruption from campaigners HSBC has defeated an attempt to split up the bank after a majority of investors rejected a plan backed by its largest shareholder at the banks annual general meeting, ...

Twenty-two institutions have been shut down as part of proposed month-long campaign A wave of student occupations has shut down schools and universities across Europe as part of a renewed youth protest campaign against inaction on climate breakdown. Twenty-two schools and univers...

Extreme event would have been expected once in 40,000 years before global heating, scientists estimate The record-shattering temperatures that hit the western Mediterranean last week would have been almost impossible without the climate crisis, according to scientists. The heatwa...

Letter from panel member of fracking inquiry says key recommendations have not been fully implemented A letter from one of the panel members of the Northern Territorys fracking inquiry says the Fyles government has not fully implemented key recommendations, including those aimed ...

A Masters of Beef Advocacy program teaches scientific sounding arguments on cattles sustainability in an all-out public relations war T he US beef industry is creating an army of influencers and citizen activists to help amplify a message that will be key to its future success: t...

Cop28 president Sultan Al Jaber says summit in Dubai in November will dedicate a day to health The next UN climate summit will be the first to consider health issues in depth, with a meeting of global health ministers to highlight the consequences of the climate crisis for wellbe...

Exclusive: YouGov survey in seven countries tested backing for government and individual action on crisis Many Europeans are alarmed by the climate crisis and would willingly take personal steps and back government policies to help combat it, a survey suggests but the more a mea...

The president is trying to appeal to climate-conscious young voters and appease the fossil fuel industry. It wont work J ust before announcing that he would again run for president, Joe Biden signed off on what on the surface looks like a great move to help address the climate cr...

An interrogative exhibition at the New-York Historical Society examines the social, cultural and civil rights impact of development and devastation I want people to understand that the environmental crisis is bound up inextricably in our cultural world and how we relate to each o...

As coal-fired plants continue their demise, the largest source of new power every year for the past five has been rooftop solar AGL Energys Liddell coal-fired power station in New South Wales closed on Friday , Australias first big power plant closure since Hazelwoods demise in V...

Suella Braverman flags statutory instrument to public order bill as climate protesters renew campaign Suella Braverman is to give police the power to ban slow walking in traffic by protesters, as Just Stop Oil enters the fifth consecutive day of using the tactic in the latest pha...

Guardian Australias weekend wrap of essential reads from the past seven days, selected by Imogen Dewey I ve been thinking a lot about luck this week. A child placed a black cat on the footpath in front of my friend. I seem to be seeing a lot of ladders. On the other hand, I found...

I understand the argument that our escalating climate crisis justifies direct action, but I cant urge anyone to do things I wouldn't do myself T heres a fundamental principle that should apply to every conflict. Dont urge others to do what you are not prepared to do yourself. How...

The Carlyle Groups 2011-22 greenhouse gas footprint was roughly equivalent to Alaskas carbon bomb Willow drilling project A leading private equity firm that claims to be an industry climate leader in fact almost doubled its average annual greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuel...

The former Fox News host liked to dredge up a laundry list of alleged errors by scientists in an effort to erode public trust As appears to be almost compulsory for high-profile, rightwing television presenters, Fox News recently departed prime-time host Tucker Carlson is a clima...

Droughts, fires, floods, heatwaves theyre all contributing to our supply-chain problems and brutal inflation F amilies around the world are struggling with higher grocery costs and electricity and heating bills. What they may not realize is that rising inflation is increasingly ...

Region is suffering its worst drought in 40 years after five consecutive years of below-average rainfall The devastating drought in the Horn of Africa would not have happened without the human-made impact of the climate crisis, new science has shown. The drought has affected abou...

Acma investigation highlights four segments on Sky News Australia that tried to play down the threat to Great Barrier Reef Four segments on a Sky News Australia show that tried to undermine climate science and play down the threat of global heating on the Great Barrier Reef breac...

Unprecedented warming indicates climate crisis is taking place before our eyes, experts say Temperatures in the worlds oceans have broken fresh records, testing new highs for more than a month in an unprecedented run that has led to scientists stating the Earth has reached unchar...

MP Chris Skidmore says approval would undermine UKs efforts to tackle climate crisis and its claims to leadership on world stage The governments former net zero tsar has urged ministers to halt the development of the Rosebank oilfield in the North Sea , or risk destroying the UKs...

Anote Tong says that Australia needs to take responsibility for emissions caused by the export of its fossil fuels A former Pacific Island president has backed a Torres-Strait Islander-led legal case to hold the Australian government accountable for climate crisis inaction. On Mo...

Four days of peaceful activism led by Extinction Rebellion fail to elicit pledge from government to ban new oil and gas projects After four days of peaceful demonstrations, climate activists gathered in Parliament Square as a deadline for the government to act to end all new foss...

Sadlers Wells, London In a strong triple bill, sublimely danced, Crystal Pite and Simon McBurneys Figures in Extinction [1.0] stands out as a powerful portrait of nature under threat C horeographer Crystal Pite and Complicite theatre director Simon McBurney are two of the most di...

UN summit in New York hears how resources needed for sustainable energy threaten Indigenous land and people World Indigenous leaders meeting this week at an annual UN summit have warned that the wests climate strategy risks the exploitation of Indigenous territories, resources an...

From Oxford professors to Extinction Rebellion activists, those who love cricket are helping to tackle its climatic challenges L ike most cricketers, I just want a peaceful life, says Xeena Cooper, a member of Bristols Extinction Rebellion Cricket Club, hitting a ball around in H...

Thousands of hives in remote areas still unreachable and full scale of devastation remains unknown T wo months after a cyclone swept away thousands of beehives in the fertile fruit bowl of New Zealands North Island and left thousands more unreachable, beekeepers are facing a pain...

Mass protest on climate crisis by 200 groups led by XR, which has halted disruptive tactics Thousands of climate protesters picketed government departments and filled the streets of Westminster on the first day of the Big One, a mass demonstration by 200 different groups headed b...

An important part of parenting is securing childrens future. Too many of us are reading bedtime stories in a house thats burning down P arents do a lot. We spend hours reading stories or freezing on the edges of sports pitches. We buy food, clothes, buggies, car seats, bikes, mus...

The film How to Blow Up a Pipeline makes a case for using sabotage, but hope remains that we can build rather than destroy T he new film How to Blow Up a Pipeline raises loudly the question that many protesters are asking quietly: what happens when peaceful climate protest fails?...

Canadian project plans to strengthen understanding of Arctic environment by drawing on Indigenous knowledge Alexandre Langlois was surprised to learn that snow that has stayed on the ground for a couple days in the Arctic can be heard even before it is felt. Margaret Kanayok, an ...

Andreas Malm says he has no hope in dominant classes, and urges more radical approach to climate activism International climate diplomacy is hopeless, the author of How to Blow Up a Pipeline has said, as the film adaptation of the radical environmentalist book is released. As act...

In this weeks newsletter: The world has no choice but to halve carbon output by 2030 one chart shows the way forward This piece first appeared in Down to Earth, the Guardians climate and environment newsletter. Sign up here to read more exclusive pieces like this and for a diges...

The logic is simple. Australia has world class wind and solar resources, and an abundance of minerals and land needed in the transition to renewables I f Australia seizes the opportunity offered by the worlds transition to zero net emissions it can repeat the experience of the Ch...

Coalition of groups behind Big One demonstration intend focus on collective expression, with disobedience on hold People do not need to glue themselves to anything in order to protest about the climate crisis this weekend, say the organisers of a large-scale planned climate emerg...

Continent set for further drought in 2023, scientists say, as unstoppable impacts of climate crisis mount The climate crisis had frightening impacts in Europe last year, with heatwaves killing more than 20,000 people and drought withering crops, an EU report has found. Its writer...

Many of these record-breaking climate events go unnoticed because its too much for our tiny brains so nobody clicks on them any more...

As toll on public health and global economy rises, radical action is needed on greenhouse gas emissions T he latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report is a grim, yet unsurprising, reminder of the catastrophic effect global heating is having on our planet. The messag...

Exclusive: Sultan Al Jaber aims to use UN talks to set out how private sector can limit greenhouse gas emissions The world needs a business mindset to tackle the climate crisis, the president of the next UN climate summit has said. Sultan Al Jaber, the president-designate of the ...

Data from 100,000 US Major League games reveals higher temperatures lead to more balls hit out of park Steroids once gave many of baseballs sluggers a power boost. Now research suggests that todays home run hitters are seeing their shots turbocharged by the climate crisis. A stud...

Rachael Orr says young adults must be empowered with advice, education and opportunities regarding the climate crisis Re your article ( Terrified for my future: climate crisis takes heavy toll on young peoples mental health, 30 March ), it is no wonder that young people are overw...

Chris Barrie says global heating poses larger security threat than China, and Australians should be armed with this information A former Australian defence force chief has called on the government to release its assessment of the security threats posed by the climate crisis, whic...

In joint statement companies say they are ready to seize opportunity of decarbonisation and call on others to join them Some of Australias biggest heavy industrial companies including BHP, BlueScope, Rio Tinto and Woodside say urgent action is needed from governments, investors...

Research institute NIWA predicts many of countrys most important glaciers will be gone within the decade The planes engine groans, and its small frame rises. Through a thin membrane of cloud, the spine of the southern alps rises like a dark sawblade. Im wondering if my favourite ...

Young people in the UK tell how the emergency is affecting their psychological wellbeing and how they are coping J em, 24, has started losing sleep over the climate emergency. Over the last two years, I have felt growing anxiety at the state of the environment. It keeps me up at ...

Changes to the safeguard mechanism take us a step closer to net zero by 2050 the goal consecutive governments have signed up to At some stage, policies that governments put forward to reduce emissions need to do exactly what they say on the tin. This weeks deal between Labor and...

Resolution hailed as win for climate justice of epic proportions should make it easier to hold countries accountable for failures A UN resolution was adopted on Wednesday that should make it easier to hold polluting countries legally accountable for failing to tackle the climate ...

Governments official advisers point to lost decade in efforts to protect lives and livelihoods The UK is strikingly unprepared for the impacts of the climate crisis, according to the Climate Change Committee (CCC), which said there had been a lost decade in efforts to adapt for t...

Im proud to be part of Third Act, a climate activist organization for people over the age of 60 T he brutal truth is that last weeks Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report didnt have the effect it should have had, or that its authors clearly intended. Produced by thousa...

If you feel despair its because you care, and if you care you act!...

Accounts of global impact of floods, droughts and storms at New York meeting add to pressure to make water central to Cop28 Water is at the heart of the climate crisis, with an increasingly dire carousel of droughts, floods and sea level rise felt making our planet uninhabitable,...

Latest IPCC report highlights key measures countries must take to avoid climate catastrophe The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change published the synthesis report of its sixth assessment report (AR6) on Monday. Eight years in preparation, this mammoth report encompasses the...

Since 1992, the IPCC has highlighted rising greenhouse gases, marking their widespread and unprecedented impacts by 2014 W e were warned. From the certainty of rising greenhouse gas emissions in 1992 to widespread and unprecedented impacts on humanity by 2014, the UNs Intergovern...

IPCC report says only swift and drastic action can avert irrevocable damage to world Scientists have delivered a final warning on the climate crisis, as rising greenhouse gas emissions push the world to the brink of irrevocable damage that only swift and drastic action can avert....

Positive framing of otherwise grim report a counterblast to those who dismiss hopes of limiting global heating to 1.5C Avoiding the worst ravages of climate breakdown is still possible, and there are multiple, feasible and effective options for doing so, the Intergovernmental Pan...

Demonstrations at 90 sites are billed as first major action by older activists: Its not fair to ask 18-year-olds to solve this C limate activists across the US will on Tuesday blockade branches of banks that finance fossil fuels, cutting up their credit cards in protest and holdi...

Fiame Naomi Mataafa pleads for action before landmark IPCC report is expected to issue final warning The world must step back from the brink of climate disaster to save the people of the Pacific from obliteration, the prime minister of Samoa has urged. On the eve of a landmark re...

Exclusive: Labor calls for Coalition to guarantee candidates support climate action after Megan Andersons remark The New South Wales Liberal partys candidate for Swansea, Megan Anderson, has downplayed a comment she made denying climate change last week, calling it a clumsy joke....

The actor narrates a 40-screen immersive exhibition of Australian land and wildlife, shot by 25 cinematographers. This environment is our heritage and our responsibility, he says B efore he became one of Australias best-loved actors, Jack Thompson had already been many things. At...

Backers say hydrogen projects should be first in line for almost $26bn in US taxpayer money but should we believe the hype? Hydrogen is the smallest, lightest and most abundant molecule in the universe. On Earth, it does not occur by itself naturally, but can be separated from w...

A year on in Lismore, we cant afford to forget the people who lost everything they loved because next time it could be you It was the break of dawn, but still so dark. The rain was beating down hard on the tin roof harder than Id ever heard in my life. I went out on to mums fro...

Changing habitats and behaviours lead to interactions with a negative outcome for wildlife and humans From blue whales colliding with ships to African elephants raiding crops in villages, the climate crisis is causing a rise in conflicts that lead to injury or death for humans an...

Parts of Texas, Arkansas, Ohio and Maryland, along with New York, are all recording their earliest spring conditions on record Blooming daffodils in New York City. Leaves sprouting from red maples in North Carolina. Cherry blossoms about to bud in Washington. Record winter warmth...

Decision allows Santos to open 116 new wells with an operational life of about 30 years in the Surat Basin The Greens have accused Labor of making the climate crisis worse and being more interested in opening new coal and gas mines than working together to improve climate policy ...

Report says simply coping with escalating impacts of climate crisis could override tackling root cause The world is at risk of descending into a climate doom loop, a thinktank report has warned. It said simply coping with the escalating impacts of the climate crisis could draw re...

David Malpasss decision to quit has delighted frustrated developing nations, donors, experts and campaigners The resignation of David Malpass , president of the World Bank, was greeted with relief and joy on Wednesday evening by climate experts and campaigners, who said it should...

Focusing on two communities where local activists are making a stand, Rich Felgates film is a corrective to whats-the-point despair about the environment C limate activist-turned-film-maker Rich Felgate brings us two victories from the frontline of the environmental movement. If ...

James Shaw says country is entering period of consequences for inaction over climate change as extreme weather wreaks havoc across the North Island New Zealands climate change minister has made a furious speech excoriating parliament for lost decades of bickering over the climate...

Black Mountains College in Wales aims to prepare students for life during a planetary emergency The lecture theatre was once a cowshed, the study centre is an old farmhouse living room and the classrooms are mostly outdoors: welcome to the newest higher educational college in Bri...

Astrophysicists propose geoengineering solution to climate warming, although skeptics still urge massive fossil fuel cutbacks Proponents of a moonshot idea to deal with global heating have been handed a new, very literal, interpretation by researchers who have proposed firing plu...

The fallout when the industry fails to act is still smaller than the rewards for pumping out more pollution W e have an early contender for the least surprising newsflash of the year: fossil fuel companies will not, of their own volition, save us from climate breakdown. The oil a...

Wind, water and solar energy is cheap, effective and green. We dont need experimental or risky energy sources to save our planet N early 7 million people die each year from air pollution. Moreover, global warming is already causing catastrophic damage. We have only seven years to...

Green Football Weekend raises awkward questions about the games readiness to start taking genuinely ambitious action A bout three years ago, in the thick of a League Two promotion campaign, Michael Doughty began to notice something. An unusually wet winter had flooded Swindon Tow...

Study suggests tool could be used to reduce energy needs for heating and cooling office buildings E very year we shift our clocks forward in the spring, and backwards in the autumn. Originally daylight saving was introduced to save energy; reducing the number of hours that the li...

Researchers found that exceeding the 2C increase has a 50% chance of happening by mid-century The world is on the brink of breaching a critical climate threshold, according to a new study published on Monday, signifying time is running exceedingly short to spare the world the mos...

Board games might be the best learning device to think creatively about impending climate disaster E urope is planting trees to offset its emissions but is swiftly hit with massive wildfires. The United States is investing in mining operations abroad to wean off its dependence on...

Billionaire and founder of Microsoft tells Sydney audience it is great to have Australia on board on climate The world will be lucky to avoid 2.5C of heating, but emerging technology may help avert even worse, Bill Gates has told a Sydney audience. The US billionaire and philanth...

Growers fear a perfect storm for a tradition that has long bound rural communities together A sharp wind shunts clouds across the low and endless skies of La Mancha as Carlos Fernandez stoops to pluck the last mauve flowers of the season from the cold earth. Their petals, which s...

Several US states say news that Exxon scientists predicted global heating accurately strengthens their lawsuits against company Further revelations of the extent of Exxons historical knowledge of the unfolding climate crisis may have deepened the legal peril faced by the oil gian...

Jerome Powell and Mervyn King reject taking on climate policy, while Mark Carney and Christine Lagarde say action is vital The climate crisis has come to represent a major challenge for central banks. How much should their monetary policy and approach to banking supervision be in...

Small interventions on electric cars and plant-based meat could unlock rapid emissions cuts, say experts Three super-tipping points for climate action could trigger a cascade of decarbonisation across the global economy, according to a report. Relatively small policy intervention...

What is it like to have a front row seat for the worst show in the world? Four meteorologists describe how they are explaining the reality to viewers and coping with it themselves T uesday 19 July 2022 is a day that will stay with Ben Rich for ever. I got up and immediately chec...

Oil company drove some of the leading science of the era only to publicly dismiss global heating The oil giant Exxon privately predicted global warming correctly and skilfully only to then spend decades publicly rubbishing such science in order to protect its core business, new r...

Seas dominate global weather patterns and the climate crisis is causing profound and damaging changes The worlds oceans were the hottest ever recorded in 2022, demonstrating the profound and pervasive changes that human-caused emissions have made to the planets climate. More than...

Experts say extreme weather is a growing danger to displaced people and could force more to flee homes Governments must get to grips with the links between the climate crisis and the plight of migrants around the world, experts have said, as increasingly extreme weather is a moun...

Scientists describe as very alarming research that shows severe weather events were made more likely by climate change Relentless drought in California, extreme rainfall in the UK, record heat in China some of the most severe weather events that have occurred around the world in...

Without global heating, such warm temperatures would be expected only once every five centuries, Met Office says The record-breaking heat in the UK in 2022 was made 160 times more likely by the climate crisis, indicating the dominant influence of human-caused global heating on Br...

Judgments across public and private sector expected to throw light on worst perpetrators and force action O ver the past 12 months, courts from Indonesia to Australia have made groundbreaking rulings that blocked polluting power plants and denounced the human rights violations of...

Plants are thought more likely to thrive at Harlow Carr in Yorkshire than at their current home at Wisley in Surrey In Rebecca , Daphne du Mauriers unnamed narrator was shocked and bewildered by the over-proud slaughterhouse red, luscious and fantastic rhododendrons she encounter...

US climate envoy says there needs to be work on details of loss and damage fund in 2023 People in developing countries are feeling increasingly angry and victimised by the climate crisis, the US climate envoy John Kerry has warned, and rich countries must respond urgently. Ive be...

Kelp absorbs carbon dioxide and has high nutritional value, but it is under threat from rising temperatures, pollution and invasive species Bubbles stream furiously behind Frank Hurd as he gently parts the curtains of giant kelp. Green and gold ribbons reach upwards through the c...

Its the potential of individuals to change the world which is at the heart of democratic liberalism but their actions must be matched by global support A s we farewell 2022, many of the worlds citizens will be hoping for a better new year. It is hard to look back on the past yea...

Recent legislative action to curtail the power of the gas and coal industry are a glimmer of progress but more needs to be done I t has been a tumultuous year for the climate in Australia: from record-breaking weather events to a climate surprise in the election, a new target and...

Most expensive storm cost $100bn while deadliest floods killed 1,700 and displaced 7 million, report finds The 10 most expensive storms, floods and droughts in 2022 each cost at least $3bn (2.5bn) in a devastating year on the frontline of the climate crisis, a report shows. Chris...

Antonio Guterres announces a climate ambition summit to confront existential threat facing the planet The goal of limiting global heating to 1.5C is gasping for breath, the UN secretary general has said as he announced a climate ambition summit for September. Antonio Guterres sai...

More than a million acres of state forest contain trees that have succumbed to stressors exacerbated by a multi-year drought Scientists have discovered a record number of dead fir trees in Oregon , in a foreboding sign of how drought and the climate crisis are ravaging the Americ...

The decision to approve a new 165m coalmine in Cumbria reveals an unpleasant truth about the government. It demonstrates, with brutal clarity, that No 10 has no credible green agenda and does not understand or care about the climatic peril our world is facing. Ministers are clear...

Australian Security Leaders Climate Group says measures needed to contain climate change will be disruptive, but better than existential threat of the alternative Australia must adopt a wartime mobilisation response to the climate emergency, former security leaders have told a re...

Opponents of meaningful action are trying to sidestep the immediacy of the threat to our planet E xpert opinion is settled and public opinion united on the urgency of climate action. If our politics or our discourse were in any way functional, there would be no confusion, no deba...

For too long pledges have gone unmet, so at Cop28 new solutions need to be explored Gordon Brown is the WHO ambassador for global health financing O n Sunday, loud cheers from Sharm el-Sheikh greeted the announcement of a new initiative the global loss and damage fund to right ...

Experts say biggest economies must pledge more cuts to carbon emissions but hail agreement to set up loss and damage fund The world still stands on the brink of climate catastrophe after the deal reached at the Cop27 UN climate summit on Sunday, and the biggest economies must mak...

It is not enough to professionally communicate the science of climate change. This is not a matter of rationality. T he role of science communication is to counter wilful ignorance. I dont mean the deliberate placing of blinkers over the eyes or rose-coloured glasses on the nose....

With the right global economic policies, we could fight poverty and global heating at the same time F or the best part of three centuries, there has been a consensus about the goal of economic policy. Since the dawn of the industrial age in the 18th century, the aim has been to a...

Stark findings add pressure on Cop27 negotiators to deliver meaningful funding to vulnerable countries The heavy rain behind recent devastating flooding in Nigeria , Niger and Chad was made about 80 times more likely by the climate crisis, a study has found. The finding is the la...

In the short time that we have to prevent catastrophic global heating, population rises are irrelevant, writes Ian Brown , while Daniel Rodriguez says the problem is overconsumption in the west I am hugely disappointed to see John Vidal suggesting that slowing population growth c...

With the world on course to exceed 1.5C warming, taking carbon out of the atmosphere, as well as lowering emissions, will become increasingly important T he past year has seen an unending drumbeat of climate-driven disasters. And yet, the climate story of this past decade has bee...

Award-winning rose varieties are being retired due to changing garden conditions and evolving pests T hink of the quintessential English garden and a rose will invariably spring to mind. Their sweet scent and plush petals have long been prized by gardeners, but now some of the mo...

The US president assured the summit the US would hit its climate targets by 2030 and apologised for pulling out of the Paris agreement This liveblog is now closed Thats it from us for today, but well be back liveblogging tomorrow, which is food and agriculture day. Summary: US pr...

While it appears committed to renewable energy goals, Chinas international commitments fall short of what experts say is needed After decades of fossil fuel-driven economic growth and industrialisation, China is now the worlds biggest carbon emitter, contributing almost a third o...

US president announces plan to cut methane emissions as he urges major economies to step up efforts to keep global heating to 1.5C Joe Biden has implored countries to do more to tackle the climate emergency, telling the Cop27 summit that world leaders can no longer plead ignoranc...

Mia Mottley, PM of Barbados, who, at Cop27 called again for climate justice, is devising a debt relief and loan blueprint, targeting the IMF Mia Mottleys speeches in defence of climate justice dominated media headlines at Cop26 in Scotland last year, where she called on world lea...

The former BBC environment analyst Roger Harrabin has spent his career talking to scientists. Now theyre telling him theyre scared of what theyre seeing B ack in the 1980s, when climate research began to really take off, scientists were desperate to retain their credibility as th...

Report at Cop27 shows the world is now deep into the climate emergency, with the 1.5C heating limit barely within reach The past eight years were the eight hottest ever recorded, a new UN report has found, indicating the world is now deep into the climate crisis. The internationa...

They are the images that made us sit up and take notice. As world leaders gather for Cop27, these pictures prove that global heating isnt a distant possibility its already here For a week in July 2018, a giant 100m-tall iceberg loomed over a tiny village on the west coast of Gre...

We environmentalists must avoid sending the message that the situation is hopeless. Lets focus on solutions My dear fellow environmentalists, With the Cop27 summit about to be begin, can we please think about how we talk about the climate crisis? The scale of it is there to see ...

Brenda the Civil Disobedience Penguin tries the interactivist climate action virtual masterpiece...

As Pacific nations face the prospect of losing entire islands, the thought of leaving behind the bones of our ancestors is unbearable The first cyclone I lived through ripped open the graves on our island, pulled coffins from graves and unearthed the bones of my ancestors. My sis...

Secretary-general warns effects of global heating are outstripping the ability to adapt to them A dramatic increase in funding for climate adaptation is needed to save millions of lives from climate carnage, the UN secretary general, Antonio Guterres, has said. Climate adaptation...

Muhammad Abubakar Pirzada on the existential threat that the global south faces, George Pitt on the need to reset emissions targets, and Terry Walsh on why Cop27 will be futile Floods recently ravaged Pakistan and plunged around one-third of its land mass into water, destroyed cr...

The effects of global heating could soon reach a tipping point, but scientists fear that the meeting in Egypt will become bogged down in recriminations I t has been an alarming time for climate scientists. One by one, the grim scenarios they had outlined for the near future have ...

The globally agreed target of 1.5C is on track to be missed. For those working to prevent disaster, the only option is to keep trying T he world is falling into an abyss of risk, said Prof Johan Rockstrom of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research in Germany. Reports pu...

Joint committee on national security strategy criticises severe dereliction of duty by ministers as threat grows Britains national security is being jeopardised because of the failure of ministers to prepare for the increasing risks of extreme weather events due to the climate cr...

Key UN reports published in last two days warn urgent and collective action needed as oil firms report astronomical profits The climate crisis has reached a really bleak moment, one of the worlds leading climate scientists has said, after a slew of major reports laid bare how cl...

Failure to cut carbon emissions means rapid transformation of societies is only option to limit impacts, report says There is no credible pathway to 1.5C in place, the UNs environment agency has said, and the failure to reduce carbon emissions means the only way to limit the wors...

Climate crisis report says we are not winning in any sector as experts call for urgent action on fossil fuels Meat consumption should be reduced to the equivalent of about two burgers a week in the developed world, and public transport expanded about six times faster than its cur...

Reliance on oil and gas worsening climate impacts and compounding food, energy and cost of living crises The health of the worlds people is at the mercy of a global addiction to fossil fuels, according to a study. The analysis reports an increase in heat deaths, hunger and infect...

Discovery raises hopes that species may be able to survive global heating despite slower genetic evolution due to their long lifespan Narwhals have been delaying their seasonal migration because of the impact of the climate crisis, suggesting an ability to adapt to the changing A...

Exclusive : Rob Vertessy says there was a baked-in cautiousness in the bureau about discussing climate change under the Coalition A former chief executive of the Bureau of Meteorology says the 67-year-old law that underpins Australias weather agency needs to be updated to bring i...

Exclusive: Prof Dame Jenny Harries warns of dangers to food security, flooding and insect-borne diseases The climate crisis poses a significant and growing threat to health in the UK, the countrys most senior public health expert has warned. Speaking to the Guardian, Prof Dame Je...

Exclusive: Allegations that discussing climate change at BoM is basically banned come after accusations of a toxic workplace culture T he Bureau of Meteorology has been accused of cowering in the corner on the climate crisis, with current and former staff describing a conservativ...

Naomi Delap says blaming deprived women in the global south simply shifts the focus from those most responsible for the climate emergency Fixating on overpopulation ( Letters, 19 October ) places the blame for the climate emergency on the bodies of the most disadvantaged women in...

Fewer than half of those questioned in global poll believe climate change poses a very serious threat Concerns about climate change shrank across the world last year, with fewer than half of those questioned in a new survey believing it posed a very serious threat to their countr...

Twenty countries facing worst impact of global heating set out proposals for loss and damage payments Rich countries must urgently develop a plan to assist countries suffering the ravages of extreme weather, as failure to take early action on the climate crisis has left them incr...

Justin Welby says churches should encourage direct action on climate change as he sees boarded-up shops and unliveable houses in far-flung parish reeling from disaster T he archbishop of Canterbury has popped in to a cushion shop. His entourage, which includes at least three exci...

A California clinic is one of a growing number of healthcare centers looking to achieve energy independence as environmental challenges increase I t is not easy to rattle Rosa Vivian Fernandez. The chief executive of a California healthcare clinic, she sees the harsh realities th...

England is finally protecting the beavers that could save our failing rivers if theyre permitted to be released into the wild O n Saturday 1 October, something remarkable happened. The Eurasian beaver was officially recognised as both a native and a protected species under the C...

Dr Rhian Barrance says we need climate leaders who can be honest about the actions required to tackle the climate emergency. Plus letters from Jo Inge Svendsen and Trevor Jones John Vidal makes some good points about the role that King Charles could take as a climate leader, incl...

Governments may say theyre doing all they can to halt the climate crisis. Dont fall for it then we might still have time to turn things around Stop setting things on fire: nine great ideas to save the planet M aybe it is the name that is the problem. Climate change. It doesnt so...

Record northern hemisphere drought in 2022 hit crops and power stations, worsening food and energy crises The climate crisis made the record drought across the northern hemisphere this summer at least 20 times more likely, scientists have calculated. Without human-caused global h...

Only around 2.8% of TV shows and films between 2016 and 2020 mentioned climate issues. But a new run of writers is looking to increase that From hurricanes bearing down on Florida to megafires burning in the west, the climate crisis seems to be everywhere, all at once. But in TV ...

Renewables, decarbonisation, activism, cooperation ... The challenge is immense, but the situation is far from hopeless E very one of us will love someone who is still alive in 2100, says climate campaigner Ayisha Siddiqa. That loved one will either face a world in climate chaos ...

Oxfam research suggests up to 40% of banks reported climate-related spending cannot be accounted for The World Bank has come under fire for failing to show that its claimed spending on the climate crisis is real, in a report suggesting up to 40% of its reported climate-related sp...

Climate warnings have been around for decades. Guardian reporting on the issue dates back as far as 1890 It reads like a summary of the year so far: drought in Europe, floods in Pakistan, and a high pressure system stuck in the North Atlantic, disrupting normal weather patterns. ...

Hurricane Ian and Hurricane Fiona dumped great amounts of water across larger stretches of land global heating is to blame Its all about the water, warned meteorologists as Hurricane Fiona battered Puerto Rico last week and as category 4 Hurricane Ian edged closer and eventually...

Unlike most of the media, the Guardian resists political or commercial influence in order to keep the climate crisis front and centre W hat is salient is not important. What is important is not salient. Most of the time, most of the media obsess over issues of mind-numbing trivia...


The landmark ruling found the Morrison government had violated the rights of the Indigenous people by failing to take adequate action to cut emissions A United Nations committee has found the Australian government has failed to adequately protect Torres Strait islanders, and viol...

The release by a Greta Thunberg-inspired activist group was timed with the global climate strike protests launching Friday I n a chilling new video released by Fridays for Future , the youth-led climate movement inspired by Swedish environmental activist Greta Thunberg, filmmaker...

The media outlets gave sizeable coverage to journal article that climate scientists said misrepresented their research The climate science denial echo-chamber has been loud and proud this week with claims a new international study has found no evidence of a climate emergency in r...

Naegleria fowleri grows in warm fresh water, making it well-suited to proliferate as temperatures rise in the US The death of a child in Nebraska this summer put the rare but deadly Naegleria fowleri more commonly known as brain-eating amoeba back in the headlines. The amoeba l...

Across the planet, growers are having to adjust to extreme conditions in a warming world T heres a worryingly valedictory tone to many of the conversations I have with winemakers these days. Time and again, Im told that its impossible, in many if not most years, to make the wines...

Fury as explosive files reveal largest oil companies contradicted public statements and wished bedbugs upon critical activists Criticism in the US of the oil industrys obfuscation over the climate crisis is intensifying after internal documents showed companies attempted to dista...

Exclusive: Prof Lesley Hughes, a climate specialist appointed this week, says current target is not good enough A new scientific member of the governments revamped Climate Change Authority has said Australia should be aiming to reach net zero at least a decade earlier than 2050. ...

Charity says 19 million people facing starvation in report highlighting link with extreme weather Extreme hunger is closely linked to the climate crisis, with many areas of the world most affected by extreme weather experiencing severe food shortages, research has shown. The deve...

Albanese government appoints three women with environmental backgrounds to board The Albanese government has appointed three women with environmental backgrounds to the board of the Climate Change Authority in a bid to counter concerns the advisory body was taken over by business...

Every fraction of a degree of global heating avoided makes a difference. Here are some reasons for hope T here is no shortage of things to say about whats going wrong. The extent of damage caused at 1.2C of global heating since pre-industrial times is living up to what climate sc...

Giant ice sheets, ocean currents and permafrost regions may already have passed point of irreversible change The climate crisis has driven the world to the brink of multiple disastrous tipping points, according to a major study. It shows five dangerous tipping points may already ...

Labors climate bill has passed both houses of parliament with support from the Greens and key crossbench senators Australias first climate change legislation in a decade has passed federal parliament with support from the government, the Greens and key crossbench senators. Labors...

It needs a roadmap to net zero, to secure the Climate Change Authority, and measures for a proper national conversation L abors climate change bill is poised to pass the Senate after the government agreed to amendments proposed by independent senator David Pocock to improve accou...

The chance of extreme events is increasing because emissions arent slowing down. The hard work to transform the economy has barely begun You dont have to be paying much attention to be aware that the climate and environmental crises are not slowing down. The flooding in Pakistan ...

In An Inconvenient Apocalypse, authors Wes Jackson and Robert Jensen write that society needs to be better prepared for an inevitable collapse I n An Inconvenient Apocalypse, authors Wes Jackson and Robert Jensen style themselves as heralds of some very bad news: societal collaps...

Forest fires, droughts and heatwaves across the country is forcing provinces to reduce power consumption T here were still some streetlights on the Bund, one of the main roads in central Shanghai. But the decorative lights which light up the city skyline blue, pink, and red wer...

An article in the Nature Climate Change journal argues that non-violent direct action taken by experts is effective Scientists should commit acts of civil disobedience to show the public how seriously they regard the threat posed by the climate crisis, a group of leading scientis...

US governments 2020-2025 guidance is meat- and dairy-heavy. Experts say that isnt sustainable T o keep the climate habitable, most scientists agree that switching to renewable energy alone isnt enough Americans also need to change the way they eat. Environmental and public healt...

More than half of human diseases caused by pathogens have been aggravated by hazards associated with climate change, study finds More than half of the human diseases caused by pathogens have been worsened at some point by the sort of impacts associated with the climate crisis, a ...

In a political system long captured by fossil fuel interests, there is a disconnect between the arguments and the evidence Get our free news app , morning email briefing and daily news podcast O ne of the most striking voices for aggressive climate action right now is the secreta...

At his remote woodland home, Ben Green is trying to stay positive about a collapse of the food supply Ben Green doesnt have to worry that Vladimir Putin might cut off Europes gas this winter, fret about a seasonal revival of Covid-19, or panic about a looming global food crisis. ...

As Guardian analysis reveals that human-caused global heating is driving more frequent and deadly weather disasters, there is no place for denialism any more Revealed: how climate breakdown is supercharging toll of extreme weather I n November 2015, prolonged and heavy rainfall d...

Heres what we know the new bill means for climate action and what happens once we have legislated targets The Australian House of Representatives has passed the countrys first climate change legislation in more than a decade. The main part of the previous bill an emissions tradi...

Guardian analysis shows human-caused global heating is driving more frequent and deadly disasters across the planet, in most comprehensive compilation to date T he devastating intensification of extreme weather is laid bare today in a Guardian analysis that shows how people acros...

I recycle, have cut my meat intake and dont have kids. And now I have to care about the environment more than ever I find the environment and the climate emergency the most boring topic on the (burning) planet. When people talk about it, it makes me wish that the planet would suc...

Scientists say there are ample reasons to suspect global heating could lead to catastrophe The risk of global societal collapse or human extinction has been dangerously underexplored, climate scientists have warned in an analysis. They call such a catastrophe the climate endgame....

Blistering heatwaves are just the start. We must accept how bad things are before we can head off global catastrophe, according to a leading UK scientist T he publication of Bill McGuires latest book, Hothouse Earth , could not be more timely. Appearing in the shops this week, it...

Most of the worlds mountain glaciers are retreating because of the climate crisis, but those in the European Alps are especially vulnerable. Smaller and with less ice cover, this year they are on track for their highest loss of mass in at least 60 years of record keeping F rom th...

Despite declaring a climate emergency, government is in court defending decision to issue fossil fuel prospecting permits in Taranaki New Zealands government has argued that the climate crisis is of insufficient weight to stop it issuing oil and gas exploration permits despite d...

The climate emergency has been declared over and over. The future the scientists warned us about is here, now W e are declaring a climate emergency. Everyone can, in whatever place on Earth they call home. No one needs to wait for politicians any more we have been waiting for th...

Faith leaders in the skeptical south are working to persuade their congregations that climate action is a Christian duty R obin Blakeman, an eighth-generation West Virginian, has been a practicing minister since 2004. This May, the city where she lives flooded for the second time...

This is what it looks like right now!...

Some of the cities enjoying population boom are among those gripped by a ferocious heatwave and seeing record temperatures The ferocious heatwave that is gripping much of the US south and west has highlighted an uncomfortable, ominous trend people are continuing to flock to the ...

Innovative ways are being found to cool cities, and justice demands that rich countries help those in the global south, say Dr David Dodman and Dr Aditya V Bahadur . Plus letters from Ann and Neil Holmes and Sarah Winne We were glad to see Oliver Wainwright draw attention to soar...

Antonio Guterres tells governments half of humanity is in danger zone, as countries battle extreme heat Wildfires and heatwaves wreaking havoc across swathes of the globe show humanity facing collective suicide, the UN secretary general has warned, as governments around the world...

With the country melting I can no longer distract myself from my fears about global heating. But speaking to activists has shown me how to counter this terror I was chairing a Zoom event last week about carbon bombs, and how to defuse them. All over the world, as governments broa...

Research puts US ahead of China, Russia, India and Brazil in terms of global damage as climate expert says numbers very stark The US has inflicted more than $1.9tn in damage to other countries from the effects of its greenhouse gas emissions, according to a new analysis that has ...

The climate crisis is playing a clear role in making heatwaves more intense and more likely The UK and continental Europe are sweltering in a heatwave due to last until at least the weekend, and the climate crisis is playing a clear role in intensifying extreme temperatures. A hi...

Limiting the Environmental Protection Agency at a time when fossil fuel emissions need to be curbed is devastating A mid heat records being shattered across the world and historic wildfires raging across the west, climate activists and policymakers working to aggressively curb gr...

Professor says link to extreme weather sometimes overestimated but climate costs underestimated Climate change is to blame for the majority of the heatwaves being recorded around the planet but the relation to other extreme events and their impacts on society is less clear, accor...

Blistering heat, stronger storms, droughts, floods and fires are putting food production at risk Sriracha fans are a passionate bunch. They have been known to get tattoos of the popular hot sauce on their bodies and dress up like the red plastic squeeze bottle for Halloween. So i...

Former ADF chief backs study saying threats continue to escalate in the absence of far stronger climate action than we have seen thus far Anthony Albanese will ask Australias most senior intelligence chief, Andrew Shearer, to personally lead a review of the security threats posed...

Pacific islands urge new Labor government to support push for international court of justice to issue climate advisory opinion Australias new Labor government has been called on to prove its commitment to climate action and support for Pacific countries by backing a campaign led ...

The conservative commentariat could not be more wrong in dismissing global heating as a concern of only the woke elite What do you mean, why am I working in this heat? If I dont work, we will die of hunger. That was how Shiv Kumar Mandal, a Delhi rickshaw driver, explained why he...

It scooped the Golden Lion at Venice and now the beach-set spectacular is bringing its burned-out workers and decadent globetrotters to the UK. But why does no one clap? D rizzle falls from porridge-coloured skies as I hurry from the station to an abandoned gasometer on an indust...

Temperatures in the Barents Sea region are off the scale and may affect extreme weather in the US and Europe New data has revealed extraordinary rates of global heating in the Arctic , up to seven times faster than the global average. The heating is occurring in the North Barents...

Years before the climate crisis was part of national discourse, this memo to the president predicted catastrophe I n 1977 Star Wars hit movie theaters, New York City had a blackout that lasted 25 hours, and the Apple II personal computer went up for sale. It was also the year tha...

Climatenomics lays out how supply chain disruptions has become a euphemism for the effects of climate change Forget Ukraine, coronavirus, corporate greed and supply chain issues, when it comes to inflation the climate crisis is the real, lasting, worry, according to a new book, a...

Governments not listening to people with disabilities despite them being at high risk, say researchers People with disabilities are being systematically ignored by governments around the world when it comes to the climate crisis, even though they are particularly at risk from the...

Edinburgh palaeontologist says smaller mammals are better able to cope with increased temperatures The climate crisis may lead the human race to shrink in size, as mammals with smaller frames appear better able to deal with rising global temperatures, a leading fossil expert has ...

Three former UN climate heads say gap between government promises and actions will change environment irreversibly The policies currently in place to tackle the climate crisis around the world will lead to catastrophic climate breakdown, as governments have failed to take the act...

Katharine Hayhoe says the world is heading for dangers people have not seen in 10,000 years of civilisation The world cannot adapt its way out of the climate crisis, and counting on adaptation to limit damage is no substitute for urgently cutting greenhouse gases, a leading clima...

Rising seas choked the flora on the tiny mammals island habitat, and in just a few years they were gone No one knows how the Bramble Cay melomyses rodents with large, liquid eyes and reddish-brown fur, small enough to fit in the palms of your hands ended up on Bramble Cay. The ...

Rising greenhouse gases have caused Lake Palcacocha to swell in size which makes the area at risk for a devastating outburst flood In a global first for climate breakdown litigation, judges from Germany have visited Peru to determine the level of damage caused by Europes largest ...

Focussing on carbon dioxide alone will not keep world within 1.5C limit of global heating, warn scientists Cutting methane sharply now is crucial, as focusing on carbon dioxide alone will not be enough to keep rising temperatures within livable limits, scientists have warned. CO ...

Soaring temperatures in subcontinent, which have caused widespread suffering, would be extraordinarily rare without global heating The heatwave scorching India and Pakistan has been made 30 times more likely by the climate crisis, according to scientists. Extreme temperatures and...

PM Scott Morrison has been dumped by electorate fed up with inaction on emissions and eager for change When Scott Morrison won Australias federal election in 2019, it seemed like the country would never emerge from the climate wars that had begun a decade earlier. Morrison had ta...

Documents indicate PMs changes to foreign policy speech coincided with environment agreement in trade talks Scott Morrison softened his defiant language on climate action in a foreign policy speech in June 2021, shortly after officials appeared to have finalised the environment-r...

Data shows people finding it harder to sleep, especially women and older people, with serious health impacts Rising temperatures driven by the climate crisis are cutting the sleep of people across the world, the largest study to date has found. Good sleep is critical to health an...

While alarm over wildfires, droughts, flooding and societal unrest is on the rise, not many of us talk about climate angst I t was a stunning, grisly act. A man, a climate activist and Buddhist, had set himself on fire on the steps of the US supreme court. He sat upright and didn...

World Meteorological Organization says extreme weather wreaked heavy toll on human lives Critical global indicators of the climate crisis broke records in 2021, according to a UN report, from rising oceans to the levels of heat-trapping emissions in the atmosphere. The UN World M...

Latest analysis adds to evidence that the impacts of human-caused global heating are already damaging many lives around the world Record-breaking heatwaves in north-west India and Pakistan have been made 100 times more likely by the climate crisis, according to scientists. The an...

$20m permit buyback aims to help recovery of jackass morwong, redfish, john dory and silver trevally The federal government will spend $20m to buy out fisheries in Australias south-east in part because the climate crisis is affecting population numbers of some species, making cur...

Brutal heatwave in India and Pakistan also certain to have been exacerbated by global heating, scientists say The massive and deadly floods that struck South Africa in April were made twice as likely and more intense by global heating, scientists have calculated. The research dem...

Writers arent science experts, Grenville writes. But they might be able to influence their readers to cast their ballots for the climate I ve been what you might call a passive climate change activist for many years. Ive had the bumper stickers, Ive made the donations, Ive gone o...

Revelation Alan McCormick has tweeted articles denying climate science fuels fears of GB Newss role as climate sceptic platform The new chairman of GB News has a history of sharing articles that dismiss the threat of climate breakdown, it can be revealed, sharpening concerns abou...

Climate science may not be front and centre in the election campaign to date, but its impact on consumers and voters still rears its head P olls suggest voters want action, but the climate crisis what it is doing to our world and what it demands in response has not been front...

1,500 civil society groups from 130 countries back Vanuatus move to seek protection from the international court of justice Vanuatus push for the international court of justice to protect vulnerable nations from climate change has received the backing of 1,500 civil society organ...

The probability of one of the next five years surpassing the limit is now 50%, up from 20% in 2020 The year the world breaches for the first time the 1.5C global heating limit set by international governments is fast approaching, a new forecast shows. The probability of one of th...

The little ice age of the 14th to the 19th centuries brought cold winters to Europe and unusual weather globally. Studying how humans adapted could be valuable I n early February 1814, an elephant walked across the surface of the Thames near Blackfriars Bridge in London. The stun...

Angus Rose starved himself for more than five weeks outside parliament until Green MP Caroline Lucas arranged compromise The climate hunger striker who starved himself for more than five weeks outside parliament has said he did not expect ministers would ignore his demands and po...

Exclusive: Early results from applied mindfulness courses suggests they have helped overcome despair that little can be done Brussels officials are being trained to meditate to help them tackle the climate crisis as part of a new wave of applied mindfulness that seeks to take the...

Pacific Elders Voice group says military tension created by China and the US and its allies are secondary to rising seas and catastrophic cyclones Growing military tensions in the Pacific between China , the US and Australia do not address the most significant security threat to ...

New research warns pressures of rising heat and loss of oxygen reminiscent of great dying that occurred about 250m years ago Global heating is causing such a drastic change to the worlds oceans that it risks a mass extinction event of marine species that rivals anything thats hap...

Zoonotic spillovers expected to rise with at least 15,000 instances of viruses leaping between species over next 50 years T here will be at least 15,000 instances of viruses leaping between species over the next 50 years, with the climate crisis helping fuel a potentially devasta...

Proposals to prepare the country for more floods, massive storms and wildfires include building away from high-risk areas and protecting cultural sites The New Zealand government has released new plans to try to prepare the country for the catastrophic effects of the climate cris...

Time-lapse satellite images show glacial retreat at Mount Kilimanjaro, Great Barrier Reef coral bleaching, deforestation in Germany and Greenland glacial melt Google is marking Earth Day with time-lapse satellite images showing melting glaciers, retreating snow cover, deforestati...

Crops are already seeing losses from heat and drought. Can genetic diversity a return to foods origins help combat the climate challenges ahead? The industrialization of agriculture in the last century boosted production around the world but that success also made our food sys...

The Morrison government touts their climate credentials but analysts say following Australias path would see 3C or more of global heating I f the rest of the world followed Australias leadership on cutting greenhouse gas emissions and reaching net zero, what would that mean? This...

It seems the fossil fuel industry has more influence on government decisions that affect children than our public health research does Why are Australias doctors and health researchers pushing so hard for climate change action as we move towards a federal election? Global warming...

The new IPCC report offers not only hope, but practical solutions. Governments that have signed off on it must now act A mid the triple crisis of the war in Ukraine, the still-raging pandemic and escalating inflation, climate scientists have just pulled off a truly impressive ach...

Experts say criticism of oil and gass climate-blocking activities cut from final draft, reflective of industrys power and influence The fossil fuel industry and its influence over policy was the major elephant in the room looming over the release of the third and final report , o...

Greenhouse gas emissions must peak by 2025, say climate scientists in what is in effect their final warning The world can still hope to stave off the worst ravages of climate breakdown but only through a now or never dash to a low-carbon economy and society, scientists have said ...

The desert graveyard where the ancient Chinchorro decorated and buried their dead is now a Unesco World Heritage site Jannina Campos walks up a sandy hillside in Arica, a port city on the edge of the Atacama desert, the driest place on the planet. The slope is dotted with dozens ...

Rhode Island Democrat talks to the Guardian about the presidents climate record and targeting oil industrys achilles heel For nine years, Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, a Democrat representing Rhode Island since 2007, made weekly speeches called Time To Wake Up urging the Senate to ...

Open letter calls on politicians to make climate a primary focus in election year and address this clear and present danger The climate crisis is the greatest threat to the future and security of Australians and the country is unprepared for its increasingly harsh impacts, a grou...

Changes to birds size, habits and morphology have been linked to rising temperatures Global warming is changing European birds as we know them, a study has found, but its not just the increase in temperature thats to blame. Researchers have found that garden warblers, for example...

Research shows that governments and individuals making small changes can have a huge impact in reducing emissions People in well-off countries can help avert climate breakdown by making six relatively straightforward lifestyle changes, according to research from three leading ins...

Report says human actions are causing dangerous disruption, and window to secure a liveable future is closing Climate breakdown is accelerating rapidly, many of the impacts will be more severe than predicted and there is only a narrow chance left of avoiding its worst ravages, th...

Key questions answered about the IPCC and its role as it issues a new report on climate crisis The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is made up of the worlds leading climate scientists, charged with publishing regular comprehensive updates of global knowledge on the clima...

Rising temperatures pushing much more freshwater towards poles than climate models previously estimated Rising global temperatures have shifted at least twice the amount of freshwater from warm regions towards the Earths poles than previously thought as the water cycle intensifie...

As cricketers with resources to hand, we have the opportunity to support our sport in making a tangible difference O n Saturday 4 January 2020, my local cricket club was smack bang in the middle of the hottest place on earth , with Penrith in Sydney reaching a scorching high of 4...

Speaking on Joe Rogans podcast, Peterson claimed the climate was too complex to be modelled accurately, which was quickly shot down by scientists Leading climate scientists have ridiculed and criticised comments made by controversial Canadian psychologist and author Jordan Peters...

New report finds alarmed group doubled in size over five years, while only two in 10 Americans are doubtful or dismissive A new report has revealed that a record number of Americans are now alarmed about the climate crisis. The study , published by the Yale Program on Climate Cha...

The pace of global heating is forcing insect populations to move and adapt and some aggressive species are thriving T he climate crisis is set to profoundly alter the world around us. Humans will not be the only species to suffer from the calamity. Huge waves of die-offs will be...

A look back at 12 months of key summits, devastating weather and alarming discoveries The year began with a counting up of the damage after the catastrophic extreme weather events of 2020, from fires to floods. Looking at the US alone, California more than doubled its previous an...

A film about a comet hurtling towards Earth and no one is doing anything about it? Sounds exactly like the climate crisis T he movie Dont Look Up is satire. But speaking as a climate scientist doing everything I can to wake people up and avoid planetary destruction, its also the ...

Manage your soil and your planting with global heating in mind and youll not only save time and effort, but have a healthier plot E arly in 2010, I moved from a home with a small, tidy back garden in Brighton to a wild smallholding more than 200 metres above sea level in Llandysu...

Despite the scientific evidence, psychologists remain puzzled why denial of global warming still exists I n the face of overwhelming scientific evidence, and news reports of the increasing association between climate change and more frequent storms, floods, and wildfires, it is a...

In a taste of things to come, a secret Office of National Assessment report worried the carbon dioxide problem would hurt the nations coal industry The report was stamped CONFIDENTIAL twice on each page, with the customary warning it should not be released to any other government...

Nathaniel Rich responds to claims about Losing Earth, his 2018 article for the New York Times, later published as a book In his article ( Neoliberalism wrecked our chance to fix the climate crisis and leftwing statements of faith have changed nothing, 17 November ), Jeff Sparrow...

The wrapping of ecological disaster with fears of rampant immigration is a narrative that has flourished in far-right fringe movements in Europe and the US S tanding in front of the partial ruins of Romes Colosseum, Boris Johnson explained that a motive to tackle the climate cris...

Reconstruction after Covid : a new series of long reads Its easy to despair at the climate crisis, or to decide its already too late but its not. Heres how to keep the fight alive T he world as we knew it is coming to an end, and its up to us how it ends and what comes after. It...

Since the 1980s, fossil fuel firms have run ads touting climate denial messages many of which theyd now like us to forget. Heres our visual guide Why is meaningful action to avert the climate crisis proving so difficult? It is, at least in part, because of ads. The fossil fuel i...

Diverse participation leads to more robust solutions, but Cop26 shows we are still failing to include marginalised voices I n a stirring speech at the opening of the Cop26 world leaders summit, Mia Mottley, prime minister of Barbados, asked : When will leaders lead? The problem s...

Country was down four places on greenhouse gas index and was the only one to score zero on policy The Australian governments policy response to the climate crisis was ranked last in an assessment of 60 countries released at the global climate summit in Glasgow. The Morrison gover...

Climate-related disasters have killed more Americans from flooding and wildfires than the 2,996 people who died in the 9/11 attacks. Lets treat the climate crisis with equal seriousness L arge government bureaucracies are often slow to adapt to changing realities, such as the cat...

Exclusive: poll of 10 countries including US, UK, France and Germany finds people prioritising measures that are already habits Citizens are alarmed by the climate crisis, but most believe they are already doing more to preserve the planet than anyone else, including their govern...

As elected governments fall short on their pledges, some look approvingly to the authoritarian playbook. Are they right? I ts time to acknowledge a difficult truth: our democracies are failing us on the climate crisis. As world leaders meet for the crucial Glasgow summit, rhetori...

From the seemingly inexorable increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to the rapid growth in green energy The level of CO 2 has been rising since the Industrial Revolution and is now at its highest for about 4m years. The rate of the rise is even more striking, the fastest f...

Right now, we are falling short, US president says, urging other world leaders to embark upon a shift to clean energy Joe Biden has warned that the climate crisis poses the existential threat to human existence as we know it and urged other world leaders to embark upon a transfor...

The drought, the fires and the floods have nearly broken us, but the government keeps playing games on climate action M y husband has left the farm we have worked so hard on since 2007. He says, I cant do it any more. He needs time to rest and heal. I dont know what that means fo...

Pontiff calls for rethink on future of our world in special message recorded on eve of global summit Pope Francis has urged world leaders to take radical decisions at next weeks global environmental summit in a special message recorded for BBC Radio 4s Thought for the Day. Leader...

Pace of emissions reductions must be increased significantly to keep global heating to 1.5C Every corner of society is failing to take the transformational change needed to avert the most disastrous consequences of the climate crisis, with trends either too slow or in some cases ...

Hundreds of billions to be given to clean energy, electric vehicles and flood defenses, officials say but some key parts left out The Biden administration has said a vast spending bill is set to result in the largest effort to combat climate change in American history, with hund...

The Morrison government says Australia is doing more than other nations to act on global heating. These interactive graphs tell the full story Its a common refrain from the Morrison government, repeated again on Tuesday: that Australia is not only acting on the climate crisis but...

While a strong majority of Americans believe global heating is happening, a new Guardian poll shows sharp partisan divides A majority of Americans want to see oil and gas companies held to account for lying about the climate crisis and contributing to global heating, according to...

Advisers say strategy boosts UK credibility before Cop26 summit, but more needed to protect low paid The UK strategy to reach net zero emissions by 2050 is achievable and affordable, according to the governments official climate advisers. The Climate Change Committee said the pla...

In the run-up to the Glasgow conference, James Shaw admits he is unhappy with New Zealands track record on emissions but insists there is room for hope N ew Zealands climate change minister James Shaw has revealed his official and unofficial coping mechanisms for reckoning with t...

Watching your land wither before your eyes is gut-wrenching, so weve been listening to the science and responding. But we cant do it alone Just so were clear: rural Australians are not the backwards-looking, climate denying hicks some of our political representatives make us out ...

States with large meat and dairy industries also attempted to amend IPCCs report, documents say Countries that produce coal, oil, beef and animal feed have been lobbying to water down a landmark UN climate report, according to a leak of documents seen by Greenpeaces investigation...

Bad weather hits production across Europe as flowering seasons become earlier and shorter French beekeepers expect their worst harvest in decades as unseasonably cold and wet weather due to climate change has prevented bees from producing honey. Beekeepers association UNAF said t...

Trawl of 90,000 studies finds consensus, leading to call for Facebook and Twitter to curb disinformation The scientific consensus that humans are altering the climate has passed 99.9%, according to research that strengthens the case for global action at the Cop26 summit in Glasgo...

Global heating and conflict are fundamentally linked. Without peace, there will be no climate action Scott Morrison describes climate change as a national security issue. Hes right but not in the way he imagines. If global heating exacerbates conflict, conflict also exacerbates ...

An insider talks about efforts to cut methane, one of the most prevalent greenhouse gases but which has had little attention While global climate efforts have tended to focus on the fight against carbon dioxide, many other threats that attract less attention are just as dangerous...

Earth is already becoming unlivable. Will governments act to stop this disaster from getting worse? by Oliver Milman , Andrew Witherspoon , Rita Liu , and Alvin Chang by Oliver Milman , Andrew Witherspoon , Rita Liu , and Alvin Chang The enormous, unprecedented pain and turmoil c...

Everyone in the Pacific has stories of times the climate crisis hit our lives. For me, it is the birth of my daughter between cyclones My daughter was born between cyclones. It was January 2013, and as we drove to the hospital, we passed the wreckage left by Cyclone Evan which ha...

Commentator adds voice to backlash against Mission Zero editorial project which has been criticised by some longtime supporters of climate action The prominent Murdoch commentator Andrew Bolt says News Corp Australias major editorial campaign to speed up climate action is rubbish...

Report warns England faces more floods and droughts, rising sea levels and greater demand on water supplies England faces more floods and droughts, rising sea levels and greater demand on water supplies due to climate change, the Environment Agency has warned. Ahead of the UN Cop...

A personal account of one climate scientists struggle to promote facts in the face of contrarian prejudice H ow on earth did we get here? How did we arrive in a world where temperatures in British Columbia can come within a whisker of 50C , where a ring of fire made Athens look a...

Cooling impact of very explosive eruptions could be amplified while moderate eruptions have less effect Its well known that volcanic eruptions alter the climate but can human-made climate change alter volcanic eruptions? Curiously, the answer appears to be yes. When the Philippin...

Catastrophes like fires and floods could set the economy back more than $1.2tn by 2060, even if action is taken Climate change-related disasters will cost Australia $73bn a year by 2060, even if action to curb emissions is taken now, a report has found. And if nothing is done to ...

Retired admiral says alternatives needed to deal with extreme weather events so defence force can be ready for security emergencies Australias military will be less ready to confront other security crises if troops are increasingly required to respond to climate-related disasters...

Amazon and Microsoft also supporting groups fighting legislation despite promises to combat the climate crisis, analysis finds Some of Americas most prominent companies, including Apple, Amazon, Microsoft and Disney, are backing business groups that are fighting landmark climate ...

I ve been reading Jonathan C Slaghts wonderful book Owls of the Eastern Ice , his account of four seasons trying to locate and protect the largest living species of owl in the remote Russian forests of Primorye, bordering North Korea. The Blakistons fish owl is a creature that se...

Despite all the analogies for this possibly terminal emergency, it is unlike anything that has come before W riting in 2003, the American environmentalist Bill McKibben observed that although some small percentage of scientists, diplomats and activists had known for 15 years that...

Mass youth protests to hit more than 1,400 locations weeks before Cop26 climate summit A global climate strike by youth protesters on Friday will hit more than 1,400 locations with a message that change is coming from the streets. The strike is the first such worldwide action si...

Exclusive: study also shows banana bread heard more in 2020 than wind power and solar power combined Cake was mentioned 10 times more often on UK television shows than climate change in 2020, data has revealed. The research showed banana bread was a more frequently heard term tha...

As Cop26 meeting approaches, analysis shows world is on track for 3C temperature increase if present trends continue Every one of the worlds leading economies, including all the countries that make up the G20, is failing to meet commitments made in the landmark Paris agreement in...

Global survey finds most 16-25 year olds worry a lot about the future, and many feel failed by governments Four in 10 young people around the world are hesitant to have children as a result of the climate crisis, and fear that governments are doing too little to prevent climate c...

Walmart is attempting to erase its huge climate footprint while continuing to sell tens of millions of low-priced products E very day a seemingly never-ending stream of toothbrushes, toilet paper, tape, thumbtacks, toys and other products criss-cross the globe from a network of s...

Warning comes as Climate Council report finds Australia will not have lasting national security without addressing climate crisis Australia has its head in the sand regarding the national security implications of climate change and should follow the US in spelling out the risks, ...

Colleges offer support as young people aim to devote their lives to battling the crisis C alifornia is facing a drought so devastating, some publications call it biblical . Colorado now has fire years instead of fire seasons. Miami, which sees more dramatic hurricanes each yea...

Global warming sceptics should be hiding in corners. But still some defend the indefensible N o one seems as defeated as the global warming deniers who dominated rightwing thinking a decade ago. Like late 18th-century opponents of abolishing the slave trade, Lord Lawson and the c...

There is no feeling like marching with thousands of my peers, united in our demand for real action. Its what gives us hope Coalition MPs have recently suggested an increase in funding for school chaplains to help young people dealing with mental health issues spurred on by global...

Its media malpractice not to mention that burning fossil fuels drives extreme weather events like Hurricane Ida The climate emergency is exploding in various parts of the world this week, but climate silence inexcusably continues to rein in much of the United States media. Hurric...

Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi tells US climate envoy John Kerry cooperation on reducing emissions cannot be separated from the broader relationship Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi has warned US climate envoy John Kerry that deteriorating US-China relations could undermine coo...

Treasurer says there are lots of internal conversations on whether Australia could make a firm net zero commitment at Cop26 Josh Frydenberg has acknowledged that managing carbon risk is now a major preoccupation in global capital markets as the Morrison government mulls what comm...

Our correspondent talks to her predecessor about how global heating went from a slow burn to the biggest story of all Devastating floods across Europe , killer heatwaves in Canada, wildfires across the US. Extreme weather has hit the headlines across the world in the past few wee...

In a landmark Australian first, the court found the state environmental regulator had not fulfilled its duty to protect the states environment The New South Wales environmental regulator has been ordered to take action against climate change by the states land and environment cou...

Drawing people into cities could cut emissions and combat housing crises. But even progressives are hard to convince I n San Franciscos Sunset District, rows and rows of pastel-colored, two-storey homes flow from the edge of Golden Gate park into the sand dunes of Ocean Beach. Ma...

A simple breakfast with a friend presented a serious dilemma and pointed to both the need and precedent for action O n Saturday morning I met a friend for breakfast at a local diner. We werent sure whether to sit outside because of the surging Delta variant of Covid, or inside be...

Report launched with youth activists including Greta Thunberg paints unimaginably dire picture Almost half the worlds 2.2 billion children are already at extremely high risk from the impacts of the climate crisis and pollution, according to a report from Unicef. The UN agencys he...

Flooding, droughts and wildfires will worsen as global heating disrupts the planets water cycle Water problems drought, with its accompanying wildfires , and flooding are likely to become much worse around the world as climate breakdown takes hold, according to the biggest asse...

Bill Kingdom says the battle against Covid provides lessons in how to cut consumption to ease global warming. Plus letters from Sue Dalley, David Hughes and Dave Hunter In Adam Toozes article ( By pushing for more oil production, the US is killing its climate pledges, 13 August )...

The IPCC is unequivocal: we must take urgent action to curb global heating and prevent catastrophe. Will our policymakers and the Cop26 conference be up to the task? A t the end of the 60s sci-fi classic, The Day the Earth Caught Fire , the camera pans across the Daily Express ca...

The striking thing is not the bad news, which is not really news for those who have followed the science closely. Its the reports insights on possibilities for cautious optimism T he first response many of us have to a cancer diagnosis is terror, horror and the conviction that we...

Group of scientists release draft IPCC report as they fear it will be watered down by governments Global greenhouse gas emissions must peak in the next four years, coal and gas-fired power plants must close in the next decade and lifestyle and behavioural changes will be needed t...

The landmark IPCC report paints a bleak picture for our planets future. We asked five climate change experts how they are staying strong The latest report from the UNs Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has left many of us feeling despondent and full of despair for ...

Dire warnings about irreversible damage to our climate fill the front pages of newspapers in Britain and around the world The front pages are filled with alarm in the wake of the release of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Changes global climate change report the first sin...

Climate expert group issues a report about every seven years, but this time the process was like no other Hundreds of climate scientists, thousands of research studies, eight years of work building on more than three decades of research before that have been boiled down in the ...

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change states every corner of the planet is already being affected and it could get far worse It is unequivocal. Those stark three words are the first in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Changes new report. The climate crisis is unequivoca...

As global temperatures rise, heatwaves, droughts, floods and other impacts will become more widespread, the sixth report says The first major assessment of its kind in seven years from the UNs Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has found the globes ocean, lands and air tem...

Report warns temperatures likely to rise by more than 1.5C bringing widespread extreme weather Human activity is changing the Earths climate in ways unprecedented in thousands or hundreds of thousands of years, with some of the changes now inevitable and irreversible, climate sci...

Analysis: report exposes the failure to act on the climate crisis political leaders are now in the dock As a verdict on the climate crimes of humanity, the new Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report could not be clearer: guilty as hell. The repeatedly ignored warnings ...

IPCCs landmark report will be most comprehensive assessment yet as governments prepare for pivotal UN talks in November The fires, floods and extreme weather seen around the world in recent months are just a foretaste of what can be expected if global heating takes hold, scientis...

Cop26 meeting is last chance, says Alok Sharma as he backs UKs plan for new oil and gas fields The world will soon face catastrophe from climate breakdown if urgent action is not taken, the British president of vital UN climate talks has warned. Alok Sharma, the UK minister in ch...

Exclusive: IPCC says gas, produced by farming, shale gas and oil extraction, playing ever-greater role in overheating planet Cutting carbon dioxide is not enough to solve the climate crisis the world must act swiftly on another powerful greenhouse gas, methane, to halt the rise ...

A shutdown would have devastating global impacts and must not be allowed to happen, researchers say Climate scientists have detected warning signs of the collapse of the Gulf Stream, one of the planets main potential tipping points. The research found an almost complete loss of s...

It is not good to be too pessimistic on the climate crisis. That said, it sure does seem like were screwed I f you have cultivated an Edgar Allen Poe-like appreciation for the macabre, there is a certain sort of amusement to be had in watching the developed world deal with the in...

Leak of potent greenhouse gas is currently small but further research is urgently needed, say scientists The Siberian heatwave of 2020 led to new methane emissions from the permafrost, according to research. Emissions of the potent greenhouse gas are currently small, the scientis...

Nothing is more dangerous than the illusion of action which is all Boris Johnsons Tories are offering Future generations will look back on the climate events of 2021 and say: That was the year they ran out of excuses. Heatwaves and flooding here in the UK, temperatures topping 5...

At Lake Powell on the Arizona-Utah border, the water line has dropped to a historic low, taking a heavy toll on the local industry Chaos erupted at Bill Wests business in Page, Arizona , last week when he was forced to tell dozens of paid clients their summer vacations were eithe...

Carbon emissions, ocean acidification, Amazon clearing all hurtling toward new records A new study tracking the planets vital signs has found that many of the key indicators of the global climate crisis are getting worse and either approaching, or exceeding, key tipping points as...

A healthy ocean is vital for a healthy planet, and healthy coral reefs lie at the heart of ocean biodiversity W e are fast approaching unstoppable climate change. If we dont take drastic action to cut our global greenhouse gas emissions at the United Nations Climate Change Confer...

More heatwaves even worse than those seen recently in north-west of America forecast in research Record-shattering heatwaves, even worse than the one that recently hit north-west America, are set to become much more likely in future, according to research. The study is a stark ne...

Reminders that our planet is wilting under the impact of human-driven climate change have been hard to avoid this month. Catastrophic floods have killed 160 in Germany while more than 50 died after massive inundations swept through the central Chinese province of Henan when a yea...

A controversial MIT study from 1972 forecast the collapse of civilization and Gaya Herrington is here to deliver the bad news A t a UN sustainability meeting several years ago, an economic policy officer came up to Gaya Herrington and introduced himself. Taking her name for a ri...

Disastrous energy policies of China, Russia, Brazil and Australia could stoke 5C rise in temperatures if adopted by the rest of the world A key group of leading G20 nations is committed to climate targets that would lead to disastrous global warming, scientists have warned. They ...

Former detective says he was asked to inform on fellow Extinction Rebellion campaigners A former police officer who is now a prominent climate crisis campaigner has accused the Metropolitan police of attempting to recruit him to spy on Extinction Rebellion . Former detective serg...

Residents of the region, known for its mild weather, are facing a shifting reality T he recent heatwave that broiled the US Pacific north-west not only obliterated temperature records in cities such as Seattle and Portland it also put a torch to a comforting bromide that the reg...

Diana Six, an entomologist studying beetles near Glacier national park in Montana, says the crisis has fundamentally changed her profession D iana Sixs love of the outdoors began before she could form words, run, or collect the bugs and fungi that were precious to her as a child....

US envoy uses landmark speech in London to make impassioned plea for unified global effort The world still has a chance of staving off the worst impacts of climate breakdown but only if governments step up in the next few months with stronger commitments on cutting greenhouse gas...

New alliance urges governments to work together to deliver a just transition to a green economy People around the world need a global green deal that would tackle the climate crisis and restore the natural world as we recover from the Covid-19 pandemic, a group of politicians fro...

Using a name inspired by Indonesian farmers, Subak will share information and fund hi-tech solutions to fight global heating A s monikers go, Subak may seem an odd choice for a new organisation that aims to accelerate hi-tech efforts to combat the climate crisis. The name is Indo...

Scientists believe climate disruption will bring more extreme weather, and humans are making things worse Almost certainly. Scientists have long predicted climate disruption will lead to more extreme weather, such as heatwaves, droughts and floods. Human emissions from engine exh...

A new report has found that a policy standard would be most effective to reach the goal of 80% renewable energy use by 2030 A Biden administration plan to force the rapid uptake of renewable energy would swiftly cut planet-heating emissions and save hundreds of thousands of lives...

People are dying. Aquatic animals are baking in their shells. Fruit is being cooked on the tree. Its time to act H uman beings crave clarity, immediacy, landmark events. We seek turning points, because our minds are good at recognizing the specific this time, this place, this su...

Commuters forced to wade through filthy water Mayoral favourite Eric Adams says: This cannot be New York Commuters having to wade through waist-deep water on subway concourses, rain cascading directly onto train platforms, desperate motorists rescued by police from their inundate...

Anthropogenic warming of climate has been a factor in extreme precipitation events globally, researchers say Human activity such as greenhouse gas emissions and land use change were a key factor in extreme precipitation events such as flooding and landslides around the world, a s...

Rising temperatures may be hitting faster and harder than forecast, say climate scientists in wake of heatwave in US and Canada The world needs to step up preparations for extreme heat, which may be hitting faster and harder than previously forecast, a group of leading climate sc...

Younger people have been more aware of the risks compared with older groups, but over the past decade that has changed On his early morning bike rides to school, David Yockney would deliberately seek out the crunch and splash of the ice-hardened puddles. It was a winter joy he lo...

Survey in 16 countries finds just over half of consumers believe their own behaviour can help A small majority of people believe there is still time to make a difference and slow global heating, a survey of consumer attitudes in 16 countries reveals. People aged 55 and over belie...

The effects of weird weather were already being felt in the 1960s, but scientists linking fossil fuels with climate change were dismissed as prophets of doom I n August 1974, the CIA produced a study on climatological research as it pertains to intelligence problems. The diagnosi...

Study website made claims including warmer temperatures could lead to healthier outdoor lifestyles The BBC has removed an educational page laying out the benefits of climate change after a furious online reaction. BBC Bitesize, its website for schoolchildren, claimed warmer tempe...

Scientists fear heat domes in North America and Siberia indicate a new dimension to the global crisis If you were drawing up a list of possible locations for hell on Earth before this week, the small mountain village of Lytton in Canada would probably not have entered your mind. ...

Lawyers say commissions emissions budgets are inconsistent with aim of limiting global warming to 1.5C Hundreds of top New Zealand lawyers are suing the Climate Change Commission for what they say are substantial errors in its advice to the government over reducing carbon emissio...

Experts discoveries lie at the heart of two dozen lawsuits that hope to hold the industry accountable for devastating damage As early as 1958 , the oil industry was hiring scientists and engineers to research the role that burning fossil fuels plays in global warming. The goal at...

For farmers and Native tribes near the California-Oregon border, water scarcity is happening now E xcept for a brief stint in the military, Paul Crawford has spent his entire life farming in southern Oregon . First, as a boy, chasing his dad through hayfields and now, growing alf...

Via an unprecedented wave of lawsuits, Americas petroleum giants face a reckoning for the devastation caused by fossil fuels Are you a fossil fuel industry insider? We want to hear from you After a century of wielding extraordinary economic and political power, Americas petroleum...

Experts suggest vulnerability of south Florida to rising seas could lead to destabilization of further buildings The shocking collapse of a 12-storey building in the Miami area last week has raised questions as to the role played by the climate crisis, and whether the severe vuln...

Experts say scientific advances are making it easier to attribute the damages of climate breakdown to companies activities Businesses could soon be facing a fresh wave of legal action holding them to account for their greenhouse gas emissions , owing to advances in climate scienc...

Researchers say temperatures, already the highest in the past 20,000 years, could increase by up to 10F by 2100 Yellowstone, established in 1872, is famous around the globe for good reason: its the oldest national park in the United States and one of the most popular. But a new r...

Climate Change Committee says government needs to step up very rapidly to meet historic targets Boris Johnsons government has set historic targets on the climate crisis but has failed so far to come up with the policies needed to reach them, the governments independent advisers o...

Scientists increasingly concerned about thresholds beyond which recovery may become impossible Climate scientists are increasingly concerned that global heating will trigger tipping points in Earths natural systems, which will lead to widespread and possibly irrevocable disaster,...

Financial aid critical to help developing countries limit fossil fuels and make Cop26 a success, says UN The head of climate change at the UN has warned that world leaders are still far away from securing a deal to limit the disastrous effects of global heating, with less than f...

Sir David King hopes to emulate success of British Covid advisory body by issuing monthly reports on environmental crisis Several of the worlds leading scientists plan to launch an independent expert group this week to advise, warn and criticise global policymakers about the clim...

Scientists from agency and Noaa say Earths energy imbalance roughly doubled from 2005 to 2019 in alarming way The Earth is trapping nearly twice as much heat as it did in 2005, according to new research, described as an unprecedented increase amid the climate crisis. Scientists f...

It is absolutely illogical not to tackle the risks of heatwaves and power blackouts, says Climate Change Committee The UK government is failing to protect people from the fast-rising risks of the climate crisis, from deadly heatwaves to power blackouts, its official climate advis...

Increasing droughts in producer nations will also make palm oil and soya imports highly vulnerable, study finds Coffee and chocolate supplies in Europe soon could be disrupted by the climate crisis as droughts hit producer countries, according to a study. The research also found ...

Restoring nature boosts biodiversity and ecosystems that can rapidly and cheaply absorb carbon emissions Humanity must solve the climate and nature crises together or solve neither, according to a report from 50 of the worlds leading scientists. Global heating and the destruction...

Id have to follow up with you on that one, says forestry official Jennifer Eberlien to bizarre question from Louie Gohmert The Texas Republican congressman Louie Gohmert has asked a senior US government official if changing the moons orbit around the Earth, or the Earths orbit ar...

G7 countries will lose $5tn a year by 2050 if temperatures rise by 2.6C The economies of rich countries will shrink by twice as much as they did in the Covid-19 crisis if they fail to tackle rising greenhouse gas emissions, according to research. The G7 countries the worlds bigg...

We asked the worlds press to commit to treating climate change as the emergency that scientists say it is. Their response was dispiriting T he TV newsman Bill Moyers likes to tell the story of how Edward R Murrow, the pre-eminent US broadcast journalist of his time, insisted on c...

Analysis shows significant risk of cascading events even at 2C of heating, with severe long-term effects Ice sheets and ocean currents at risk of climate tipping points can destabilise each other as the world heats up, leading to a domino effect with severe consequences for human...

Between 1991 and 2018, human activity contributed to 37% of all heat-related deaths in locations studied More than a third of all heat-related deaths around the world between 1991 and 2018 can be attributed to human-induced global heating, research has found. Climate breakdown ha...

Fossil fuel firms are being held responsible for greenhouse gas emissions. Thats a good thing History was made in the Hague district court this week . Judge Larisa Alwin ruled that Shell, one of the worlds biggest oil companies, must cut its emissions by 45% by 2030 relative to 2...

Eight teenagers, along with 86-year-old nun, launched case to prevent the approval of a massive coalmine The federal court of Australia has found the environment minister, Sussan Ley , has a duty of care to protect young people from the climate crisis in a judgment hailed by lawy...

Vicious circle of climate impacts, trauma and depression must be broken, say scientists The climate crisis is damaging the mental health of hundreds of millions of people around the world but the huge costs are hidden, scientists have warned. Heatwaves are increasing rates of sui...

Increasing blanket of mucus-like substance in water threatens coral and fishing industry When seen from above, it looks like a brush of beige swirled across the dark blue waters of the Sea of Marmara. Up close, it resembles a creamy, gelatinous blanket of quicksand. Now scientist...

Agriculture is seen as a key culprit in rising emissions. Some on the land are aiming to lead by example, making their properties carbon neutral C indy Stevens traces her family line back to the early pioneer days on Western Australias wheatbelt. Now she and her husband, Simon Wa...

Announcing a new gas-fired power plant when a report urges the world to reduce emissions is in keeping with the climate policy farce T his week we took another spin on the deranged carousel that is Australian climate change policy as the government announced it will fund a gas-fi...

Students marched at 47 sites around the nation to call for action to halt global heating Thousands of students across Australia walked out of classrooms to take part in the School Strike 4 Climate on Friday, calling for greater action on global heating. Defying pouring rain in Sy...

Study finds burn area from fires that survive winter varies depending on warmth of summers In the boreal forests of the far northern hemisphere, where the climate is warming faster than almost anywhere else, some wildfires are surviving winter snows and picking up again in spring...

Food-growing areas will see drastic changes to rainfall and temperatures if global heating continues at current rate A third of global food production will be at risk by the end of the century if greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise at their current rate, new research sugges...

Survey of 800 cities around world finds almost 43% do not even have plan to adapt to impacts of global heating One in four cities around the world lack the money to protect themselves against the ravages of climate breakdown, even though more than 90% are facing serious risks , a...

In Kenya, the area of optimal tea-growing conditions will be reduced by more than a quarter by 2050 Your morning cup of tea may never taste the same again if global heating increases and the climate crisis intensifies, according to research. Some of the worlds biggest tea-growing...

In this extract, top atmospheric scientist Dave Lowe explains why despite political inaction he believes we can build a sustainable future When it comes to the political will and leadership needed to drive the world towards a sustainable future, Im a pessimist. Time and time agai...

Children and young adults around the world are demanding action from governments on global heating and the ecological crisis Sofia Oliveira is one of six young Portuguese people who have filed a lawsuit against 33 countries with the European court of human rights, demanding that ...

World faces abrupt jump in pace of ice loss around 2060 unless emissions reduced to meet Paris agreement goals, study warns The current pace of global heating risks unleashing rapid and unstoppable sea level rise from the melting of Antarcticas vast ice sheet, a new research pape...

Rise is a 0.2C improvement on previous forecast but still substantially above goal of Paris climate agreement New climate targets announced by the US and other rich nations in recent weeks have put the world on track for global heating of about 2.4C by the end of the century, re...

Exclusive: Frans Timmermans says older people need to make sacrifices to protect the future Older people will have to make sacrifices in the fight against climate change or todays children will face a future of fighting wars for water and food, the EUs deputy chief has warned. Fr...

The first mention in parliament of greenhouse gas occurred in 1986 - decades later the government is still not proposing anything near appropriate So many wasted years. The first mention in parliament of greenhouse gas occurred in 1986 when the ALPs Barry Jones took a question on...

Massive melting of glaciers has tilted the planets rotation, showing the impact of human activities The massive melting of glaciers as a result of global heating has caused marked shifts in the Earths axis of rotation since the 1990s, research has shown. It demonstrates the profo...

Fighting climate change may be the most important task we face today and the USs renewed commitment to it is welcome N early three decades ago, during the Earth Summit held in 1992 in Rio de Janeiro, the international community acknowledged the need to address the growing challe...

As world leaders meet to discuss the climate crisis, campaigners say wealthier countries need to do more Developing countries are increasingly concerned that their need for financial assistance to cope with the climate crisis will go unmet, as leaders of the worlds biggest econom...

Our economy remains one of the most highly dependent upon greenhouse gases T he release last week of the OECDs Going for Growth 2021 report on Australia provided a needed reality check for those thinking Australias economy is the envy of the rest of the world. But more importantl...

Pandemic had no effect on atmospheric CO2 levels but made impacts of global heating worse for millions, report says There was a relentless intensification of the climate crisis in 2020, according to the UNs World Meteorological Organization. The coronavirus pandemic made the acce...

Countries around the globe have made plans called Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to reduce carbon emissions. We take a look at some of the most significant Saudi Arabia, home of the worlds biggest industrial polluter, the state-owned oil company Aramco, has long been ...

President will also call on major economies to join him in bold action at virtual summit of 40 world leaders Joe Biden faces a key test of his commitment to climate action this week, when he sets out his core plans for tackling the climate crisis and calls on all of the worlds ma...

Worlds biggest polluters release joint commitment to climate action following John Kerry visit to Shanghai The US and China have committed to cooperating on the pressing issue of climate change, the two sides said in a joint statement on Saturday, following a visit to Shanghai by...

The New Yorker editor on Fragile Earth, a new collection of the magazines climate crisis writing, the continuing dangers of Trumpism and seeing his family for the first time in a year David Remnick has been the editor of the New Yorker since 1998. The Fragile Earth , a selection...

When it comes to addressing the climate emergency, there have been hopeful moments before that ultimately led to nothing. Now, hope rises again T he Earths climate has always been a work in progress. In the 4.5bn years the planet has been spinning around the sun, ice ages have co...

To avoid the grimmest outlook posed by warming oceans, we need to extract heat-trapping gases from the atmosphere T he climate emergency is bigger than many experts, elected officials, and activists realize. Humanitys greenhouse gas emissions have overheated the Earths atmosphere...

Ahead of Earth Day, the Guardian is partnering with newsrooms around the world in a joint initiative calling on journalists to treat the climate crisis like the emergency it is W hen the world shut down last year, there was one big beneficiary: the planet. With travel ground to a...

Ade Adepitan travels to the Pacific to see how the climate emergency is shrinking the land and killing the future and to ask what, if anything, can be done to halt the destruction A de Adepitan addresses what he calls the elephant in the room fairly early on in his new three-par...

Research warns that large proportions of endemic marine and mountain species face extinction Unique island species including lemurs and the Galapagos giant tortoise could be at high risk of extinction if the planet warms by more than 3C above pre-industrial levels, new research w...

Experts say extreme weather including droughts will become more common as planet heats Recent sandstorms that shrouded Beijing in a post-apocalyptic orange haze and intensive droughts in other parts of the country are bringing into stark relief the challenges China faces from ris...

Research shows rising temperatures since 1960s have acted as handbrake to agricultural yield of crops and livestock The climate crisis is already eating into the output of the worlds agricultural systems, with productivity much lower than it would have been if humans hadnt rapidl...

Exclusive: scientists write to ministers and supreme court over recent ruling in Heathrow case Prominent scientists and lawyers have said the UK governments decision to ignore the Paris climate agreement when deciding on major infrastructure projects undermines its presidency of ...

Race on to preserve centrepiece at Cragside, the first house in the world to be lit by hydroelectric power A race has begun to prevent one of the most spectacular fireplaces in the UK from crumbling because of the increase in heavy rainfall brought about by climate change. The dr...

Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin among invitees as US heralds return to forefront of climate fight Joe Biden has invited 40 world leaders to a virtual summit on the climate crisis, the White House said in a statement on Friday. Heads of state, including Xi Jinping of China and Russi...

Cairns event sees 120 traditional owners and scientists share insights on tackling heatwaves, rising seas and species deaths More than 100 traditional owners and leading scientists from across Australia met this week to build a national First Nations voice on climate change. From...

Experts say new interior secretary will renew focus on climate emergency and public lands after years of cuts under Trump A fter four years under an administration that denied the climate crisis, opened public lands to oil and gas drilling and stripped protections from national m...

Experts say its unusual to see so many places with such high rainfall across such a wide area. But identifying the cause is complicated Life-threatening floods have washed away homes and businesses with a deluge of rain inundating hundreds of kilometres of the New South Wales coa...

Scientists warn that Nobel summit and long-term decisions to save the planet are at risk from targeted attacks online Fake news on social media about climate change and biodiversity loss is having a worrying impact in the battle to halt the growing environmental threats to the pl...

Heatwaves and wildfires will be more likely and winter will be squeezed to just 31 days O ur summers are already about 20% longer than they used to be, and if the climate crisis continues unabated then northern hemisphere summers could cover nearly half of the year by 2100, makin...

Canadas main opposition Conservative party members have voted down a proposal to recognize the climate crisis as real, in a blow to their new leaders efforts to embrace environmentally friendly policies before a likely federal election this year. The rejected motion included the ...

Study of tree rings dating back to Roman empire concludes weather since 2014 has been extraordinary The series of severe droughts and heatwaves in Europe since 2014 is the most extreme for more than 2,000 years, research suggests. The study analysed tree rings dating as far back ...

Scientists say residents should expect to see more intense rainstorms more frequently as the planet warms Heavy rains triggered flooding on multiple Hawaiian islands this week, destroying homes and bridges and setting off mass evacuations. The downpour, officials and climate scie...

Thinktank calls for more support for local initiatives ranging from heating to flood schemes C ommunities across the UK are tackling the climate crisis with hundreds of local schemes ranging from neighbourhood heating to food co-ops, community land ownership projects and flood de...

Rising heat and humidity threatening to plunge much of the worlds population into potentially lethal conditions, study finds The climate crisis is pushing the planets tropical regions towards the limits of human livability, with rising heat and humidity threatening to plunge much...

The author and eminent climate scientist on the deniers new tactics and why positive change feels closer than it has done in 20 years M ichael E Mann is one of the worlds most influential climate scientists. He rose to prominence in 1999 as the co-author of the hockey-stick graph...

United Nations calls on all countries to have concrete plans to phase out fossil fuels as fast as possible Australia has been accused of shamefully doing nothing and weighing down global action after a UN analysis found national pledges to cut greenhouses gas emissions over the n...

Without modifying human behaviour we run the risk of violent weather swings and a drastic effect on crops and ocean life T he ocean circulation that keeps our relatively northern corner of Europe warm(ish) is often likened to a gigantic conveyor belt bringing warm equatorial wate...

Outlawing ecocide would hold governments and corporations accountable for environmental negligence. We cant wait T he Paris agreement is failing. Yet there is new hope for preserving a livable planet: the growing global campaign to criminalize ecocide can address the root causes ...

The Lone Star State is aptly named. If youre not part of the Republican oil elite with Cruz and Abbott, youre on your own Texas has long represented a wild west individualism that elevates personal freedom this week, the freedom to freeze above all else. The states prevailing s...

Both states have faced widespread power outages after failing to plan for extreme weather When California saw widespread power blackouts last year during wildfires and a summer heat storm, Republican lawmakers from Texas were quick to deride the coastal states energy policies. Ca...

Six experts say failure to reform climate finance risks undermining trust in Paris agreement Taxes on international transport could provide new flows of finance to developing countries to help them reduce greenhouse gas emissions and cope with the impacts of climate breakdown, a ...

The wintry weather that has battered the southern US and parts of Europe could be a counterintuitive effect of the climate crisis Associating climate change, normally connected with roasting heat, with an unusual winter storm that has crippled swaths of Texas and brought freezing...

New study of fossils suggests arrival in northern hemisphere long after meat-eating cousins Large plant-eating dinosaurs probably arrived in the northern hemisphere millions of years after their meat-eating cousins, a delay probably caused by climate change , a new study has foun...

Australia is deeply exposed to carbon border tax adjustments due to our lack of action in reducing emissions G lobal momentum is building on increasing climate action to meet the Paris agreements 1.5C limit, with all countries under pressure to increase their 2030 emission reduct...

In an exclusive extract from his new book, the Microsoft founder explains why we need to cut carbon emissions to zero even if he is an imperfect messenger There are two numbers you need to know about climate change. The first is 51bn. The other is zero. Fifty-one billion is how ...

Meeting Paris goals would bring health benefits aside from tackling global heating, research says Thousands of lives lost to air pollution, inactivity and unhealthy diets could be saved each year if the UK takes the action needed to tackle climate change, researchers have said. A...

State found guilty of non-respect of its engagements aimed at fighting global warming A Paris court has convicted the French state of failing to address the climate crisis and not keeping its promises to tackle greenhouse gas emissions. In what has been hailed as a historic rulin...

Danish team predict possible 1.35m rise by 2100 and highlight issues with previous modelling The rise in the sea level is likely to be faster and greater than previously thought, according to researchers who say recent predictions are inconsistent with historical data. In its mos...

More electric vehicles, renewable energy and forests are among the steps recommended to help meet Paris accords New Zealand needs to urgently increase its efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions if it is to meet its obligations under the Paris climate accords. The countrys cli...

Analysis: The new president has framed the challenge of global heating as an opportunity for US jobs, saying: We have to be bold For a landmark moment in the global effort to stave off catastrophic climate change, Joe Bidens climate day at the White House was rather low-key. The ...

As the US president vows to push the rest of the world to do more on climate change, the prime minister will face increasing pressure to measure up When John Kerry , the United States new special presidential envoy for climate, stepped up to speak to the World Economic Forum in D...

Scientists say temperatures globally at highest level since start of human civilisation The planet is hotter now than it has been for at least 12,000 years, a period spanning the entire development of human civilisation, according to research. Analysis of ocean surface temperatur...

Biggest ever survey finds two-thirds of people think climate change is a global emergency The biggest ever opinion poll on climate change has found two-thirds of people think it is a global emergency. The survey shows people across the world support climate action and gives polit...

Kristalina Georgieva says investing to create resilient economies is a win-win-win-win scenario Helping the most vulnerable people to cope with the climate crisis can boost the global economy during the Covid crisis and governments should make this a priority, the head of the Int...

In phone call, US and Canadian leaders discuss collaboration on vaccines and plan to meet next month Canadas Justin Trudeau and President Joe Biden plan to meet next month, the prime ministers office said, following a call between the two leaders in which they agreed to join forc...

World leaders will meet for Climate Adaptation Summit to consider how to adapt to extreme weather More than 1 million young people around the world have urged governments to prioritise measures to protect against the ravages of climate breakdown during the recovery from the Covid...

President has vowed to rejoin Paris agreement, cut fossil fuel reliance, and invest in low-carbon growth Joe Bidens pledges of strong action on the climate crisis have buoyed international hopes that 2021 can be a breakthrough year, resetting the world on a greener path to net ze...

Biden administration rolls out a flurry of executive orders aimed at tackling climate crisis Joe Biden has moved to reinstate the US to the Paris climate agreement just hours after being sworn in as president, as his administration rolls out a cavalcade of executive orders aimed ...

President-elect to block Keystone XL pipeline among other swift environmental moves but challenges lie ahead J oe Biden is set for a flurry of action to combat the climate crisis on his first day as US president by immediately rejoining the Paris climate agreement and blocking t...

MPs unfounded claims about the US Capitol attack and Covid treatments pale next to the granddaddy of misinformation N asa announced this week that 2020 a year which included a La Nina event normally associated with lower temperatures was the hottest year on record . It was also...

Supporters insist that storage technology is not a costly mistake but the best way for UK to cut emissions from heavy industry Engineers and geologists have strongly criticised green groups who last week claimed that carbon capture and storage schemes for reducing fossil fuel em...

Report says not enough funding is being made available to deal with effects of extreme weather Millions of people around the world are facing disaster from flood, droughts, heatwaves and other extreme weather, as governments fail to take the measures needed to adapt to the impact...

Scientists say temperatures likely to be increasing faster than at any time in past 2,000 years The worlds oceans reached their hottest level in recorded history in 2020, supercharging the extreme weather impacts of the climate emergency, scientists have reported. More than 90% o...

Sobering new report says world is failing to grasp the extent of threats posed by biodiversity loss and the climate crisis The planet is facing a ghastly future of mass extinction, declining health and climate-disruption upheavals that threaten human survival because of ignorance...

Global heating continued unabated despite Covid lockdowns, with record Arctic wildfires and Atlantic tropical storms The climate crisis continued unabated in 2020, with the joint highest global temperatures on record, alarming heat and record wildfires in the Arctic , and a recor...

Climate disaster could be curtailed within a couple of decades if net zero emissions are reached, new study shows The world may be barreling towards climate disaster but rapidly eliminating planet-heating emissions means global temperatures could stabilize within just a couple of...

As climate risks continue to rise, the government is considering the idea of subsidising north Queensland homeowners I s it fair that young men pay more for car insurance than older women, or that we make young healthy people buy private health insurance to keep the price of heal...

Research says planting trees in urban areas could mitigate rising temperatures Urban regions around the world are likely to see a near-universal decrease in humidity as the climate changes, a study has found. The research suggests that building green infrastructure and increasing...

From buying an electric car to starting a secondhand clothes business, attendees talk of the unexpected delights of the first UK citizens assembly A t the start of 2020, Sue Peachey could never have predicted how her life would change over the next 12 months. She was one of 108 p...

Slowdown of human activity was too short to reverse years of destruction, but we saw a glimpse of post-fossil fuel world W hen lockdown began, climate scientists were horrified at the unfolding tragedy, but also intrigued to observe what they called an inadvertent experiment on a...

Reducing emissions from transport and agriculture topped the list but readers also believe there are no easy answers After prime minister Jacinda Ardern declared a climate emergency this month, we asked you what New Zealand should prioritise to meet its climate change goals. The ...

Bright yellow stickers warn drivers burning of gasoline has major consequences on human health and the environment Cambridge, Massachusetts , has become the first US city to mandate the placing of stickers on fuel pumps to warn drivers of the resulting dangers posed by the climat...

Australias leaders are playing with climate policy, pitching a nationalist and populist message to their base Australia ends the year as one of the only developed countries not committed to net zero emissions by 2050. To this, prime minister Scott Morrison is adding another disti...

When world leaders get serious about reducing carbon emissions, we can raise families determined to improve the planets future W hen I had my daughter I felt like the first person to have a baby; now Ive had my son, I feel like I might be the last. An academic study into how youn...

Minister tells more than 80 world leaders that not enough is being done The world is still not on track to fulfil the 2015 Paris climate agreement, the UKs business secretary Alok Sharma warned, after a summit of more than 70 world leaders on the climate crisis ended with few new...

Exclusive : Climate striker speaks before UN event marking five years since the Paris accord The world is speeding in the wrong direction in tackling the climate emergency, Greta Thunberg has said, before a UN event at which national leaders have been asked to increase their pled...

CCC recommendation includes half of cars being electric by 2030, gas boilers phased out and 10,000 wind turbines The worlds first detailed route map to ending a nations use of fossil fuels is both ambitious and affordable, according to the UK governments official advisers, and wo...

This years spring temperatures would be virtually impossible without human greenhouse emissions, according to new report Australias hottest spring on record, which saw temperatures more than 2C above average, would have been virtually impossible without human-caused climate chang...

Warmest temperatures since 1900 have all occurred within the past seven years, according to Noaas annual Arctic report card The Arctics rapid transformation into a less frozen, hotter and biologically altered place has been further exacerbated by a year of wildfires, soaring temp...

Scientists and academics including Prof Gesa Weyhenmeyer and Prof Will Steffen argue that we must discuss the threat of societal disruption in order to prepare for it As scientists and scholars from around the world, we call on policymakers to engage with the risk of disruption a...

The ABCs Graham Creed says new climate change research could fill a big gap in public understanding Graham Creed has spent 30 years with his head in synoptic charts, and for the past 20 hes been on television letting Australians know if its going to be hot, cold, wet or dry. But ...

NDCs contain many components but the central point is a near-term target for 2030 on emissions cuts Every country signing up to the Paris agreement set out a target, known as a nationally determined contribution (NDC) for reducing greenhouse gas emissions by around 2030. But the ...

The outlook for Australian sites including the Blue Mountains and the Gondwana rainforests has deteriorated, report says The outlook for five Australian world heritage sites including the Great Barrier Reef , the Blue Mountains and the Gondwana rainforests, has deteriorated, acco...

Jacinda Ardern calls climate change one of the greatest challenges of our time and pledges carbon-neutral government by 2025 New Zealand has declared a climate change emergency and committed to a carbon-neutral government by 2025, in what the prime minister Jacinda Ardern called ...

Survey of 600 people finds some parents regret having offspring for same reason People worried about the climate crisis are deciding not to have children because of fears that their offspring would have to struggle through a climate apocalypse, according to the first academic stu...

Climate groups plan to camp in Washington DC in protest of Bidens hires of key staff with connections to the oil and gas industry Progressive climate activists plan to occupy the Democratic National Committee headquarters in Washington DC today in protest of Joe Bidens early hire...

Expecting the free market to fix global warming is like trying to pound nails with a saw T he massive wildfires that have been rampaging across the American west this year are not purely natural disasters. They are partly products of the unnatural disaster of climate change unna...

Evidence is not so much in the number of tropical storms the Atlantic has seen, but in their strength, intensity and rainfall Paddling in a canoe through the flood waters left by Hurricane Eta in his rural village near the north coast of Honduras , Adan Herrera took stock of the ...

Couple finds areas that once required ice-breaking ship have become open water When the Arctic researchers Jacqueline Grebmeier and Lee Cooper made their annual scientific pilgrimage to frigid seas off Alaska last month, what they found was startling. Areas that were previously a...

The extremes of the past year will soon become commonplace, as rivers dry and temperatures rise Since 1910, Australia has warmed by 1.44C and the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere have been accelerating. Neither of those facts would be tangible or noticeable for the ever...

Exclusive: analysis finds countries pouring money into fossil fuels to fight recession The prospect of a global green recovery from the coronavirus pandemic is hanging in the balance, as countries pour money into the fossil fuel economy to stave off a devastating recession , an a...

Bidens presidency could help reduce global heating by about 0.1C if plans fulfilled, say experts The election of Joe Biden as president of the US could reduce global heating by about 0.1C, bringing the goals of the Paris agreement within striking distance, if his plans are fulfil...

Experts say they believe the US president-elect will exert significant pressure on Australia to lift its climate commitments Australia risks becoming an isolated laggard in addressing the climate crisis, without obvious allies to shelter it from rising international pressure to a...

Tim Flannery has been speaking about climate change for decades but hes finding it harder and harder to be the bearer of bad news B eing a bearer of bad news is never easy. Ive been writing and talking about climate change for decades now. Constant exposure hardens one to even t...

A sense of despair and outrage among young people over global heating is being met with indifference and dismissal among some older relatives T he climate crisis lingers in the back of Gemma Gutierrezs mind, a gnawing anxiety that blossoms fully when she reads about wildfires, fl...

Maricopa county is home to Americas hottest city, where deaths from the heat are weighing on voters minds Even now, Ivan Moore cant think why his father didnt didnt tell anyone that the air conditioning in their house was busted. I honestly dont know what was going through his mi...

International action on emissions reduction will get a huge shot in the arm if the US election goes to the Democratic leader I m a deeply superstitious person, so I can barely bring myself to utter the words if Joe Biden wins the American presidency next week , but for the purpos...

Climate change is eroding beaches all over the Caribbean even though the region contributes a tiny fraction of the emissions heating the planet S unbathing mothers keep an anxious eye out for children enjoying horseback rides, as groups of young men engage in energetic games of ...

Exclusive: expedition says preliminary findings indicate that new source of greenhouse gas off East Siberian coast has been triggered Scientists say they have found evidence that frozen methane deposits in the Arctic Ocean have started to be released over a large area of the cont...

Climate of the Nation report finds 80% think heating effects are now being felt and only 12% back governments gas-led recovery Battling a global pandemic and the first recession in 30 years has not prompted Australians to worry less about the impacts of climate change, and a subs...

Does a late conversion somehow void the finance ministers previous statements and the Coalitions decade of shame? T he window for attaining net zero emissions by 2050 and holding temperature increases to safe levels is rapidly closing. Evidence is mounting that the world is close...

Report hails the chance to jump-start the economy and deal with climate change, but Labor says there was no official response The Morrison government has been accused of ignoring advice from one of its agencies that it should use the economic response to Covid-19 to set Australia...

Displacement is growing in the Asia-Pacific region, and a new policy paper argues migration policies must be established now Australia should establish a new Pacific Access visa category that could be used by Pacific islanders forced from their homes by climate change and natural...

Scientists are warning of a link between rapid warming and landslides that could threaten towns and tourist attractions In Alaska and other high, cold places around the world, new research shows that mountains are collapsing as the permafrost that holds them together melts, threa...

The IMF says we can increase economic growth over the next 15 years and decrease emissions to net zero by 2050 S even years ago this week the Abbott government released the exposure draft of legislation to repeal the carbon tax. It was also the same week that documents from an IP...

Supreme court nominee accuses Democratic senator of soliciting an opinion on a very contentious matter of public debate Supreme court nominee Amy Coney Barrett refused to say whether she accepts the science of climate change, under questioning from Kamala Harris, saying she lacke...

Count Us In urges actions such as eating local, making clothes last or buying an electric car If a billion people around the world were to take a few small steps and make them into permanent lifestyle changes, global greenhouse gas emissions could be significantly reduced, a new ...

The ads included calling climate change a hoax and were paid for by conservative US groups Adverts on Facebook denying the reality of the climate crisis or the need for action were viewed at least 8 million times in the US in the first half of 2020, a thinktank has found. The 51 ...

The Guardian is prioritising the environment both in editorial and commercial decisions. We know the situation is dire but that the worst can yet be averted F or Australians, the national trauma of fires burning through 18 million hectares of bushland earlier this year is raw and...

Climate crisis and logging is leading to shift from canopy rainforest to open grassland Much of the Amazon could be on the verge of losing its distinct nature and switching from a closed canopy rainforest to an open savannah with far fewer trees as a result of the climate crisis,...

Michael Mann, one of the worlds most eminent climate experts, says Earths future is in the hands of American citizens This article is published as part of Covering Climate Now, a collaboration of 400-plus news outlets to strengthen coverage of the climate story. The Guardian is t...

While the US closes the doors on climate migrants from abroad, it must acknowledge that the problem has already come home I n November 2018, I traveled with a caravan of thousands of Central American migrants as they marched across Mexico towards the US border. While some were se...

To survive the challenges we must reinforce respect for science and nature, sensible public policy and the interconnected world F rom early on in the Covid-19 pandemic, a common refrain has been, At least maybe now we will get serious about addressing climate change. One can cert...

The question framed the existence of a human-made climate crisis as something that is for some Americans still debatable The long-awaited climate question in last nights presidential debate broke a 20-year silent streak from moderators on the crisis thrusting it into prime time ...

Effect seen across much of world will have profound consequences, warn scientists The climate crisis is heating up nights faster than days in many parts of the world, according to the first worldwide assessment of how global heating is differently affecting days and nights. The f...

A more stable ocean sounds idyllic, but it creates a dangerous feedback loop for our warming planet Humans have made the oceans more stable, and the result will be more extreme weather and the acceleration of climate change. You may have heard the phrase hot air rises. And it is ...

Seven in 10 support government action to address crisis and young Republicans are less accepting of their partys inaction, according to new poll published in partnership with Covering Climate Now The climate crisis is set to be a significant factor in a US presidential election ...

Research says melting will continue even if temperature rises are limited to 2C Melting of the Antarctic ice sheet will cause sea level rises of about two and a half metres around the world, even if the goals of the Paris agreement are met, research has shown. The melting is like...

UK to host online event marking fifth anniversary of Paris climate agreement this December The world cannot allow the climate emergency to be overshadowed by the coronavirus pandemic, the UK prime minister Boris Johnson will warn, but must build back better after the crisis by cu...

Heat and wildfire smoke force residents to seek respite and buy cooling systems and air purifiers, if they can afford them Wildfire smoke had painted the sky orange last week when Sam, a Bay Area resident, plugged in his newest purchase: an air filter with a car adapter that wou...

The climate crisis and Covid-19 are crying out for international cooperation, writes the prime minister of Bangladesh O ne-third of my country was underwater last month. The heaviest rains in almost a decade began and have still not abated. More than 1.5 million Bangladeshis are ...

Facebook blames mistake in system for restrictions on groups including Greenpeace USA Facebook has suspended the accounts of several environmental organizations less than a week after launching an initiative it said would counter a tide of misinformation over climate science on t...

Bacterial infection alongside speed of temperature rise may have triggered mortality, suggests study High temperatures and the persistent warming of oceans have triggered profound changes in marine ecosystems, but a new study suggests that the rate of onset of warming rather tha...

Many parts of the Earths climate system have been destabilised by warming, from ice sheets and ocean currents to the Amazon rainforest and scientists believe that if one collapses others could follow T he warning signs are flashing red. The California wildfires were surely made ...

Guardian readers place concern about the environment far above the coronavirus pandemic, which has dominated headlines in 2020 O ne month out from New Zealands general election and the major parties are on the campaign trail, donning high-vis jackets and face masks to visit facto...

If there was a moment of true emergency in the fight to preserve our climate, it is now I was in Melbourne in late January, watching as more and more people donned face masks to protect themselves against the bushfire smoke that had thickened the air for weeks and that was causin...

Scientists have been warning of the growing threat of climate change, and now those projections are a reality L ike millions of people in the western United States this week, I woke up to deep red, sunless skies, layers of ash coating the streets, gardens, and cars, and the smell...

Countries unable to withstand ecological threats among worlds least peaceful, analysis finds More than 1 billion people face being displaced within 30 years as the climate crisis and rapid population growth drive an increase in migration with huge impacts for both the developing ...

Rise in carbon capture as global warming speeds growth of forests would be negated by earlier deaths, say scientists Live fast, die young is a truism often applied to rock stars but could just as easily describe trees, according to new research. Trees that grow rapidly have a sho...

Ground-breaking crowdfunded case demands that states make more ambitious emissions cuts Young activists from Portugal have filed the first climate change case at the European court of human rights in Strasbourg, demanding 33 countries make more ambitious emissions cuts to safegua...

A group of MPs urge the government to get serious on tackling the climate crisis with the tabling of the climate and ecological emergency bill From these cooler years of the early 21st century, we look to a bleak future. A future where the Earth continues to heat, with more extre...

Australia may be sailing perilously close to being cast by Bidens team with other climate resisters Brazil and Saudi Arabia T his month the US Democrats wrapped up polling in Pennsylvania, a north-east industrial state that four years ago went to Donald Trump by 44,000 votes. Amo...

Exclusive new emissions analysis shows how much more dangerous for the climate SUVs are than smaller vehicles, and how embedded they have become in our lives T hey are the hulking cars that have conquered the world. Spreading from the heartlands of the US to a new generation of e...

An extraordinary statement by 10 groups says the nations future prosperity is at risk without a coherent response Business, industry, farming and environmental leaders have joined forces to warn Australia is woefully unprepared for the impact of climate change over the coming dec...

Rising consumption by the affluent has a far greater environmental impact than the birth rate in poorer nations When a major study was published last month, showing that the global population is likely to peak then crash much sooner than most scientists had assumed, I naively ima...

Thirty years ago we were warned. Now is our last chance to listen T hirty years ago this week, the population of Earth was given official notification that it faced a threat of unprecedented magnitude. Emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, spewed into the atmosp...

Stunned scientists say there is little doubt global heating is to blame for the loss A total of 28 trillion tonnes of ice have disappeared from the surface of the Earth since 1994. That is stunning conclusion of UK scientists who have analysed satellite surveys of the planets pol...

In the last decade, amid drought and searing heat, California has entered the era of megafires and has become the examplar for climate change extreme events today T heres an idea that when the climate crisis begins, we will know it. Movies present it as a moment when the worlds w...

The damage rising temperatures bring is been seen around the country, with experts fearing worse is to come C limate change is not an abstract future threat to the United States, but a real danger that is already harming Americans lives, with substantial damages to follow if risi...

We can have as many meetings as we like, but the will to change is nowhere in sight. Society must start treating this as a crisis Report: Vital time being lost to climate inertia, say activists O n Thursday 20 August, it will be exactly two years since the first school strike for...

The existential emergencies we face require a wholesale reimagining of how we live, work and play in urban spaces I ts often been said that were living through an unprecedented moment. But in city centres, the coronavirus crisis has merely accelerated trends that have been unfold...

Unless we contain carbon, our food supply will be under threat. By 2050, US corn yields could decline by 30% I know a stiff wind. They call this place Storm Lake, after all. But until recently most Iowans had never heard of a derecho . They have now. Last Monday, a derecho tore ...

ACT chief minister Andrew Barr calls for more funding to reduce assessment delays Australias 20-year-old national environmental laws need to be modernised to address climate change as part of the statutory review now under way, the chief minister of the Australian Capital Territo...

Alex Blumberg and Dr Ayana Elizabeth Johnson consider how ordinary people can stop the decline of the planet without feeling terrified, in their ambitious new Spotify series F or a podcast about the climate crisis , there is a surprising amount of laughter in How to Save a Planet...

Queensland MP writes report urging Coalition to increase efforts to reduce emissions, especially in Covid-19 recovery response The Morrison governments Great Barrier Reef envoy, Warren Entsch, has urged fellow Liberal MPs to do more on climate change policy, including pushing for...

Analysis of ancient DNA from Siberia finds human hunting probably not to blame The woolly rhino may have been wiped out by climate change rather than human hunting, researchers have revealed. Enormous, hairy and with a huge hump, the woolly rhino roamed northern Eurasia until abo...

The past decade was the hottest ever recorded globally, with 2019 either the second or third warmest year on record, as the climate crisis accelerated temperatures upwards worldwide, scientists have confirmed. Every decade since 1980 has been warmer than the preceding decade, wit...

Blood-sucking ticks can spread Lyme disease and are extending beyond their traditional north-eastern range Growing up in north-eastern Ohio, Kimberly Byce spent much of her childhood running around in the woods, with the greatest threat being mosquito bites or sunburn. She cant r...

Drop in emissions was a blip, say scientists, and a green recovery is vital to halt global heating The draconian coronavirus lockdowns across the world have led to sharp drops in carbon emissions, but this will have negligible impact on the climate crisis, with global heating cut...

Overheated polemics wont solve this emergency and the apocalypse is a needlessly high bar for action P rotesters march in the streets in an extinction rebellion against the climate crisis, with some (but not all) of their leaders claiming that climate tipping points could kill b...

Individual acts alone wont stop the climate crisis, but there are things we can do. We asked experts what they do in their daily lives to make a difference As the climate crisis intensifies, scientists and experts agree that systemic change is critical. But while individual effor...

The carbon economy amplifies racial, social and economic inequities, creating a system that is fundamentally incompatible with a stable future F rom deep-rooted racism to the Covid-19 pandemic, from extreme inequality to ecological collapse, our world is facing dire and deeply in...

Poorer, hotter parts of the world will struggle to adapt to unbearable conditions, research finds The growing but largely unrecognized death toll from rising global temperatures will come close to eclipsing the current number of deaths from all the infectious diseases combined if...

Human-caused sea level rise likely caused eight out of 10 floods in the region between 1970 and 2015, a study finds Flooding in localised areas around Sydney will happen almost every week by the middle of this century because of human-caused sea level rise, according to a study b...

New research has found extreme melting of the countrys glaciers in 2018 was at least ten times more likely due to human-caused global heating Twice a year, glaciologist Lauren Vargo and her colleagues set up camp beside two small lakes close to New Zealands Brewster glacier. Each...

The shill, the grifter, the egomaniac and the ideological fool: each distorts the urgent global debate in their own way A new book, described as deeply and fatally flawed by an expert reviewer, recently reached the top of Amazons bestseller list for environmental science and ma...

Extreme heat, less frost and snow, and trees coming into leaf earlier among signs in 2019 More extreme heat, less frost and snow, and trees coming into leaf earlier are among the signs seen in 2019 that the climate crisis is exerting an increasing impact on the UK, the Met Office...

Alistair Currie of Population Matters says we should not fear a fall in the number of people on the planet, while Joe Williams and Caitlin Robinson say population is now the least important driver of environmental degradation. Inequality is the key, says Martin Pask It is very go...

Weve turned a blind eye to a public health time bomb in already vulnerable communities I Cant Breathe is echoing across the planet. Filled with anguish and pain, these haunting words are spotlighting the systemic racism that has infected unjust policing practices, putting black...

Uncertainty over climate outcomes reduced but experts warn urgent reduction in CO2 levels is essential Doomsayers and hopemongers alike may need to revise their climate predictions after a study that almost rules out the most optimistic forecasts for global heating while downplay...

Letter also signed by Greta Thunberg urges EU leaders to act immediately on global heating Greta Thunberg and some of the worlds leading climate scientists have written to EU leaders demanding they act immediately to avoid the worst impacts of the unfolding climate and ecological...

Human fingerprint on record temperatures has rarely, if ever, been clearer, says report The record-breaking heatwave in the Siberian Arctic was made at least 600 times more likely by human-caused climate change, according to a study . Between January and June, temperatures in the...

Livestock farming and fossil fuels are main causes of rise in gas, which is 28 times more powerful than CO 2 at trapping heat Animal farming and fossil fuels have driven global emissions of the potent greenhouse gas methane to the highest level on record, putting the world on tra...

Proposal outlines $2tn for clean energy infrastructure and climate solutions, to be spent as quickly as possible in next four years Joe Biden has unveiled a new, more aggressive climate and jobs plan which advisers say he would take to Congress immediately, if elected president. ...

Last time CO2 was at similar level temperatures were 3C to 4C hotter and sea levels were 20 metres higher The amount of carbon dioxide in the Earths atmosphere is approaching a level not seen in 15m years and perhaps never previously experienced by a hominoid, according to the au...

Wenlock Edge, Shropshire: This battered scarlet tiger moth has seen off predators and survived injury, but its defence strategies are failing T he moth looks moth-eaten. Its magpie white splashes on iridescent black forewings and its scarlet hindwings are distressed. It flutters ...

In an election year shaped by overlapping national crises, Joe Biden on Thursday laid out an optimistic economic vision, presenting a moment of turmoil as a tremendous opportunity to revive American industry, address systemic inequality, and prepare the US for threats posed by fu...

Pandemic prompted states to temporarily ban reusable grocery bags and stalled legislation aimed at reducing plastic packaging 2020 was supposed to be the year America revolted against plastic. Consumers were refusing straws and toting their own coffee mugs. Legislators had propos...

In this entertaining eco-thriller, the heroine curates holiday packages in disaster zones F ollowing a spate of recent fiction considering the strange intersection of our work and leisure lives novels such as Ling Mas apocalyptic satire Severance and Sayaka Muratas oddly affecti...

Fish and Wildlife Service had sought to strip safeguards, which would have allowed a limited number to obtain hunting licenses In a stunning victory for wildlife conservationists and indigenous tribes and for bears a US court ruled on Wednesday that grizzly bears living in the ...

Carys Bray was raised believing that the Second Coming was imminent. Now, in the face of climate change, she reflects on her lessons in surviving an apocalypse I ts a glorious June afternoon and as I dig up turf to make a vegetable bed, Im listening to extracts from parson-natura...

Environment minister Matt Kean says the push to build 8,000 megawatts of wind and solar is part of a plan to replace coal-fired power The New South Wales government aims to back renewable energy plants in the New England region with the capacity to power 3.5m homes, with the stat...

Testing facility for zero-emissions four-passenger electric aircraft expected to be built in Narromine within the year The New South Wales government has awarded almost $1m from a regional grants fund to a company developing what deputy premier John Barilaro describes as an elect...

Companies claim that reducing returns to cut energy bills will have impact on investment Energy companies have accused the regulator Ofgem of putting Britains climate goals at risk by clamping down on returns for green investors in an effort to shave 20 a year from home energy bi...

A world-first ultrasound and chance sightings of potential mating rituals could help in the urgent work to save these gentle giants from extinction C overed in polka dots and stretching the length of a single-decker bus, the gentle giant barrelled towards them. The team of scient...

Conservationists hope first known camera-trap images of species are sign of resurgence Rare images of a group belonging to one of the most endangered gorilla subspecies in the world suggest their numbers could be recovering after decades of persecution, conservationists in Nigeri...

After fierce debate about 19th-century spire, consensus builds over restoration of fire-torn cathedral The spire of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris should be rebuilt exactly as it was before fire engulfed it last year , Frances chief architect for historic monuments has told the co...

Update to IUCN red list warns of hamsters falling birth rate and high demand for fungus Hamsters and fungi may not be poster species among those threatened with extinction but are no less important in ecosystems, according to an updated list of the worlds most fragile species. Th...

380bn in backing comes despite calls by scientists for large reductions in meat consumption to help avoid climate crisis B anks, investors and pension funds have poured billions into the worlds largest meat and dairy companies over the past five years, a new report has found. It ...

Trumps energy secretary Dan Brouillette promotes all fuels free-market strategy at climate and sustainability summit The US has argued for less regulation of the worlds energy systems, speaking out against the policy interventions promoting clean energy that are central to a gree...

Ministers overrule planners on Manston airport as critics point to noise and emissions impact Developers have been given permission to rebuild Manston airport as an international cargo and passenger hub after ministers overruled the planning inspectorates recommendation to reject...

Experts say new climate data shows how close world already is to breaching 1.5C Paris agreement pledge There is a one-in-five chance annual global temperatures will be at least 1.5C warmer than in pre-industrial times in the next five years, experts have said. Annual global tempe...

Australians are reporting bird sightings at record rates its good for the spirit, and for science Many Victorians returning to stage-three lockdown will be looking for ways to pass the hours at home. And some will be turning to birdwatching. When Australians first went into lock...

Scientists claim widespread conservation can bring rewards if right policies are followed Nearly a third of the worlds oceans and land area could be placed under environmental protections without harming the global economy, and even produce bumper economic benefits if the right p...

Longline fishing, pollution, the arrival of orcas whats causing these crowd-drawing sharks to shun Cape Towns waters? For those who watch the waves, rocks and beaches for the distinctive silhouettes and dorsal fins, there is still hope. If the great white sharks are gone for now...

Scientists use a strategy called assisted migration in an attempt to rescue tree species from inhospitable conditions T here is an impressive array of pine species at the Nature Conservancys Plum Creek preserve in Maryland loblolly, Virginia, shortleaf creating a landscape that...

Pressure on fish stocks has led to sharks being passed off as swordfish or tuna, endangering the Mediterranean ecosystem F ranco Comes last caught sharks more than six months ago, while longline fishing for swordfish in the Adriatic Sea off the coast of Monopoli, Italy . He haule...

It may be best near-term way to remove CO2, say scientists, but cutting fossil fuel use remains critical Spreading rock dust on farmland could suck billions of tonnes of carbon dioxide from the air every year, according to the first detailed global analysis of the technique. The ...

After details of coronavirus patients in New Zealand were leaked to the media, we risk losing the one thing that has made our response so effective N ew Zealand has had more than its share of good luck in the Covid-19 crisis. Our relative isolation meant that the disease was late...

Royal commission hears it can be cheaper to knock down such properties and rebuild than upgrade them Up to one million homes in bushfire-prone areas have little or no fire protection, but in some cases it would be cheaper to knock down and rebuild them than upgrade them, a royal ...

When 323 reindeer were killed by lightning on a remote Norwegian plateau, their bodies were left for nature to take its course I n August 2016, a park ranger stumbled upon 323 dead wild tundra reindeer in Norways remote Hardangervidda plateau. They had been killed in a freak ligh...

No one knows the right way to manage the crises Australia faces, but America provides the clearest evidence of what the wrong way looks like O nly 16 weeks ago, prime minister Scott Morrison told a bemused Australian public that he was off to the footy to see his beloved Sharks p...

Sector excluded in transport emissions figures but policy change unlikely until 2023 International aviation and shipping emissions are likely to be included in the UK governments net zero target, it has emerged but not until after 2023. The intention to review carbon accounting ...

Summer statements focus on energy efficiency welcomed but disappointment that no boost for renewables There was no lack of advice for the chancellor on measures to green the economic recovery from the coronavirus crisis from top economists and the governments own climate advisers...

Sandy, Bedfordshire: Giant hogweed was once a must-have addition to any grand garden but its blistering sap has made it a menace U nder a canopy of riverside willows, a tall plant stem had long been the placeholder for giants to come. There was no life in it, a bleached hollow t...

American children whose homes rely on private wells for drinking water are 25% more likely to have high lead levels in their blood than those with access to regulated community water services, according to new research. The lead exposure is worse for poor and black children due t...

Backbenchers hail chancellor but some publicly fret about his abandonment of fiscal prudence Conservative backbenchers have showered praise on Rishi Sunak after his summer statement , but as he declared himself unencumbered by dogma, some fretted publicly about how and when the p...

Experts believe endangered shore plovers known for their pluck and friendliness might have flown away or been eaten by predators A specialist search and recovery team has been deployed to recapture the last remaining survivors of a flock of endangered birds that absconded from ...

Exclusive: Australias big four banks have loaned $7bn to 33 new or expansionary fossil fuel projects between 2016 and 2019, analysis finds Since the Paris agreement was signed, Australias big four banks have financed new fossil fuel projects that would cancel out the national emi...

The 18-year-old birder and environmentalist on improving diversity in her field and how the pandemic has affected the natural world T he young birder and environmental campaigner Mya-Rose Craig believes the coronavirus lockdown has had a positive impact on the environment. Wildli...

Exclusive: Campaigners say 3bn scheme fails to comply with Paris accord and is just a fig-leaf for polluters Boris Johnsons much-vaunted green recovery plans are inadequate and clearly unlawful as they do not match up to the governments legal obligations under the Paris climate a...

A Chinese boat illegally hunting for shark fins set out with 24 Indonesian sailors. Only 20 returned, as accounts from the surviving crew reveal inhumane conditions and bodies dumped at sea W hen Sepri and Ari boarded a Chinese tuna fishing vessel in February 2019, the 24-year-ol...

Businesses include oil and gas drillers and coal mine operators, an analysis by Documented and the Guardian finds More than 5,600 companies in the fossil fuel industry have taken a minimum of $3bn in coronavirus aid from the US federal government, according to an analysis by Docu...

If Boris Johnson wants to permanently shift the UK on to a trajectory to meet its climate targets, he must deliver a new zero-carbon infrastructure. Theres no sign of that yet B oris Johnson does not want a crisis to go to waste. The coronavirus-induced recession is widely accept...

Quentin Henderson, who has died aged 67, was a volunteer with Voluntary Services Overseas who transformed honey production in the Caribbean . He was fondly known as Beeman by everyone on the island of Nevis, where he settled in 1987 and established a beekeeping co-operative. Beem...

Outdoor fashion trends | Hong Kong citizenship offer | Sharks | Quick crossword clue | Face masks Thanks to your correspondent for introducing us rural folk to cottagecore the latest trend of whimsical outdoor living ( David Beckham leads the way as men flock to cottagecore look...

Kerry Eustice didnt know whether she wanted to be a mother, so she consulted people from all walks of life to find her answer In September last year, a few months before I turned 37, I started a list. Its called Reasons I Dont Want to Have a Baby: Goodbye to weekend lie-ins Might...

Single classification system could end centuries of disagreement and improve global efforts to tackle biodiversity loss A plan to create the first universally recognised list of species on Earth has prompted hopes of an end to centuries of disagreement and confusion over how to c...

Study claims tiny creatures can order things in sequence, but researchers say it does not confirm they can count Hummingbirds are not only bright in appearance but also in brain, it would seem, with new research suggesting the tiny creatures are able to understand a numerical con...

Possible outbreaks in China and Mongolia have brought bans on hunting and eating the rodents, which can carry the disease Russia has stepped up patrols to stop people hunting marmots near its border with China and Mongolia after the countries reported possible cases of bubonic pl...

Proposed 3bn environmental funding for UK contrasts with Germanys 36bn investment Environmental groups have reacted with disappointment to details of the governments Covid-19 economic rescue package released by the Treasury. On Monday night the government announced some details o...

Halting Huawei hurts 5G rollout and Sino-British ties, but stopping a Chinese nuclear power plant in Essex has virtually no fallout G et ready for the new Huawei is the word from Westminster, meaning another flare-up in UK-China business and political relations, this time over Ch...

A federal judge has sided with the Standing Rock Sioux tribe and ordered the Dakota Access pipeline to be shut down until a more extensive environmental review is carried out. US district judge James Boasberg had previously said the pipeline , which has been in operation three ye...

Noctilucent clouds, on the edge of the atmosphere, are increasingly seen outside of polar regions S omething magical appeared at night over London and other parts of Britain on 21 June: ripples of electric blue clouds shimmered in the twilight sky after sunset. These were noctilu...

Campaigners say Rishi Sunaks plan to decarbonise public buildings does not go far enough Rishi Sunak is to announce a 3bn package of green investment to decarbonise public buildings and cut emissions from Britains poorly insulated homes as part of the governments Covid-19 economi...

Ecological collapse is within sight and yet parenting is still viewed as a moral imperative. But countless women like me are building a new normal: a life without children I magine a world in which, one day, you learned youd eventually be expected to give birth to, then raise, a...

The recent seizure of the biggest shipment of illegal fins in Hong Kong history shows the taste for shark is still going strong I n the narrow streets of Sai Ying Pun neighbourhood, the centre of Hong Kongs dried seafood trade, most window displays give pride of place to a partic...

Ongoing destruction of nature will result in stream of animal diseases jumping to humans, says report The world is treating the health and economic symptoms of the coronavirus pandemic but not the environmental cause, according to the authors of a UN report . As a result, a stead...

Clare Short writes in response to an article by Jonathan Freedland Of course, I have never suggested that Israel was the greatest single cause of the climate crisis. Wherever did Jonathan Freedland get such an idea from ( The sacking of Long-Bailey shows that, at last, Labour is ...

We would like to hear from Guardian readers for a video series about whats next for travel and the environment In our video series A new normal , we ask Guardian readers what they want a future shaped by Covid-19 to look like. Our next episode will look at air travel and its envi...

Dartmoor, Devon: I pinpoint the butterflys position and approach carefully, but somehow cant locate it T he path ahead runs like a threadbare strip of carpet between low-lying vegetation. Scuffed by walkers, eroded by the elements and frayed by sheep, its worn matting of coarse g...

The controversial HS2 route slices through some of Englands most precious woodland. But standing in its way are father and son Larch and Seb Maxey. They explain why living 30ft off the ground in precarious treehouses has brought them closer together A ttach it to the edge, instru...

Pink snow observed on parts of the Presena glacier believed to be caused by plant that makes the ice darker, causing it to melt faster Scientists in Italy are investigating the mysterious appearance of pink glacial ice in the Alps, caused by algae that accelerate the effects of c...

The paediatrician and member of Independent Sage on Matt Hancock, the likelihood of a vaccine and why 50,000 deaths were preventable A nthony Costello is a paediatrician and international expert on child health who has been an outspoken critic of the British governments response ...

Resources spokesperson Joel Fitzgibbon says a mid-century target of net zero emissions would now be the oppositions focus Labors resources spokesman, Joel Fitzgibbon, says an emissions reduction target for 2030 has become irrelevant. Hes also declined to say whether the oppositio...

The prime ministers build, build, build strategy could harm habitats and reduce wildlife protection, critics warn The English countryside and its wildlife are at serious risk because of Boris Johnsons pledge to revolutionise the planning system, leading green groups warn today. I...

The science has been settled to the highest degree, so now the key to progress is understanding our psychological reactions I t took me much longer than it should have to realise that educating people about climate change science was not enough. Due perhaps to my personality type...

The American environment and energy commentators piece in the Australian has found praise in conservative media Few things engage a particular subset of conservative media more than an environmentalist having an apparent change of heart and dumping all over the climate scare. Ear...

The tournament in 2023 presents a unique opportunity to address equality, racism and Indigenous culture, and climate change The announcement of hosting rights for the 2023 Fifa Womens World Cup is serendipitous not just for Australian football or the country, but perhaps sport it...

From wonky veg to distanced restaurants, Covid-19 has transformed the way we shop, cook and eat. Have we fixed our relationship with food for good? I f I thought food waste was complicated before Covid-19 emerged, now it blows my mind. I started to research a version of this arti...

Frequency of heatwaves and cumulative intensity has risen through the decades, research finds Heatwaves have increased in both length and frequency in nearly every part of the world since the 1950s, according to what is described as the first study to look at the issue at a regio...

Communities in Bristol are devising their own solutions to problems linked with the citys role in slavery D uring lockdown, the wild grass in Bristols Greenbank cemetery has grown higher than many of the tombstones, transforming the land above the dead into a gothic meadow. Nomin...

Chancellor urged to prioritise plans to realign spending with cuts to carbon emissions The chancellor of the exchequer must lay out urgent plans to realign government spending with the target to cut carbon emissions to net zero, or risk missing the target and fuelling high carbon...

Areas with a drier climate have seen greater loss of biodiversity from global warming Dry tropical forests are more vulnerable to the impacts of global heating than had been thought, according to new research, with wildlife and plants at severe risk of harm from human impacts. So...

Investigation uncovers finance worth $2.6bn pumped into meat and dairy industries, despite warnings of links to climate catastrophe Two of the worlds leading development banks have pumped billions of dollars into the global livestock sector, despite warnings that reducing meat an...

Study finds British Columbia birds dropped-end note of call has spread across country If you consider Chirpy Chirpy Cheep Cheep to be the ultimate catchy tune, think again: the white-throated sparrows of British Columbia have devised a new song that has gone viral across Canada. ...

1.8GW Vanguard project gets greenlight, with approval on 2.4GW Hornsea 3 expected in autumn The construction of two giant offshore windfarms is poised to go ahead off the Norfolk coast in what the renewable energy industry claims could provide a huge boost to the UK economy. The ...

CDC Groups climate strategy will stop support for most polluting projects in developing countries The UK governments overseas development bank has bowed to calls to end fossil fuel financing abroad by promising to invest only in companies that align with the Paris climate agreeme...

The march of Europe Ecology is yet another example of how parties of the environment are steadily acquiring power and influence across the continent L yon, Strasbourg and Bordeaux; Besancon, Poitiers and Tours: the list of powerful cities that turned green, after Frances municipa...

Warming water temperatures lower water oxygen levels, putting embryos and pregnant fish at risk, researchers say Sixty per cent of studied fish species will be unable to survive in their current ranges by 2100 if climate warming reaches a worst-case scenario of 4-5C (7.2-9F) abov...

Dramatic change in Antarcticas interior in past three decades a result of effects from tropical variability working together with increasing greenhouse gases Climate scientists long thought Antarcticas interior may not be very sensitive to warming, but our research, published thi...

Such deadly heat may become regular occurrence later this century, scientists find The likelihood of the UK experiencing deadly 40C temperatures for the first time is rapidly accelerating due to the climate crisis, scientists have found. The research shows that such searing heat ...

Fiona Kotvojs is more conservative than Tony Abbott on climate change, one campaigner has warned Climate and LGBT equality campaigners have rounded on the Liberal candidate for Eden-Monaro, Fiona Kotvojs, in the lead-up to Saturdays byelection, with one warning she is more conser...

House Democrats will unveil an aggressive climate crisis action plan on Tuesday to nearly eliminate US emissions by 2050, according to summary documents reviewed by the Guardian. The net-zero emissions goal is what United Nations leaders and the scientific community say the world...

Rapid transformation needed, Kevin Anderson says, particularly in lifestyles of rich Kevin Anderson, one of the worlds leading climate scientists, had a familiar reaction to the latest report from the governments climate advisers, which was published this week. The 196-page docum...

Australias central bank joins 60 others, including the Bank of England, to warn of climate risk to the economy and financial sector More than 60 central banks, including the Reserve Bank of Australia and the Bank of England, have warned that global GDP could fall 25% below the ex...

Its 38C in Siberia. The science may be complicated but the need for action now couldnt be clearer Theres an Arctic heatwave: its 38C in Siberia . Arctic sea ice coverage is the second lowest on record , and 2020 may be on course to be the hottest year since records began . For m...

The government adviser publishes its progress report today. Here are the areas it says require urgent attention The governments statutory adviser, the Committee on Climate Change (CCC), publishes its progress report on Thursday on efforts to cut emissions. This is what it says ne...

Committee urges that companies must meet green standards to qualify for Covid-19 corporate bailouts Ministers are bracing themselves for a powerful new rebuke from the governments own advisers over the nations inadequate response to the climate crisis. In its annual progress repo...

International Energy Agency chief warns of need to prevent post-lockdown surge in emissions The world has only six months in which to change the course of the climate crisis and prevent a post-lockdown rebound in greenhouse gas emissions that would overwhelm efforts to stave off ...

US president reportedly said: Oh, are you a nuclear power? during meeting with Theresa May in a way that was not a joke, Bolton recalls Donald Trump was unaware that the UK had its own nuclear weapons, according to the former US national security adviser John Bolton. The presiden...

More than a decade of overwhelming evidence links air pollution and heat exposure with negative pregnancy outcomes in the US, according to a new review of dozens of studies. The investigation , published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, identified 57 studies si...

Praise for the Co-op | Queen Victoria statue in Lahore | Corvid question | Clueless about bras | McDonalds normality Re Marian Dodds letter (16 June), I should like to say that Morrisons is not the only supermarket offering telephone shopping. The Co-op also has an excellent serv...

The world must embrace a recovery that involves sustainable farming and clean energy. Anything else is a false economy I n 1997, a large area of rainforest in south-east Asia was burned to the ground to make way for palm oil plantations. A combination of deforestation, forest fir...

Unusually high temperatures in region linked to wildfires, oil spill and moth swarms A prolonged heatwave in Siberia is undoubtedly alarming, climate scientists have said. The freak temperatures have been linked to wildfires, a huge oil spill and a plague of tree-eating moths. On...

Government acquired just 10% of the land needed for one of the protected areas and none of the land required for the second The Victorian government has failed to protect critically endangered grasslands as promised under a deal with the federal government for the urban expansion...

New figures show 600,000 fewer people on UK payrolls. Without urgent measures, long-term unemployment looms for many Y esterdays employment figures were tough. 600,000 fewer payroll jobs. Over a million more people now on universal credit. Vacancies plummeting. Without the crucia...

Experts call for legislation and trade deals worldwide to encourage green recovery Pandemics such as coronavirus are the result of humanitys destruction of nature, according to leaders at the UN, WHO and WWF International, and the world has been ignoring this stark reality for de...

Author Anna Fienberg tells the stories behind her bestselling childrens books, from her mothers working-class childhood to the characters origin story P eople roll their eyes when Anna Fienberg starts a story with: Well, it was like this. The phrase has become unmistakable to rea...

The Pollinators investigates the honeybee, which is essential to Americas agriculture and food supply, and dying by the billions in the process E very February, Brett Adee joins a caravan of semi-trucks, bound for Californias Central Valley, loaded with millions upon millions of ...

Heat now causes more deaths than hurricanes, tornadoes or floods in most years, creating a new public health threat. An investigation reveals why the CDCs prevention efforts have faltered This story is co-published with Columbia Journalism Investigations , the Center for Public I...

Buxton, Derbyshire: Some mysterious mechanism hunger possibly caused the shoal to wind onwards and entwine a rock I t is remarkable how the signal to breed hardwired into the brains of toads brings the creatures to the ponds at Lightwood in such numbers. Yet thereafter one is s...

Solving the issue of waste in our seas turned out to be more complex than scrounging for bottles off the beach, Laura Trethewey found W e called the competition Who Found the Weirdest Thing? So far, the entries that day were a motorcycle helmet, a lithium battery covered with sca...

Aid organisations accuse Johnson of tying aid to security and diplomatic aims The prime minister has been accused of jeopardising Britains standing in the world after he announced the Department for International Development (DfID) is to be folded back into the Foreign Office aft...

Dry conditions following low spring rainfall have contributed to a rise in fires The National Trust is urging people not to take a barbecue or light a campfire when they visit the coast and countryside following a spate of wildfires that have damaged flora and fauna. Despite rece...

MEP Nathalie Loiseau speaks out amid bafflement in Brussels over Boris Johnsons global Britain ambitions The UK will have weaker ties with the European Union on foreign and security policy, an ally of the French president, Emmanuel Macron, has said, amid bafflement in Brussels ov...

Lawns that are only cut once a month can give low-growing plants a chance to flower, letting insects thrive L awn mowers are back in action now that June is wet and the grass is growing again after the spring drought , but its worth mowing less often to let wildflowers and their ...

We created a world-first atlas to help secure the countrys wine future. It shows that all 71 grape-growing regions must adapt to hotter conditions Many Australians enjoy a glass of homegrown wine, and $2.78bn worth is exported each year. But hotter, drier conditions under climate...

With no plans to raise clean energy investment, demand will soon reach pre-crisis level The worlds oil demand could climb at its fastest rate in the history of the market next year, and may reach pre-crisis levels within years, unless new green policies are adopted, according to ...

Unicef, Save the Children and Christian Aid among organisations warning move will harm those most in need and reduce UKs power overseas The prime ministers announcement on Tuesday that the Department for International Development (DfID) will be merged with the Foreign and Commonw...

The Guardian sports photographer Tom Jenkins follows up his popular take on tulips during the enforced break from action photography. Here he talks about how photographing a pair of long-tailed tits nesting in his front garden helped him through a difficult spring Bum barrels twi...

Belfast study finds pine martens dont venture into urban areas, where invasive grey squirrels thrive H opes that the resurgent predatory pine marten might biologically control grey squirrels and benefit the UKs native red squirrels have been dashed by a new study, which found pin...

Bastow Wood, Upper Wharfedale: Bathed in lemon-and-lime light, this wild place has the feel of an artful garden W hen we walk into Bastow Wood, we abruptly step into another world. The wood sits high up on a bluff of craggy Great Scar limestone, surrounded by the sheep pastures t...

Guardian Australia and others report on the issue with the seriousness it deserves but its not enough to preach to the converted A n international survey of peoples news habits around the world reveals that Australians opinions on climate change are determined mostly by age and ...

Group of 57 organisations says bailouts must be on condition of firms reducing carbon footprint The chiefs of some of Britains leading charities have written to the prime minister to demand a green recovery from the coronavirus crisis, urging him to use economic rescue packages t...

Already threatened with extinction, Wild Pacific salmon about to spawn in British Columbia are facing an uphill battle in the aftermath of a landslide W hen Gord Sterritt walked to the dusty edge of a cliff in western Canada last summer, he saw a disaster unfolding in the frothy ...

Exclusive: Milk giants climate impact rising and production caps needed, say researchers The biggest dairy companies in the world have the same combined greenhouse gas emissions as the UK, the sixth biggest economy in the world, according to a new report. The analysis shows the i...

Multinationals 10-year plan puts focus on plastics and greener transport and production Unilever has pledged to invest 1bn (900m) over the next decade in environmental projects that will improve the health of the planet. Alan Jope, Unilevers chief executive, said that while the w...

Court backs judgment that watchdog failed to establish the companys claim on product was false or misleading Australias consumer watchdog has lost its appeal over a ruling that Kimberly-Clark had not misled customers when it said its wipes were flushable. In its 2019 federal cour...

Lise Kingo says social equality issues must be part of sustainable development agenda The coronavirus pandemic is just a fire drill for what is likely to follow from the climate crisis, and the protests over racial injustice around the world show the need to tie together social e...

Decision to relocate the animals comes despite species recovery plan identifying such tactics as significant threat Environment groups have questioned a federal government decision to approve the relocation of thousands of endangered spectacled flying foxes from the Cairns CBD de...

Yallah Coffees beans now arrive on a schooner. Has the prospect of wind-powered cargo finally landed? The French schooner De Gallant docked in Falmouth harbour at the end of May, three months after leaving the port of Santa Marta in Colombia laden with tonnes of sustainably sourc...

The industry has been taken apart at the seams. Is this the end of lavish shows and packed front rows? I t was on the morning of 18 March, when Glastonbury was confirmed cancelled, that Sarah Gresty, BA course leader in fashion at Central Saint Martins (CSM), realised that the cl...

Modelling suggests climate is considerably more sensitive to carbon emissions than thought Worst-case global heating scenarios may need to be revised upwards in light of a better understanding of the role of clouds, scientists have said. Recent modelling data suggests the climate...

Miyawaki forests are denser and said to be more biodiverse than other kinds of woods Tiny, dense forests are springing up around Europe as part of a movement aimed at restoring biodiversity and fighting the climate crisis. Often sited in schoolyards or alongside roads, the forest...

Nant Helen opencast site near Neath to be closed on environmental grounds A coalmining site in south Wales is facing closure after the Welsh government used new powers to force it to halt on environmental grounds. More than 150 jobs at the Nant Helen opencast site near Neath are ...

Focus should shift to renewables to avoid risk of being stranded with fossil fuel infrastructure, AMWU national secretary says A member of a government Covid-19 recovery taskforce has rejected the overwhelming focus on gas as the path out of recession, saying the country risked e...

Evidence suggests that environmentally focused investing is becoming mainstream E nvironmentalists cheered by huge improvements in air quality during the lockdown and the collapse in coal power generation have another reason to celebrate. Even the stock market has gone in their...

If greenlit, Valeria open-cut coalmine would dig up 20m tonnes of the fossil fuels over 35 years The Switzerland-based mining company Glencore will push ahead with a proposed $1.5bn open-cut coalmine after the Queensland government announced it had granted the project special sta...

Federal energy minister Angus Taylor welcomes decision but farmers say they have been betrayed A contentious gas development at Narrabri, in north-west New South Wales , is a step closer to going ahead after being formally backed by the Berejiklian government. The state Departmen...

Exclusive: new figure far higher than previous estimates of direct impact of global heating At least $67bn of the damage caused by Hurricane Harvey in 2017 can be attributed directly to climate breakdown, according to research that could lead to a radical reassessment of the cost...

Casavant shot mother black bear under province policy but was suspended and eventually fired for not killing cubs A conservation officer in Canada who was fired for refusing to kill two black bear cubs has won a protracted legal battle over his termination. I feel like the black ...

A survey of 11 remote western locations found that, over a year, the fragments had traveled through the atmosphere like rain or water particles Microplastic particles equivalent to as many as 300m plastic water bottles are raining down on the Grand Canyon, Joshua Tree and other U...

Suddenly even Fortune 500 companies are woke. Lets make sure that politicians and corporations actually follow through F or many people in power, especially corporations, their biggest fear is not whether protesters on the street will break through a line of police. Its whether t...

Akhtar Imam says animals saved his life from gun-carrying criminals last year An Indian man has opted to bequeath most of his land to two elephants that he says saved his life from intruders, a decision which has upset his wife and children. Akhtar Imam, from a village in the eas...

Reactions to the announcement by eccentric millionaire Forrest Fenn that his hoard had been found range from surprise to delight and disbelief Treasure hunters have reacted with shock, delight and disbelief to the news that a chest containing gems, gold and antiques worth up to $...

Research warns of impact of physical distancing unless councils boost cycling A million more cars could be on the road in England and Wales each day if public transport commuters with cars switch to driving, research has warned. The government has told the public to avoid buses, ...

Nornickel said permafrost thaw could have caused catastrophic diesel spillage in Arctic Environmental groups have accused a Russian mining firm of emphasising the role of global climate change in last weeks historic oil spill in part to avoid punishment for its ageing infrastruct...

Kathy Drayton set out to make a documentary about the plight of Australian flying foxes. She ended up making one about her daughter instead There had been previous obsessions; with eagles, with kangaroos. But when Imogen Jones first saw Princess Mononoke, a 1997 Japanese anime fi...

Music has the potential to reach many more people, says the Tibetan spiritual leader The Dalai Lama , whose message of humanity, harmony and peace delivered with a smile has won millions of global followers, is releasing an album of mantras set to music to mark his 85th birthday ...

Love The Sims, but wish it were more in line with your green sensibilities? The famous life-simulation game has had an eco makeover in its new expansion pack T he Sims is often held up as a shiny, romanticised example of the capitalist ideal: work hard, earn money, acquire stuff,...

Progressives blithely accepted throwing millions out of work to fight coronavirus - but now urge street protests to fight racism W hen I reflect back on the extraordinary year of 2020 from, I hope, some safer, saner vantage one of the two defining images in my mind will be the ...

Over $500bn is going to high-carbon industries undermining goals of Cop26 climate talks The failure of governments and central banks to set out a green recovery from the coronavirus crisis is threatening to derail vital UN climate talks aimed at staving off global catastrophe, ca...

Scientists find coronavirus crisis has had little impact on overall concentration trend Carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere have risen strongly to a new peak this year, despite the impact of the global effects of the coronavirus crisis. The concentration of CO2 in the atmosph...

Firms should be made to disclose exposure to global heating, report suggests Equity markets have generally ignored the increasing number of natural disasters over the past 50 years and tougher rules are needed to make investors aware of the dangers posed by the climate crisis, th...

Exclusively compiled data from the Hadley Centres supercomputer shows alarming climate trajectory The human fingerprint on the climate is now unmistakable and will become increasingly evident over the coming decades, the UK Met Office has confirmed after 30 years of pioneering st...

Uneven heating could have major impact on marine wildlife, as species that rely on each other for survival are forced to move Rates of climate change in the worlds ocean depths could be seven times higher than current levels by the second half of this century even if emissions of...

The government is like a smoker switching to low-tar cigarettes. Its energy policy is just a sop We may be dealing with a health crisis, but the climate change crisis has not gone away, nor become any less urgent. In fact, the opposite. A few conservative commentators have sugges...

As temperatures rise we predict increasing morbidity and mortality, particularly in the climate-vulnerable parts of northern Australia L ast summer was bad for our health. We breathed hazardous air, watched our rivers dry up, lived in towns without water, suffered through scorchi...

Researchers map beginning of new ecosystem as algae bloom across surface of melting snow Scientists have created the first large-scale map of microscopic algae on the Antarctic peninsula as they bloom across the surface of the melting snow, tinting the surface green and potential...

Health crisis pushed emissions down public agenda but theres growing appetite for global reset When 110 people gathered at a hotel in Birmingham in January for the UKs first citizens assembly on the climate crisis , the world was a very different place. The assembly culminates t...

Human cost of climate crisis will hit harder and sooner than previously believed, research reveals The human cost of the climate crisis will hit harder, wider and sooner than previously believed, according to a study that shows a billion people will either be displaced or forced ...

Environmental journalist Emily Atkin hopes public pressure over the pandemic will be a model for forcing governments to act Im sorry, says Emily Atkin, not sounding very apologetic, but if you still refuse to see parallels between climate change and coronavirus then honestly your...

Economic reconstruction is a chance to speed up decarbonisation, and the pandemic has shown a different kind of politics is possible W ere already being swamped with ideas about reforms needed to recover from the pandemic crisis. But the word reform is like gift wrap a handy cov...

Environment groups insist conditions must be attached to Covid-19 rescue plan for sector Airlines are seeking 26bn (22.7bn) in state aid to deal with the economic fallout from coronavirus, according to environmental campaigners, who accuse governments of failing to attach binding...

Planet of the Humans, which takes aim at the green movement, is full of misinformation, says one online library A new Michael Moore-produced documentary that takes aim at the supposed hypocrisy of the green movement is dangerous, misleading and destructive and should be removed f...

Climate activist says Covid-19 outbreak shows change can happen when we listen to scientists Greta Thunberg has urged people around the world to take a new path after the coronavirus pandemic, which she said proved our society is not sustainable. The Swedish climate activist said...

Developers are creating waterfront homes in Boston with innovative seawall defences but is this a model for other cities? Or a sign of climate gentrification? Boston has endured several tumultuous eras, from being the birthplace of the American revolution to its seesawing fortune...

Research offers a sobering warning on the impact of todays climate emergency Volcanic eruptions played an important and direct role in triggering the extreme climate that killed off swathes of life at the end of the Triassic period 201m years ago, researchers have found. Experts ...

Capitalist orthodoxies fail in the face of a crisis that can only be endured and resolved by rediscovering the virtues of collectivism and solidarity, writes Andrew Rawnsley ( Comment ). Precisely, and this is why a similar approach is needed to confront the climate emergency an...

Changeable weather in mid-latitude countries may have masked impact of climate crisis up to now, study finds T he data tells us that climate change is real, but sometimes the feeling on the ground is far from convincing. A spell of hot weather can always be compared to a similar ...

The AfD are using the climate crisis strategically to distance themselves from the established parties A dead bird of prey lying in the grass near a windfarm is the stark image on the home page of a new German website. Climate change we have got a couple of questions is the head...

Last weeks budget was a missed opportunity: we need to mobilise our attachment to country W hen it comes to fighting climate change and its effects, both greens and conservatives pay far too much attention to localism, voluntarism, and corporate responsibility. All are valuable; ...

Deadly heatwaves, floods and rising hunger far greater threat to world than coronavirus, scientists say The world is way off track in dealing with the climate emergency and time is fast running out, the UN secretary general has said. Antonio Guterres sounded the alarm at the laun...

The climate crisis cant be averted, its here. And with human suffering now a reality, governments can no longer stand idly by Y ou may have read that there are just eight, or 10, or 12 years to save the world from the climate crisis. There are not. It is already here, gaining str...

I t is a global emergency that has already killed on a mass scale and threatens to send millions more to early graves. As its effects spread, it could destabilise entire economies and overwhelm poorer countries lacking resources and infrastructure. But this is the climate crisis,...

Bills to meet environmental targets while feeding industry have the right pushing back and experts unconvinced R epublican lawmakers under pressure to address the climate crisis are trying to move beyond denying the problem and start proposing solutions. But they still refuse to ...

Your chance to put questions to climate scientists and academics as well as experts on controlling bushfires From unprecedented bushfires in forests that used to be too wet to burn to warming seas that have killed giant underwater forests , Australia is experiencing the effects o...

Leaked report for worlds major fossil fuel financier says Earth is on unsustainable trajectory The worlds largest financier of fossil fuels has warned clients that the climate crisis threatens the survival of humanity and that the planet is on an unsustainable trajectory, accordi...

Morrison would not confirm reports of technology investment target but said emissions reductions are not achieved through meetings Scott Morrison has described a report he may adopt a technology investment target to avoid signing up to a commitment of zero greenhouse gas emission...

The Future We Choose, a new book by the architects of the Paris climate accords, offers two contrasting visions for how the world might look in thirty years (read the best case scenario here ) Christiana Figueres, author: This is the decade and we are the generation It is 2050. B...

Forceful declaration calls for governments to set short-term zero emissions target to avoid catastrophic warming The megafires of Australias summer are a harbinger of life and death on a hotter Earth, a climate summit has said in a forceful declaration for urgent and dramatic cli...

Last month was the hottest January on record over the worlds land and ocean surfaces, with average temperatures exceeding anything in the 141 years of data held by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The record temperatures in January follow an exceptionally warm...

Pacific Islanders have been experiencing climate-induced disasters for years, now they have reached Australia L iving in Australia as a Pacific Islander means every weekend theres a social gathering to attend, whether its a birthday, wedding, fundraiser for someones medical treat...

Experts concerned young peoples mental health particularly hit by reality of the climate crisis O ver the past few weeks Clover Hogan has found herself crying during the day and waking up at night gripped by panic. The 20-year-old, who now lives in London, grew up in Queensland, ...

Biodiversity hotspots with millions of years of climate stability could be among the worlds hardest hit regions Biodiversity hotspots that have given species a safe haven from changing climates for millions of years will come under threat from human-driven global heating, a new s...

Even as the fires roar at the gates of power, the Murdoch columnist and others argue climate change is overall, a good thing T here was a battered paper cartoon pasted to our office cupboard, sometime back in the year 2000. It depicted a landscape of power plants belching smoke, ...

Exclusive: attempts to tackle crisis fail because gender issues are not addressed, report finds Climate breakdown and the global crisis of environmental degradation are increasing violence against women and girls, while gender-based exploitation is in turn hampering our ability t...

Setting targets for climate action sounds sensible, but is actually impeding progress. Theres a different approach: maximisation T he crisis is not imminent. The crisis is here. The recent infernos in Australia; the storms and floods in Brazil , Madagascar , Spain and the US ; an...

Conservatives love to talk up Australia punching above its weight, but they turn to self-hating cowards when it comes to climate change I love Australia. Its not a thing you hear too often from progressives. Mostly this is because we dont go in for the pathetic jingo-nationalist,...

If Scotty from Marketing and his coal-fired peers really believed in the climate crisis, theyd be doing something about it T he speed with which the conservative side of politics and the media has gone from assuring us climate change was not a problem, so we dont need to worry ab...

Last decade was also hottest yet in 150 years of measurements, say scientists The year 2019 was the second hottest on record for the planets surface, according to latest research. The analyses reveal the scale of the climate crisis: both the past five years and the past decade ar...

With its old ideology being treated with universal scorn, a new line is being embraced and it could signal the death of the planet The impact of climate change over the past five months across Australia has caused climate change deniers within the media and governments to quickl...

Changes to the curriculum will put the country at the forefront of climate crisis education worldwide Every school in New Zealand will this year have access to materials about the climate crisis written by the countrys leading science agencies including tools for students to pla...

Veganism might help and its always good to avoid flying. But the answer to Earths emergency must involve political, collective action and there are countless ways to get active T he impact of the climate crisis is all too visible. Bushfires have killed more than 20 people in sou...

Kremlin website recognises global heating as a problem but lists positive economic effects Russia has published a plan to adapt its economy and population to climate change, aiming to mitigate damage but also use the advantages of warmer temperatures. The document, published on t...

Research from a now defunded Australian adaptation centre has found social barriers are the biggest obstacle to effective action Talking to a fourth-generation grazier west of Townsville a few years ago, Prof Stephen Williams says he made the mistake of mentioning climate change....

I am a climate scientist on holiday in the Blue Mountains, watching climate change in action After years studying the climate, my work has brought me to Sydney where Im studying the linkages between climate change and extreme weather events. Prior to beginning my sabbatical stay ...

Defeating the climate crisis is just the beginning of the struggle and tough political choices will have to be made W ill 2019 be remembered as the year in which climate change denial was defeated? The global climate strike , Greta Thunbergs meteoric rise to international promin...

A pioneering irrigation project in North Darfur is bringing people together again I n the arid lands that have seen one of the most brutal wars of the 21st century so far, green shoots of peace may finally be appearing. In the hot Darfur fields farmed by Adam Ali Mohammed, these ...

Thinktank report deems Morrison government an increasingly regressive force Australia is the worst-performing country on climate change policy, according to a new international ranking of 57 countries. The report also criticises the Morrison government for being a regressive forc...

With the climate emergency putting our mental health at risk, Emma Beddington presents an everyday guide to eco wellbeing Much like the planet, people have a tipping point. Mine came last summer, when a respected scientist told me matter-of-factly that he thought it was at least ...

Findings confirm reliability of projections of temperature changes over last 50 years Climate models have accurately predicted global heating for the past 50 years, a study has found. The findings confirm that since as early as 1970, climate scientists have had a solid fundamenta...

James Shaw says environmental factors will be at the forefront of our minds when major decisions are made A climate change lens will now be applied to all major decisions made by the government, New Zealands climate change minister has said, as floods and bushfires wreck havoc ar...

As the 25th summit of the UNs conference of the parties begins, we examine whether it works and what the future holds For almost three decades, world governments have met every year to forge a global response to the climate emergency. Under the 1992 United Nations Framework Conv...

How did the leaders of the main parties, minus Boris Johnson, address the biggest issue of our times? Four writers respond The climate change debate left me mournful: it wasnt the montage of environmental emergency that opened it, though if I never heard the sound of a koala in p...

Warning of existential threat to civilisation as impacts lead to cascade of unstoppable events The world may already have crossed a series of climate tipping points, according to a stark warning from scientists. This risk is an existential threat to civilisation, they say, meanin...

Global emissions must fall by 7.6% a year for next decade to avoid crisis, report says Countries must make an unprecedented effort to cut their levels of greenhouse gases in the next decade to avoid climate chaos, the UN has warned, as it emerged that emissions hit a new high las...

Disastrous global heating will soon become irrevocable but despite politicians inaction millions are taking to the streets to fight the planets fever The one thing never to forget about global warming is that its a timed test. Its ignoble and dangerous to delay progress on any i...

Urgent national action is needed to prevent serious declines in public health from climate change, the multi-institutional Countdown study says The federal governments lack of engagement on health and climate change has left Australians at significant risk of illness through heat...

IEA says deep disparity between words and action on climate change risks failing to cap global temperatures The worlds existing climate policies will not be enough to end the upward march of record energy emissions rising beyond 2040 without a grand coalition of governments and i...

Pentagon officials view climate breakdown as an existential threat to human society and are already taking action W e have heard from the scientists on climate change, with their meticulous data on ecosystem degradation and species loss. We have heard from the climate deniers, w...

Temperature, fuel load, dryness, wind speed and humidity all affect fire risk and are compounded by global heating The link between rising greenhouse gas emissions and increased bushfire risk is complex but, according to major science agencies, clear. Climate change does not crea...

The battle between climate change deniers and the environment movement has entered a new, pernicious phase. That is the stark warning of one of the worlds leading climate experts, Michael Mann, director of the Earth System Science Center at Pennsylvania State University. Mann tol...

Statement sets out vital signs as indicators of magnitude of the climate emergency The worlds people face untold suffering due to the climate crisis unless there are major transformations to global society, according to a stark warning from more than 11,000 scientists. We declare...

One of our leading environment journalists reflects on how awareness of the climate crisis has shifted in the last decade and offers advice for those who want to do more What did you do before you joined the Guardian? I did a PhD and post-doc research in geology at Edinburgh Univ...

Climate deniers often accuse scientists of exaggerating the threats associated with the climate crisis, but if anything theyre often too conservative A lthough the results of climate research have been consistent for decades, climate scientists have struggled to convey the gravit...

Its crucial to expose the fossil fuel industrys disinformation tactics so the public doesnt fall prey to the next effort T oday, the state of New York will face off with ExxonMobil for oral arguments in the trial alleging that the company misled investors by providing false assur...

A short glossary of the changes weve made to the Guardians style guide, for use by our journalists and editors when writing about the environment In addition to providing updated guidelines on which images our editors should use to illustrate the climate emergency, we have update...

Guardian Australia editor says we can be a superpower of the post-carbon world economy if we set aside the self-defeating culture war A ustralias climate debate has been bogged in a culture war for decades. What should be a straightforward discussion of scientific fact and possib...

Bank of England governor warns of financial collapse linked to climate emergency Companies and industries that are not moving towards zero-carbon emissions will be punished by investors and go bankrupt, the governor of the Bank of England has warned. Mark Carney also told the Gua...

Firms public calls for climate action contrast with backing for conservative thinktanks Google has made substantial contributions to some of the most notorious climate deniers in Washington despite its insistence that it supports political action on the climate crisis. Among hund...

It is cities, not national governments, that are most aggressively fighting the climate crisis and in 30 years they could look radically different S he has barely ever been in a car, and never eaten meat or flown. Now 31, she lives on the 15th floor of a city centre tower from w...

For decades fossil fuel majors tried to fight the consensus just as big tobacco once disputed that smoking kills In 1998 a public relations consultant called Joe Walker wrote to the American Petroleum Institute (API), a trade association representing major fossil fuel companies,...

Everything we eat has an effect on global heating, but perhaps the biggest problem is livestock T he world came together last week for the UN general assembly, and climate crisis was high on the agenda. Many of the discussions focused on changing the energy and transport sectors ...

Our environmental vandalism has made urgent the question of ethical responsibilities across decades and centuries W hat if climate breakdown is a violation of the rights of those yet to be born? Finally, this urgent question seems to be getting the attention it deserves. Last mon...

United in Science report ahead of UN summit says climate is changing faster than forecast, and current plans would lead to catastrophic global temperature rise An assessment backed by the worlds major climate science bodies has found commitments to cut greenhouse gas emissions mu...

Those who fought against slavery did not agonise over the costs and benefits. Their goal was clear: make it illegal H uman-induced climate change is a moral wrong. It involves one group of humans harming others. People of this generation harming those in future generations. Peopl...

Young and old alike took to the streets in an estimated 185 countries to demand action Millions of people demonstrated across the world yesterday demanding urgent action to tackle global heating, as they united across timezones and cultures to take part in the biggest climate pro...

Greta Thunberg, the young Swedish climate activist, has tapped into a global passion for change from the outdated, exploitative system to a holistic and responsible one ( Thunberg tells US Congress: I want you to take real action on climate , 19 September). The industrial paradig...

Film by Swedish activist and Guardian journalist George Monbiot says nature must be used to repair broken climate The protection and restoration of living ecosystems such as forests, mangroves and seagrass meadows can repair the planets broken climate but are being overlooked, Gr...

Eight-country poll shows people view climate crisis as priority over migration and terrorism A majority of the public recognise the climate crisis as an emergency and say politicians are failing to tackle the problem, backing the interests of big oil over the wellbeing of ordinar...

New York forum aims to restore the climate by reducing atmospheric levels of carbon to those of a century ago A new effort to rally governments and corporations behind technologies that suck greenhouse gases from the atmosphere to help stave off disastrous global heating will be ...

Here, let me try. The sun is very, very hot W hen I was an undergrad learning geology, the maxim that was thumped into me wasnt how to build a mine or drill for oil and gas, it was simply: The present is the key to the past. The thing that took a while to accept was that the past...

Children, pregnant women and the elderly are the most at risk from extreme weather and heat but the impact is already felt across every specialty of medicine The climate crisis is making people sicker worsening illnesses ranging from seasonal allergies to heart and lung disease...

With Trump expected to skip the UN climate summit, the question will be: whats possible if the most powerful nation is pulling away from action? This story originally appeared in the Nation . It is republished here as part of the Guardians partnership with Covering Climate Now , ...

Major CBS News poll released as part of Covering Climate Now, a collaboration of more than 250 news outlets around the world to strengthen coverage of the climate story Two-thirds of Americans believe climate change is either a crisis or a serious problem, with a majority wanting...

W hen were faced with threats of inundation, our reaction has traditionally been to build walls. Sea-level rises, storms and floods have been held back with solid barriers, seawalls and dykes. We have used walls to keep out people, too: the fact that this has failed throughout th...

Trillions of dollars needed to avoid climate apartheid but this is less than cost of inaction The worlds readiness for the inevitable effects of the climate crisis is gravely insufficient, according to a report from global leaders. This lack of preparedness will result in poverty...

Climate of the Nation survey shows growing support for net zero emissions by 2050 and rapid phase-out of coal power Australians are increasingly concerned about droughts and floods, extinctions and water shortages associated with climate change, and most people think all levels o...

Whether human civilization stays intact amid this worsening weather depends on recognizing our shared humanity and designing policy accordingly N ews of Hurricane Dorians first casualty came early on Monday morning from the Bahamas Press. A seven-year old boy named Lachino Mcint...

From power cuts to infrastructure failure, the impact of climate change on US cities will be huge but many are already innovating to adapt Between record heat and rain, this summers weather patterns have indicated, once again, that the climate is changing. US cities, where more ...

I crisscrossed a region my own that is mired in a culture of denial and delay. The conversation on the climate crisis has not changed fast enough I ts 96 degrees in downtown Beaufort, North Carolina, a place where I spent much of my childhood. The sidewalk is too hot for dogs t...

Insidious health-related impacts in Australia and Pacific include lowered cognitive capacity and spread of diseases Climate change is absolutely already causing deaths, according to a new report on the health impacts of the climate crisis, which also predicts climate-related stun...

Extensive historical data shows recent extreme warming is unprecedented in past 2,000 years The scientific consensus that humans are causing global warming is likely to have passed 99%, according to the lead author of the most authoritative study on the subject, and could rise fu...

F rom climate change to child labour, the responsibility for solving major societal problems is increasingly being shifted to the individual. People feel in order to save the world they have to be good. Yet that is bad because it paralyses change. Global challenges must be tackl...

Nearly 80% of cities to undergo dramatic and potentially disastrous changes, study finds London will have a similar climate in three decades time to that of Barcelona today, according to research but if that seems enticing, a warning: the change could be accompanied by severe dr...

Governments official climate advisers say there is no proper preparation to cope with heatwaves and flash floods The governments own advisers have declared themselves shocked that the UK has no proper plans for protecting people from heatwaves, flash flooding and other impacts of...

Developing countries must prepare now for profound impact, disaster representative says Climate crisis disasters are happening at the rate of one a week, though most draw little international attention and work is urgently needed to prepare developing countries for the profound i...

Research shows a trillion trees could be planted to capture huge amount of carbon dioxide Planting billions of trees across the world is one of the biggest and cheapest ways of taking CO2 out of the atmosphere to tackle the climate crisis, according to scientists, who have made t...

What changes have the experts made to their own lives to tackle the climate emergency? We need to reduce our capacity and urge to consume Month after month, there is research showing that climate change is happening faster than we thought. Were in a car hurtling towards the edge ...

Addressing energy leaders, pope warns of catastrophic effects of global heating Pope Francis has declared a global climate emergency, warning of the dangers of global heating and that a failure to act urgently to reduce greenhouse gases would be a brutal act of injustice toward t...

The uncertainty of climate change is an argument for not against decarbonizing the economy as quickly as possible F or 23 years, I worked at a libertarian thinktank, arguing against climate action. But my views have changed. I now embrace decarbonization . Why? For one thing, I...

Critics of the Green New Deal ask if we can afford it. But we cant afford not to: our civilisation is at stake A dvocates of the Green New Deal say there is great urgency in dealing with the climate crisis and highlight the scale and scope of what is required to combat it. They a...

National academies say effects include spread of diseases and worse mental health A report by experts from 27 national science academies has set out the widespread damage global heating is already causing to peoples health and the increasingly serious impacts expected in future. ...

Experts agree that global heating of 4C by 2100 is a real possibility. The effects of such a rise will be extreme and require a drastic shift in the way we live D rowned cities; stagnant seas; intolerable heatwaves; entire nations uninhabitable... and more than 11 billion humans....

From now, house style guide recommends terms such as climate crisis and global heating The Guardian has updated its style guide to introduce terms that more accurately describe the environmental crises facing the world. Instead of climate change the preferred terms are climate em...

Production must end now, says first ever estimate of plastics cradle-to-grave impact The proliferation of single-use plastic around the world is accelerating climate change and should be urgently halted, a report warns. Plastic production is expanding worldwide, fuelled in part b...

L ast week a small campaign group in the staunchly conservative town of Shrewsbury called a public meeting about climate change. The organisers were delighted when 150 people turned up. Even they were surprised, though, when people unanimously said they were prepared to give up f...

My intellectual and rational understanding of it has shifted to much more of an emotional and personal one Human society under urgent threat from loss of Earths natural life . The planet has seen sudden warming before, it wiped out almost everything . These are some of the head...

Exclusive : Out of 23 big countries, only Saudi Arabia and Indonesia had higher proportion of doubters The US is a hotbed of climate science denial when compared with other countries, with international polling finding a significant number of Americans do not believe human-driven...

Nature is being eroded at rates unprecedented in human history but we still have time to stave off mass extinctions A colleague recently described how fish would swim into her clothing when she was a child bathing in the ocean off the coast of Vietnam, but today the fish are gone...

Emission of greenhouse gases has fallen, but environmental issues are still an emergency Do it now: UK told to set zero-carbon target for 2050 This report will change your life: what target means for UK Should the UK declare a climate emergency that would inform public policy and...

We spoke to climate change experts for advice on how news outlets can cover the environment in ways that make voters listen America elected Donald Trump at the end of the hottest year ever recorded , without debate moderators asking him a single question about global warming. But...

Heatwave of 2018 will become the capitals new normal, claims Green party in report Hundreds of schools, hospitals and tube stations in London are at risk of flooding or overheating as the climate crisis accelerates and global temperatures continue to rise, according to a study. T...

Ordinary people want radical climate policies so why do we not have policies that mirror that? Australians want environmental action. As Katharine Murphy explained a few weeks back , private polling conducted for the environment movement and for the major parties suggests communi...

David Attenboroughs rousing, horrifying call to arms should do for climate change denial what Blue Planet did for plastic O nce, a night in with David Attenborough promised the TV equivalent of a warm blanket. It was a chance to watch spectacular creatures revelling in the beauty...

The northern triangle of Central America, the largest source of asylum seekers crossing the US border, is deeply affected by environmental degradation M edia outlets and politicians routinely refer to the flood of Central American migrants, the wave of asylum seekers, the deluge ...

Panel was disbanded after a Trump official voiced concerns that it did not have enough members from industry A US government climate change advisory group scrapped by Donald Trump has reassembled independently to call for better adaptation to the floods, wildfires and other threa...

Report by Environment and Climate Change Canada suggests the majority of warming is the result of burning fossil fuels Canada is warming twice as fast as the rest of the world, a landmark government report has found, warning that drastic action is the only way to avoid catastroph...

Analysis of 50 years of UK data shows woodlands are not havens, while changing emergence times damage nature and farming Insects have no place to hide from climate change, scientists have said after analysing 50 years worth of UK data. The study found that woodlands, whose shade ...

Ad campaigns hide investment in a huge expansion of oil and gas extraction, says InfluenceMap The largest five stock market listed oil and gas companies spend nearly $200m (153m) a year lobbying to delay, control or block policies to tackle climate change, according to a new repo...

No one want to feel guilty looking at polar bears. The future is obviously safe in the hands of the artist who now calls herself c It is written into celebrity lore that the reason the boyband Blue never made it in the US isnt because it looked as if the smouldering line-up of Le...

Munich Re, worlds largest reinsurance firm, warns premium rises could become social issue Insurers have warned that climate change could make cover for ordinary people unaffordable after the worlds largest reinsurance firm blamed global warming for $24bn (18bn) of losses in the C...

At this point of crisis we must bypass rhetoric and political posturing O ver the past 30 years I have reported so many broken climate policy promises and quoted so much rhetoric that proved to be hollow, it is difficult to trace it back to the start. I think its a faded press re...

Droughts, heatwaves, bushfires and rising temperatures are driving ecosystems towards collapse A ustralias forests are being reshaped by climate change as droughts, heatwaves, rising temperatures and bushfires drive ecosystems towards collapse, ecologists have told Guardian Austr...

When I see young people all over the world standing up for what they believe in, for the future of the planet and for themselves, it moves me deeply ( School pupils call for radical climate action in UK-wide strike , 15 February). The empowerment of young people, particularly in ...

Studies show even climate change deniers may be receptive to such news in bulletins T V weather forecasters usually steer clear of mentioning climate change, perhaps fearing a backlash for straying on to controversial territory. But a recent experiment in the US suggests a dose o...

Report says few headlines sparked by food crises that ravaged Madagascar, Ethiopia and Haiti Climate change was responsible for the majority of under-reported humanitarian disasters last year, according to analysis of more than a million online news stories. Whole populations wer...

Recent polls have found the number of people who believe climate change is real has jumped. What convinced them? For some people, the awakening comes in science class. In the Reddit thread titled Former climate change deniers, what changed your mind? the most popular comment come...

I was wilfully deluded until I began covering global warming, says David Wallace-Wells. But extreme heat could transform the planet by 2100 I have never been an environmentalist. I dont even think of myself as a nature person. Ive lived my whole life in cities, enjoying gadgets b...

From New Orleans to the Florida panhandle, many have built up psychological resilience after living through years of extreme weather Ive long felt America, particularly the south, where I grew up, is in the denial stage of grief when it comes to our psychological response to clim...

Total of 72% polled now say global warming is personally important to them, Yale said, as 73% accept it is happening Americans concerns about climate change have surged to record levels, new polling shows, following a year marked by devastating storms, wildfires and increasingly ...

After extreme weather-related events, there is need for international cooperation Growing tension between the worlds major powers is the most urgent global risk and makes it harder to mobilise collective action to tackle climate change, according to a report prepared for next wee...

Scientists say it may still technically be possible to limit warming to 1.5C if drastic action is taken now Climate change could be kept in check if a phaseout of all fossil fuel infrastructure were to begin immediately, according to research. It shows that meeting the internatio...

The call from Extinction Rebellion for the BBC to make global warming its top editorial priority should be welcomed ( Letters , 17 December). The BBC is journalistically objective when reporting global warming. If a scientist or activist talks on air about the human causes of cli...

When we talk about saving the planet, we employ the narrative of war. Does it only deepen our divisions? E ach dead house fly was worth a quarter, my mom told us kids, but I never earned any money. Every time I cornered a fly, I pictured goo marks left on the wall spots splayed ...

Key sticking point at UN negotiations is how countries should account for their greenhouse gas emissions China called on rich countries to pay their debts on climate change at global talks on Thursday, criticising developed countries for not doing enough to reduce greenhouse gas ...

EU, Canada, New Zealand and developing countries to keep global warming below 1.5C The EU and scores of developing countries have pledged to toughen their existing commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to enable the world to stay within a 1.5C rise in global warming. The...

The changes have become more radical: farmers are spending more time and money trying to grow crops in new climates Richard Oswald did not need the latest US government report on the creeping toll of climate change to tell him that farming in the midwest is facing a grim future, ...

O utside of the desperate and the deluded, everyone knows that the world is in the early stages of a truly catastrophic climate change. As Sir David Attenborough told the UN climate change conference in Poland, the collapse of our civilisations and the extinction of much of the n...

Global warming and fossil fuel pollution already killing many, UN climate summit told Tackling climate change would save at least a million lives a year, the World Health Organization has told the UN climate summit in Poland, making it a moral imperative. Cutting fossil fuel burn...

Sum available for 2021-25 represents doubling of current five-year plan The World Bank is to make about $200bn (157bn) available to fund action on climate change from 2021-25, helping countries adapt to the effects of warming and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The sum represent...

Big cuts in carbon emissions and a rise in protection from extreme weather urgently needed The UN climate change summit begins on Monday with a warning that todays generation is the last that can prevent catastrophic global warming, as well as the first to be suffering its impact...

O n Sunday morning hundreds of politicians, government officials and scientists will gather in the grandeur of the International Congress Centre in Katowice, Poland. It will be a familiar experience for many. For 24 years the annual UN climate conference has served up a reliable ...

The administration tried to bury the assessment, but as residents flee wildfires and wade through flooded streets, lets hope decision-makers get the message T alk about cognitive dissonance. Just two days before 13 federal agencies released a report laying out the devastating hum...

Deadly heatwaves and spread of diseases affect peoples health today report Peoples health is being damaged today by climate change through effects ranging from deadly heatwaves in Europe to rising dengue fever in the tropics, according to a report. Billions of hours of farmwork ...

Rapid emissions turnaround needed to keep global warming at less than 2C, report suggests Countries are failing to take the action needed to stave off the worst effects of climate change, a UN report has found , and the commitments made in the 2015 Paris agreement will not be met...

Climate change is already harming Americans lives with substantial damages set to occur as global temperatures threaten to surge beyond internationally agreed limits, a major US government report has warned. The influence of climate change is being felt across the US with increas...

Ranking of countries goals shows even EU on course for more than double safe level of warming China, Russia and Canadas current climate policies would drive the world above a catastrophic 5C of warming by the end of the century, according to a study that ranks the climate goals o...

Party wary of wading into tough political fight on environment even though Democrats could retake House in midterms Democrats dont have a plan to address climate change comprehensively or even to a significant degree if they regain control of the US government in the near futur...

The world faces a near-impossible decision one that is already determining the character and quality of the lives of the generations succeeding us. It is clear from the latest IPCC climate report that the first and only effective course, albeit a deeply unpopular one, would be t...

While violence and poverty have been cited as the reasons for the exodus, experts say the big picture is that changing climate is forcing farmers off their land and its likely to get worse Thousands of Central American migrants trudging through Mexico towards the US have regular...

By rebating the revenue to households, disposable income rises, which can be a boon for the Canadian economy Last week, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced that under the Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act , Canada will implement a revenue-neutral carbon tax starting in 201...

Theres a 97% expert consensus on human-caused global warming, but most Americans are unaware When queried about the most recent IPCC report , Republican lawmakers delivered a consistent, false message that climate scientists are still debating whether humans are responsible. The...

Extreme weather damage to the global barley crop will mean price spikes and supply problems, according to new research Trouble is brewing for the worlds beer drinkers, with climate change set to cause dramatic price spikes and supply shortages, according to new research. Extreme ...

Studies by the Climate Impact Lab have found that higher temperatures increase suicide rates O ne of the biggest hubs of real-time climate research is a lab hundreds of miles from the rising seas and melting ice caps. There are no test tubes or beakers. Instead young scientists a...

Major study also finds huge changes to farming are needed to avoid destroying Earths ability to feed its population Huge reductions in meat-eating are essential to avoid dangerous climate change, according to the most comprehensive analysis yet of the food systems impact on the e...

IPCC report underestimates potential of these key dangers to send Earth into spiral of runaway climate change Key dangers largely left out of the IPCC special report on 1.5C of warming are raising alarm among some scientists who fear we may have underestimated the impacts of huma...

Netherlands ordered to increase emissions cuts in historic ruling that puts all world governments on notice A court in The Hague has upheld a historic legal order on the Dutch government to accelerate carbon emissions cuts, a day after the worlds climate scientists warned that ti...

The consequences of catastrophic warming will be political and even military, not just environmental C limate change is an existential threat to the human race. This may seem an absurd or alarmist statement, since we have been conditioned by unparallelled growth to expect that th...

From campaigning to installing insulation and solar panels, some practical steps you can take to help avoid climate breakdown The challenge of avoiding catastrophic climate breakdown requires rapid, far-reaching and unprecedented changes in all aspects of society, according to a ...

Urgent changes needed to cut risk of extreme heat, drought, floods and poverty, says IPCC The worlds leading climate scientists have warned there is only a dozen years for global warming to be kept to a maximum of 1.5C, beyond which even half a degree will significantly worsen th...

The easy way to cut emissions closing coal power stations is exhausted. Now the public has to be convinced to make sacrifices T hree years after world leaders signed the Paris climate agreement , were about to better understand what that deal means for how we live our lives. On...

Exclusive: Author of key UN climate report says limiting temperature rise would require enormous, immediate transformation in human activity The worlds governments are nowhere near on track to meet their commitment to avoid global warming of more than 1.5C above the pre-industria...

Unfortunately, mainstream climate scientists are still right, and were running out of time to avoid dangerous global warming Were currently on pace to double the carbon dioxide-equivalent (including other greenhouse gases) in the atmosphere by around mid-century. Since the late 1...

Heatwaves, hurricanes and floods will make some places in the US inhospitable Climate change is fueling heatwaves, hurricanes and floods, gradually making certain places in the US challenging, if not outright miserable, to live in. Scientists, and some members of the public, are ...

Newly found documents from the 1980s show that fossil fuel companies privately predicted the global damage that would be caused by their products. One day in 1961, an American economist named Daniel Ellsberg stumbled across a piece of paper with apocalyptic implications. Ellsberg...

US states, cities and businesses forge ahead with strategies to cut carbon emissions to 24% below 2005 levels by 2025 despite Trumps withdrawal from Paris accord Americas governors, mayors and CEOs are forging ahead with climate change initiatives despite the Trump administration...

Briefing sent to editorial staff on global warming says you do not need a denier to balance the debate The BBC has accepted it gets coverage of climate change wrong too often and told staff: You do not need a denier to balance the debate. In a briefing note sent to all staff warn...

Onus still falls on national governments to cut emissions to stave off worst impacts of climate change, Yale researchers say Individual cities, regions and businesses across the globe are banding together determinedly to confront climate change - but their emissions reductions ar...

Report predicting spiralling global temperatures has been downloaded 270,000 times in just a few days The scorching temperatures and forest fires of this summers heatwave have finally stirred the world to face the onrushing threat of global warming, claims the climate scientist b...

Feedback effects could spark irreversible global warming, says scientists. But what does the word hothouse imply? S cientists warned this week that feedback effects in global warming might tip the Earth into a hothouse state, recovery from which could be impossible, even by reduc...

T his is the summer when, for many, climate change got real . The future looks fiery and dangerous. Hot on the heels of Trump, fake news and the parlous state of the Brexit negotiations, despair is in the air. Now a new scientific report makes the case that even fairly modest fut...

Leading scientists warn that passing such a point would make efforts to reduce emissions increasingly futile A domino-like cascade of melting ice, warming seas, shifting currents and dying forests could tilt the Earth into a hothouse state beyond which human efforts to reduce emi...

Exclusive: Prof Michael Mann declares the impacts of global warming are now playing out in real-time Heatwave made more than twice as likely by climate change, scientists find The extreme heatwaves and wildfires wreaking havoc around the globe are the face of climate change, one ...

Fingerprints of global warming clear, they say, after comparing northern Europes scorching summer with records and computer models The heatwave searing northern Europe was made more than twice as likely by climate change, according to a rapid assessment by scientists. The result ...

James Hansen, who gave a climate warning in 1988 Senate testimony, says real hoax is by leaders claiming to take action T hirty years after a former Nasa scientist sounded the alarm for the general public about climate change and human activity, the expert issued a fresh warning ...

Warning about conflicts, wars and mass migration is the wrong way to approach things T he Australian Senates declaration last month that climate change is a current and existential national security risk was clearly intended to inject much-needed urgency into the countrys climate...

Biggest analysis to date reveals huge footprint of livestock - it provides just 18% of calories but takes up 83% of farmland Avoiding meat and dairy products is the single biggest way to reduce your environmental impact on the planet, according to the scientists behind the most c...

Insects are vital to ecosystems but will lose almost half their habitat under current climate projections Global warming is on track to cause a major wipeout of insects, compounding already severe losses, according to a new analysis. Insects are vital to most ecosystems and a wid...

The task ahead is immense, but New Zealanders know it can be achieved. We have a proud history of this kind of leadership L eaders of Commonwealth nations are meeting in London this week instead of the South Pacific nation of Vanuatu because things did not go according to plan. I...

Oil companies? The government? The public? All of the above share the blame. There are numerous ongoing legal challenges in an effort to determine whos responsible for climate change. Exxon is under investigation by state attorneys general, cities are suing oil companies over sea...

Tens of millions in three regions of the developing world expected to migrate before 2050 unless environment is improved Climate change will result in a massive movement of people inside countries and across borders, creating hotspots where tens of millions pour into already crow...

Making up for years of delay and denial will not be easy, nor will it be cheap. Climate polluters must be held accountable F ifty years ago, the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) delivered a report titled Sources, Abundance, and Fate of Gaseous Atmospheric Polluters to the Americ...

California, Washington and Oregon have led criticism of Trumps climate policies, but change hasnt been easier closer to home Californias exposure to climate change has been laid bare with warnings that San Francisco faces a far worse threat from rising seas than previously though...

Our food from what we eat to how it is grown accounts for more carbon emissions than transport and yet staple crops will be hit hard by global warming Did you know that whats on your plate plays a larger role in contributing to climate change than the car you drive? When most w...

Global warming is an immediate battle with enormous consequences. We dare not wait for Washington to return to sanity nor do we have to T he most telling item in Donald Trumps State of the Union address may have been what wasnt there: any mention of climate change, the greatest ...

Findings should not be seen as taking pressure off need to tackle climate change, authors warn Earths surface will almost certainly not warm up four or five degrees Celsius by 2100, according to a study which, if correct, voids worst-case UN climate change predictions. A revised ...

A key chapter of the US Global Change Research Program Report deals with how the oceans are being impacted by human carbon pollution In the recently released US Global Change Research Program Report , one of the chapters I was most interested in was about the changes weve observe...

Since taking office, Donald Trump has pulled the United States out of the Paris climate agreement, rolled back numerous protections against environmental pollution and espoused coal as the fuel of the future, all in the name of job creation and ending what he sees as the theft o...

After months of intense hurricanes, heat waves, and droughts, a survey finds a record number of Americans worried about climate change The latest climate change survey from Yale and George Mason Universities is out, and it shows that Americans are still poorly-informed about the ...

Indias population and emissions are rising fast, and its ability to tackle poverty without massive fossil fuel use will decide the fate of the planet Its a lucky charm, says Rajesh, pointing to the solar-powered battery in his window that he has smeared with turmeric as a blessin...

Major report by government agencies goes against senior members of Trump administration and finds evidence of global warming stronger than ever A comprehensive review by 13 US federal agencies concludes that evidence of global warming is stronger than ever and that more than 90% ...

Heatwaves, pollution and disease are the main health issues linked to global warming but action to halt emissions would deliver huge benefits The health of hundreds of millions of people around the world is already being damaged by climate change, a major report has revealed. Hea...

If youre not familiar with the new genre of climate fiction, you might be soon. Cli-Fi refers to climate fiction; it is a term coined by journalist Dan Bloom. These are fictional books that somehow or someway bring real climate change science to the reader. What is really interes...

The US Department of Agriculture has forbidden the use of the words climate change. This say-no-evil policy is doomed to fail I n a bold new strategy unveiled on Monday in the Guardian, the US Department of Agriculture guardians of the planets richest farmlands has decided to c...

Exclusive: series of emails show staff at Department of Agricultures Natural Resources Conservation Service advised to reference weather extremes instead Staff at the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) have been told to avoid using the term climate change in their work, with the...

If warming is not tackled, levels of humid heat that can kill within hours will affect millions across south Asia within decades, analysis finds Extreme heatwaves that kill even healthy people within hours will strike parts of the Indian subcontinent unless global carbon emission...

Rising temperatures and the resultant stress on Indias agricultural sector may have contributed to increase in suicides over the past 30 years, research shows Climate change may have contributed to the suicides of nearly 60,000 Indian farmers and farm workers over the past three ...

Stop obsessing with how personally green you live and start collectively taking on corporate power W ould you advise someone to flap towels in a burning house? To bring a flyswatter to a gunfight? Yet the counsel we hear on climate change could scarcely be more out of sync with ...

Next best actions are selling your car, avoiding flights and going vegetarian, according to study into true impacts of different green lifestyle choices The greatest impact individuals can have in fighting climate change is to have one fewer child, according to a new study that i...

A relatively small number of fossil fuel producers and their investors could hold the key to tackling climate change Just 100 companies have been the source of more than 70% of the worlds greenhouse gas emissions since 1988, according to a new report. The Carbon Majors Report (pd...

David Karoly says without an expert to replace him, the CCA will struggle to fulfil its legal mandate Imagine, if you will, a government board to champion Australian arts without any artists on it, or an agency to advise on medical research without any medical researchers. Or per...

Planet could heat up far more than hoped as new work shows temperature rises measured over recent decades dont fully reflect global warming already in the pipeline Hopes that the worlds huge carbon emissions might not drive temperatures up to dangerous levels have been dashed by ...

Former UN climate chief Christiana Figueres among signatories of letter warning that the next three years will be crucial to stopping the worst effects of global warming Avoiding dangerous levels of climate change is still just about possible, but will require unprecedented effor...

Human activity is worsening the problem in an already rainy area, and there could be damage worthy of a disaster movie if a storm hits the industrial section Sam Brody is not a real estate agent, but when his friends want to move home they get in touch to ask for advice. He is a ...

Ideology and tribalism blind many people to the consequences of their climate denial and obstructionism The science of climate change is clear. Scientists know that the Earth is warming and that humans are the reason. We also know that the Earth will continue to warm in the futur...

Combination of carbon emissions and urban heat island effect of concrete and asphalt gives rise to worst-case scenario by end of 21st century Under a dual onslaught of global warming and localised urban heating, some of the worlds cities may be as much as 8C (14.4F) warmer by 210...

Humans are changing Earths climate at an alarmingly fast rate A new study published in Nature Communications looks at changes in solar activity and carbon dioxide levels over the past 420 million years. The authors found that on our current path, by mid-century humans will be cau...

Three recent studies point to just how broad, bizarre, and potentially devastating climate change is to life on Earth. And weve only seen one degree Celsius of warming so far. Climate change is rapidly becoming a crisis that defies hyperbole. For all the sound and fury of climate...

Global warming makes temperature patterns that cause heatwaves, droughts and floods across Europe, north America and Asia more likely, scientists find The fingerprint of human-caused climate change has been found on heatwaves, droughts and floods across the world, according to sc...

Earth is a planet in upheaval, say scientists, as the World Meteorological Organisation publishes analysis of recent heat highs and ice lows The record-breaking heat that made 2016 the hottest year ever recorded has continued into 2017, pushing the world into truly uncharted terr...

E ver since Donald Trump became US president, certain sectors of American society have felt particularly embattled. His statements on Mexicans and Muslims are notorious, but there is another community, less heard about, that has also been sent reeling: scientists. If politics has...

New polling study also shows support for financial penalties for nations that refuse to be part of Paris climate deal, as Donald Trump has threatened The citizens of four major European countries think the impacts of climate change such as severe floods and storms are already aff...

Exclusive: State of the Environment report says heritage and economic activity are being affected and the disadvantaged will be worst hit Josh Frydenberg: bright spots, but much more to do An independent review of the state of Australias environment has found the impacts of clima...

Critics say public information film shows Shell understood the threat was dire, potentially existential for civilisation, more than a quarter of a century ago Shell knew: oil giants 1991 film warned of climate change danger C limate change at a rate faster than at any time since ...

Researchers behind Anthropocene equation say impact of peoples intense activity on Earth far exceeds that of natural events spread across millennia For the first time, researchers have developed a mathematical equation to describe the impact of human activity on the earth, findin...

Europe and northern hemisphere are warming at faster pace than the global average and multiple climatic hazards are expected, says study Europes Atlantic-facing countries will suffer heavier rainfalls, greater flood risk, more severe storm damage and an increase in multiple clima...

Prince teams up with campaigners Tony Juniper and Emily Shuckburgh to create peer-reviewed basic guide for adults Prince Charles, a vocal critic of climate change sceptics, has penned a Ladybird book on the subject after lamenting with experts the lack of a basic guide to the sub...

2016 wasnt all bad news for the climate, but it was ugly toward the end This past year had so many stories involving human-caused climate change it will be forever in our memories. Here is a summary of some of the high points, from my perspective. When I say high points I dont n...

The worlds leaders have promised to take urgent action on climate change. But that was the easy part. Heres what they need to do next T he Paris agreement has been ratified. Only one year after negotiating this historic treaty, it has come into force. This signals that the vast m...

Unchecked global warming is greatest threat to 21st-century security where mass migration could be new normal, say senior military Climate change is set to cause a refugee crisis of unimaginable scale, according to senior military figures, who warn that global warming is the grea...

Nasas Earth science division is set to be stripped of funding as the president-elect seeks to shift focus away from home in favor of deep space exploration Donald Trump is poised to eliminate all climate change research conducted by Nasa as part of a crackdown on politicized scie...

Election of a climate sceptic as US president sparks outpouring of donations and a surge in planned protests and court challenges The global green movement is preparing for the fight of its life against efforts by Donald Trump to rollback action on climate change, with a surge in...

UNs Ban Ki-moon expresses hopes that the US president-elect will drop plans to quit a global accord aimed at weaning the world off fossil fuels The UN secretary-general, Ban Ki-moon, said on Tuesday that action on climate change has become unstoppable, and he expressed hopes that...

The absence of climate change as a leading topic in the election was a failure of the media and its now their responsibility to get Americans talking about it Imagine the world was facing upheaval on a scale not seen during modern civilization, a change that would imperil the wo...

Leading scientists say the climate deniers victory could mean game over for the climate and any hope of warding off dangerous global warming The ripples from a new American president are far-reaching, but never before has the arrival of a White House administration placed the liv...

This symbolic threshold ( Carbon dioxide levels bring climate change into a new era , 25 October) is one of many very real tipping points the world will experience on a path of climate change due to human effects. The tipping points we should also be paying attention to are the m...

To paraphrase Donald Trump, this is radical atmospheric change and Republicans wont even mention the words Climate changes impacts on extreme weather and society are becoming increasingly clear and undeniable. While we are making progress in solving the problem , were still movin...

CO2 in the atmosphere is expected to be above 400 parts per million on average over 2016 and will not dip below that mark for generations, UN says The world is in a new era of climate change reality, with carbon dioxide in the atmosphere reaching a symbolic threshold which it wil...

The Montreal protocol is the most successful environmental treaty in history, and arguably one of the most successful of any international pact. It phased out the gases that were destroying the ozone layer, averting potential catastrophe and healing the hole that human activities...

Global warming is said to be bringing temperatures last seen during an interglacial era, when sea level was 6-9 meters (20-30ft) higher than today The global temperature has increased to a level not seen for 115,000 years, requiring daunting technological advances that will cost ...

Records of temperature that go back far further than 1800s suggest warming of recent decades is out of step with any period over the past millennium The planet is warming at a pace not experienced within the past 1,000 years, at least, making it very unlikely that the world will ...

Signs of warming appear as early as 1830 say researchers, whose analysis will help build accurate baseline of temperature before influence of human activity Continents and oceans in the northern hemisphere began to warm with industrial-era fossil fuel emissions nearly 200 years a...

T he documentary broadcaster Ira Glass, the man behind the hit radio programme This American Life, is in Britain this week with his theatre show, Three Acts, Two Dancers, One Radio Host. The production, a collaboration with the experimental dancers of Monica Bill Barnes & Company...

Todays carbon pollution will have climate consequences for centuries to come. Were in the midst of a critical decade While most people accept the reality of human-caused global warming, we tend not to view it as an urgent issue or high priority. That lack of immediate concern may...

Temperatures, sea levels and carbon dioxide all hit milestones amid extreme weather in 2015, major international state of the climate report finds The world is careening towards an environment never experienced before by humans, with the temperature of the air and oceans breaking...

Severe droughts and floods have had a devastating impact on the islands rural poor, who are reliant on small-scale farming or fishing A ngenie, 21, lives in a country many people think of as an ecological paradise, home to a unique diversity of plants and animals. Yet within the ...

Unprecedented temperature levels mean more heatwaves, flooding, wildfires and hurricanes as experts say global warming is here and affecting us now May was the 13th month in a row to break temperature records according to figures published this week that are the latest in 2016s s...

Leakage of natural gas from drilling and pipework means more methane is entering the atmosphere One of the justifications for fracking is the use of natural gas as a bridging fuel between coal and a low-carbon future. However natural gas is mostly methane , which has strong globa...

Organisation urges better city planning and defensive measures to defend against rapid rise in climate change-linked disasters The global community is badly prepared for a rapid increase in climate change-related natural disasters that by 2050 will put 1.3 billion people at risk,...

Research finds most Americans have seen a pleasant mix of warmer winters and tolerable summers since 1974, but the situation is set for a radical reversal A large majority of Americans have enjoyed more pleasant weather due to global warming over the past 40 years, research has f...

Special UN report will offer comprehensive assessment of impacts of a 1.5C rise in global warming on sea level, coral bleaching and biodiversity Scientists from around the world will contribute to a major UN report on how global temperatures can be held to a rise of 1.5C and what...

World Meteorological Organisation says unprecedented rate of change sends a powerful message to world leaders to implement the Paris deal to cut emissions The alarming and unprecedented rate of climate change is sending a powerful message to world leaders, the World Meteorologica...

Research led by Oxford Martin School finds widespread adoption of vegetarian diet would cut food-related emissions by 63% and make people healthier too Growing food for the worlds burgeoning population is likely to send greenhouse gas emissions over the threshold of safety, unles...

Theyre both extreme hazards, but evolutionary responses favor real-time threats, not those that take place on an extended time scale E xtreme weather, water shortages and the spread of mosquito-borne diseases like Zika are all having very real effects on everyday realities global...

Just 38% of US schoolchildren were taught that climate change is linked to fossil fuels, with many teachers spending less than an hour a year on the subject Nearly two-thirds of schoolchildren in the US are taught lessons on climate change that do not rise to the level of a sound...

L ess than 2C of global warming for the Earth, the target agreed by leaders at the COP21 climate conference in Paris last November, doesnt really sound too ambitious. In fact, many of us would welcome an extra couple of degrees warmth. So what is all the fuss about? Unfortunately...

New calculations shows there is just a 0.01% chance that recent run of global heat records could have happened due to natural climate variations The worlds run of record-breaking hottest years is extremely unlikely to have happened without the global warming caused by human activ...

From the 195-nation agreement in Paris to curb global warming, to a journey down the Mekong River, evidence that climate change is impacting livelihoods and political decisions is stronger than ever 2015 has been a big year for climate change. The year has witnessed dizzying high...

The former Nasa scientist criticizes the talks, intended to reach a new global deal on cutting carbon emissions beyond 2020, as no action, just promises M ere mention of the Paris climate talks is enough to make James Hansen grumpy. The former Nasa scientist, considered the fathe...

Duration of day has lengthened by a millisecond over the past 100 years as water from shrinking glaciers slows Earths rotation and shifts position of poles The impact of climate change may appear to be overwhelmingly negative but there is a bright spot for those who struggle to f...

Prince Charles is the latest high-profile figure to echo claims that securitise the conflict. But the evidence just doesnt stack up W as the Syrian civil war partly caused by climate change? Prince Charles, for one, seems to think so . There is very good evidence indeed that one ...

UN weather body says man-made global warming and El Nino oceanic phenomenon made 2011-2015 the warmest five-year period on record Climate change made 2011-2015 the warmest five-year period on record, according to the World Meteorological Organisations (WMO) state of the global cl...

Ahead of the COP21 UN climate summit, Nicholas Stern and Dimitri Zenghelis argue that the choices cities make today on transport and industry will determine whether the world can benefit from resource-efficient growth Cities are home to half the worlds population and produce arou...

Study of past sea level changes shows coastal communities may face rises of at least six metres even if we limit global warming to 2C, reports Climate Central Even if world manages to limit global warming to 2C the target number for current climate negotiations sea levels may s...

A newly unearthed missive from Lenny Bernstein, a climate expert with the oil firm for 30 years, shows concerns over high presence of carbon dioxide in enormous gas field in south-east Asia factored into decision not to tap it ExxonMobil, the worlds biggest oil company, knew as e...

Scientists dismiss calls by some Liberal Party members to review basic climate science within days of Australia announcing a key emissions target as worrying and ignorant Now is probably not the best time if there ever was one for a minority within Australias Liberal party to...

But slashing fossil fuel use also presents greatest global opportunity to improve peoples health in 21st century, says Lancet and UCL commission Climate change threatens to undermine half a century of progress in global health, according to a major new report. But the analysis al...

World leaders will meet in Paris this year to try to reach a deal to cut carbon emissions. Failure could be catastrophic. We explore the facts, myths and opinions around global warming, starting with an expert view and a survey of the British public by Opinium/the Observer You ma...

Mark Lynas says: Solving climate change does not mean rolling back capitalism, suspending the free market or stopping economic growth ( Save us from the miserabilists in the battle over climate change , 12 March). This statement would have made much sense 35 years ago. The urgenc...

Framework convention on climate change says it shares aim for strong deal on fighting global warming at Paris summit The UN organisation in charge of global climate change negotiations is backing the fast-growing campaign persuading investors to sell off their fossil fuel assets....

While researchers agree that climate change can exacerbate human conflict, there are many that caution against using it to explain the root causes of war Humans have fought over resources for millennia, so recent studies indicating a link between severe drought and the civil war ...

The Guardian is embarking on a major series of articles on the climate crisis and how humanity can solve it. In the first, an extract taken from the Introduction to THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING by Naomi Klein, the author argues that if we treat climate change as the crisis it is, we d...

As global warming argument moves on to politics and business, Alan Rusbridger explains the thinking behind our major series on the climate crisis Journalism tends to be a rear-view mirror. We prefer to deal with what has happened, not what lies ahead. We favour what is exceptiona...

A new study is the first to incorporate empirical estimates of climate change impacts on economic growth in models Its widely accepted that climate change will have bigger negative impacts on poorer countries than wealthy ones. However, a new economic modeling study finds that th...

Science agency the CSIRO and Bureau of Meteorology predict temperature rises of up to 5.1c in Australia by 2090 in their most comprehensive forecast yet Australia could be on track for a temperature rise of more than 5C by the end of the century, outstripping the rate of warming ...

From roasting sidewalks to apocalyptic allergy seasons, here are the ways researchers predict a changing climate will affect your health What do allergies, heart attacks, salmonella outbreaks, and depression have in common? Give up? Well, most Americans dont know either, accordin...

He has been called the superman pope, and it would be hard to deny that Pope Francis has had a good December. Cited by President Barack Obama as a key player in the thawing relations between the US and Cuba , the Argentinian pontiff followed that by lecturing his cardinals on the...

Global livestock industry produces more greenhouse gas emissions than transport but fear of a consumer backlash is preventing action, says Chatham House report Curbing the worlds huge and increasing appetite for meat is essential to avoid devastating climate change, according to ...

Many people just refuse to accept the facts that surround them, even if we saw 100 more years of it plain and apparent Climate change is a myth. We all know this, deep down. Some of you reading this may have been taken in by the fear-mongering governments or corrupt scientists so...

N ext December, 196 nations will meet in Paris to agree a course of action to respond to climate change. They will do so under the auspices of the UN framework convention on climate change. This is an international treaty negotiated at the Earth summit in Rio in 1992 with the obj...

Wealthier people are more susceptible to the trap of saying they wont take action on emissions when they know engineering the planets climate is a possibility If you thought there was a machine that could magically remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and bury it underground...

Many people arent responding to mounting evidence of the huge impacts of climate change. Neuroscience helps explain why and the key role that businesses can play in responding rationally Voter behavior has long held mysteries for both politicians and psychologists. Why do poor a...

Most important assessment of global warming yet warns carbon emissions must be cut sharply and soon, but UNs IPCC says solutions are available and affordable Climate change is set to inflict severe, widespread, and irreversible impacts on people and the natural world unless carbo...

As worsening drought and extreme weather devastate crops, you may begin seeing global warming when you open your fridge What does climate change taste like? Its an odd question, but an increasingly pertinent one. After all, as temperatures rise and extreme weather becomes the nor...

Disasters including storms, floods and heatwaves have increased fivefold since the 1970s, UN finds F orget the future. The world already is nearly five times as dangerous and disaster prone as it was in the 1970s, because of the increasing risks brought by climate change, accordi...

From misinformed politicians who should 'shut up', to a failure of large parts of society to grasp reality, climate scientists reveal their bugbears Dont shoot the messenger, so the saying goes. But what if that message warns we might want to rethink that whole fossil fuel burnin...

In US politics, global warming has grown more divisive than abortion, gun control, or the death penalty. What's a concerned company to do? Children in the US are traumatized by a school shooting roughly every week. Radical religion-fueled vigilantes have bombed abortion clinics a...

Yale researchers have found that the two terms, often used interchangeably, generate very different responses B arack Obama, scientists and campaigners have all looked at how to engage Americans more powerfully on the environment. Now researchers have come up with one critical pi...

I t is often claimed by those who deny the reality of climate change that scientific forecasts about the impact of global warming are far too uncertain to merit taking action. There is no reason to suffer the inconvenience of leaving the planet's fossil fuels unburned when the cu...

Scientists hope to spur US to action with dire warning Obama plans push to amplify findings of definitive report What are the worst impacts facing America? Climate change has moved from the corners of the earth into the American backyard, the country's leading scientists warned o...

Climate change has moved from distant threat to present-day danger and no American will be left unscathed, according to a landmark report due to be unveiled on Tuesday. The National Climate Assessment, a 1,300-page report compiled by 300 leading scientists and experts, is meant t...

New study by thinktank funded by Koch brothers aims to debunk authoritative UN climate change report For those concerned about climate change, the ultra-conservative Heartland Institute offers up a calming solution: try thinking of yourself as a pea, instead of a human. Peas in a...

Social unrest and famine, superstorms and droughts. Places, species and human beings none will be spared. Welcome to Occupy Earth I f you're poor, the only way you're likely to injure someone is the old traditional way: artisanal violence, we could call it by hands, by knife, b...

Climate change has already cut into the global food supply and is fuelling wars and natural disasters, but governments are unprepared to protect those most at risk, according to a report from the UN's climate science panel. The report is the first update in seven years from the U...

Warming is leading to more volatile weather patterns that are already reducing crop yields, the IPCC has warned Reaction to the IPCC report on climate change - live A United Nations report raised the threat of climate change to a whole new level on Monday, warning of sweeping con...

Entire island nations "rendered uninhabitable", millions of people to be displaced by floods and rising seas, uncertainties over global food supplies and severe impacts on human health across the world. The news from the United Nations on the likely impacts of climate change is d...

The world faces threat to food supply, conflicts over water rights and growing inequality. The only option to is cut emissions Climate change is already taking a sizeable chunk out of global food supply and it is going to get worse. Increases in crop yields which are needed to s...

Pensioners left on their own during a heatwave in industrialised countries. Single mothers in rural areas. Workers who spend most of their days outdoors. Slum dwellers in the megacities of the developing world. These are some of the vulnerable groups who will feel the brunt of cl...

People in coastal regions of Asia, particularly those living in cities, could face some of the worst effects of global warming, climate experts will warn this week. Hundreds of millions of people are likely to lose their homes as flooding, famine and rising sea levels sweep the r...

T he American Association for the Advancement of Science came as close as such a respectable institution can to screaming an alarm last week. "As scientists, it is not our role to tell people what they should do," it said as it began one of those sentences that you know will buil...

W hat does the phrase anthropogenic forcing mean to you? Or a carbon bubble would you be more likely to find one in your bath or in your pension fund? Is the greenhouse effect a better way to grow tomatoes? And what is the difference between global warming and climate change? Un...

The slowdown in rising global surface temperatures is not a sign that climate change is no longer happening, the national science academies of the US and the UK have said. Publishing a guide on the state of climate change science, the National Academy of Sciences and the Royal So...

The record rainfall and storm surges that have brought flooding across the UK are a clear sign that we are already experiencing the impacts of climate change. Many commentators have suggested that we are suffering from unprecedented extreme weather. There are powerful grounds for...

Extreme weather events including typhoon Haiyan and superstorm Sandy are proving a "gamechanger" for public awareness of the threat posed by climate change, Al Gore said on Friday. The former US vice-president, speaking to delegates at the World Economic Forum in Davos , said: "I...

Author: 'I call it the climate-change counter movement' Study focuses on groups opposing US political action Conservative groups may have spent up to $1bn a year on the effort to deny science and oppose action on climate change, according to the first extensive study into the an...

O n 10 May 2013, the concentration of climate-warming carbon dioxide in the atmosphere passed the milestone level of 400 parts per million for the first time in human history. The last time so much greenhouse gas was in the air was several million years ago, when the Arctic was i...

The climate crisis of the 21st century has been caused largely by just 90 companies, which between them produced nearly two-thirds of the greenhouse gas emissions generated since the dawning of the industrial age, new research suggests. The companies range from investor-owned fir...

Britain is expected to get more extremes of heat and rainfall, so prepare for more severe floods, longer droughts and more powerful storms. No one knows quite what the effect over time will be of a slowing Gulf stream, or the melting of arctic sea ice, but climate scientists conf...

Temperatures in the UK have risen by about one degree since the 1970s and, given the levels of greenhouse gas already in the atmosphere, further warming is inevitable over the next three decades or so. The amount of warming will depend on future emissions but even if emissions ar...

The UK environment secretary, Owen Paterson , has told a fringe meeting at the Conservative party conference: "People get very emotional about this subject [climate change] and I think we should just accept that the climate has been changing for centuries." The UN's climate scien...

Low-income countries will remain on the frontline of human-induced climate change over the next century, experiencing gradual sea-level rises, stronger cyclones, warmer days and nights, more unpredictable rains, and larger and longer heatwaves, according to the most thorough asse...

Already, a thousand blogs and columns insist the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's new report is a rabid concoction of scare stories whose purpose is to destroy the global economy. But it is, in reality, highly conservative. Reaching agreement among hundreds of authors ...

The fifth Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report states with 95 percent confidence that humans are the main cause of the current global warming. Many media outlets have reported that this is an increase from the 90 percent certainty in the fourth IPCC report, but...

The world's leading climate scientists have set out in detail for the first time how much more carbon dioxide humans can pour into the atmosphere without triggering dangerous levels of climate change and concluded that more than half of that global allowance has been used up. If...

Scientists will this week issue their starkest warning yet about the mounting dangers of global warming. In a report to be handed to political leaders in Stockholm on Monday, they will say that the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation have now led to a warming of the entire ...

With the IPCC report not yet published, there is already heated debate about what it will say, and about the implications of its findings for human development. The scientists' statement is unequivocal, and is not based on whatever the IPCC may publish. They say: "The body of evi...

The fifth Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report is due out on September 27th, and is expected to reaffirm with growing confidence that humans are driving global warming and climate change. In anticipation of the widespread news coverage of this esteemed report, ...

T wenty five years ago, scientists with an interest in the climate were moving towards a consensual understanding, that primarily through the burning of fossil fuels human beings were responsible for potentially catastrophic global warming. At present, at least 97% of climate sci...

The father-son duo of Chris and Mat Hope have published a study in the prestigious scientific journal Nature Climate Change with the counter-intuitive finding that the relative costs of climate change are higher in a world with slower economic growth. Cambridge's Chris Hope is on...

It is increasingly likely that hundreds of millions of people will be displaced from their homelands in the near future as a result of global warming. That is the stark warning of economist and climate change expert Lord Stern following the news last week that concentrations of c...

Climate sensitivity is a subject sometimes explored in mainstream media articles. For example, The Economist tried to summarize some recent research on the subject, although as climate scientist Michael Mann and I noted in an article for ABC , they made some key mistakes. We know...

W hen the Tunisian street vendor, Mohamed Bouazizi , set himself on fire on 17 December 2010, it was in protest at heavy-handed treatment and harassment in the province where he lived. But a host of new studies suggest that a major factor in the subsequent uprisings, which became...

Fresh water is crucial to human society not just for drinking, but also for farming, washing and many other activities. It is expected to become increasingly scarce in the future, and this is partly due to climate change. Understanding the problem of fresh water scarcity begins ...

When in September the Arctic sea ice that freezes and melts each year shrank to its lowest extent ever recorded and then contracted a further 500,000 sq km, the small world of ice scientists was shocked. This was unprecedented, yet there was nothing unusual about the meteorologic...

Climate change is already contributing to the deaths of nearly 400,000 people a year and costing the world more than $1.2 trillion, wiping 1.6% annually from global GDP, according to a new study. The impacts are being felt most keenly in developing countries, according to the res...

Food is one of society's key sensitivities to climate. A year of not enough or too much rainfall, a hot spell or cold snap at the wrong time, or extremes, like flooding and storms, can have a significant effect on local crop yields and livestock production. While modern farming t...

The Earth's land has warmed by 1.5C over the past 250 years and "humans are almost entirely the cause", according to a scientific study set up to address climate change sceptics' concerns about whether human-induced global warming is occurring. Prof Richard Muller , a physicist a...

The Earth's climate has fluctuated throughout its history, with both warmer and colder phases than those we experience now. These past climatic changes were caused by natural " forcings " things such as changes in solar activity, Earth's position relative to the sun, changes in ...

T he idea that a changing climate can persuade the ground to shake, volcanoes to rumble and tsunamis to crash on to unsuspecting coastlines seems, at first, to be bordering on the insane. How can what happens in the thin envelope of gas that shrouds and protects our world possibl...

Climate change targets can be highly confusing. There are various types of targets, and lots of uncertainty about how each target could be met and what would happen if it was. Let's look at the three main types of target in turn. Ultimately, temperature rise is the thing that mat...

The world is likely to build so many fossil-fuelled power stations, energy-guzzling factories and inefficient buildings in the next five years that it will become impossible to hold global warming to safe levels, and the last chance of combating dangerous climate change will be "...

Emissions are rising by record amounts, and time is running out to avoid catastrophic warming . What is going wrong and how can the problems be solved? Getting 194 nations to agree on anything, let alone a re-tooling of the global energy system that drives economies, is fiendish....

A changing climate isn't inherently bad, and commentators who are sceptical about the risks posed by global warming often point to the benefits that higher temperatures could bring such as longer growing seasons in cool countries and more efficient shipping routes through an ice...

Big picture What exactly is the climate? What is climate change? Is the world really getting warmer? Are humans definitely causing global warming? Does a small temperature rise actually matter? How much warmer will the planet get? Is there a scientific consensus on man-made clima...

Early in the 20th century, the prevailing notion was that people could alter climates locally (for instance, by cutting down forests and ploughing virgin fields) but not globally. Of course, the ice ages and other wrenching climate shifts of the past were topics of research. But ...

Any process that causes adjustments to a climate system from a volcanic eruption to a cyclical change in solar activity could be described as creating "climate change". Today, however, the phrase is most often used as shorthand for anthropogenic climate change in other words, ...

The unwillingness of scientists at the University of East Anglia to release climate data to people who choose not to believe in climate change was a mistake. Science advances through openness, through the ability of others to replicate the same findings or demonstrate error in di...

Last month, the Pew Research Center released its latest poll of public attitudes on global warming. On its face, the news was not good: Belief that global warming is occurring had declined from 71 percent in April of 2008 to 56 percent in October an astonishing drop in just 18 m...

When Rupert Dickinson, the chief executive of one of Britain's biggest property firms, left his BlackBerry behind in London while on a business trip to Ireland, he simply ordered one of his staff to get on a plane and deliver the device to him. For Dickinson's then head of sustai...

T wenty years ago, governments adopted the Montreal protocol, a treaty to protect the Earth's ozone layer from emissions of destructive chemicals. Few could have foreseen how far-reaching that decision would prove to be. The protocol explicitly aimed at phasing out substances suc...

What is climate change? The Earth's climate has always varied, so the term climate change is now generally used to describe the changes caused by human activity - specifically, greenhouse emissions such as carbon dioxide and methane , which build up in the atmosphere and trap hea...

Senior doctors today published a report warning that climate change is the biggest threat to global health of the 21st century. Rising global temperatures would have a catastrophic effect on human health, the doctors said, and patterns of infection would change, with insect-borne...

Almost nine out of 10 climate scientists do not believe political efforts to restrict global warming to 2C will succeed, a Guardian poll reveals today. An average rise of 4-5C by the end of this century is more likely, they say, given soaring carbon emissions and political constr...

Arctic sea icecap disappears, leaving polar bears homeless and changing the Earth's energy balance dramatically as reflective ice is replaced during summer months by darker sea surface. Now expected by 2030 or even earlier. Tropical coral reefs suffer severe and repeated bleachin...

The more we know, the grimmer it gets. Presentations by climate scientists at this week's conference in Copenhagen show that we might have underplayed the impacts of global warming in three important respects: Partly because the estimates by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate...

With the Heartland Institute's annual jamboree for climate deniers in full swing in New York here's my shortlist of people who have done most for the denialist cause - in playing card form. Sammy Wilson's appointment as Northern Ireland environment minister appears to have been c...

Climate change is a result of the greatest market failure that the world has seen, Sir Nicholas Stern , whose review last year warned of the economic and social costs of climate change, said tonight. Delivering the Royal Economic Society (RES) public lecture in Manchester, ahead ...

Climate change poses at least as big a threat to the world as war, the new UN secretary general, Ban Ki-moon , warned last night. Addressing students at a UN conference in New York, Mr Ban said he planned to make the fight against climate change one of his top priorities in his n...

Behind the treelined embankment that borders the campus of Stockholm University lies building 92E, a red brick villa as big as a fire station, its back turned to Roslagsvagen, the main artery linking the capital city with Norrtalje 70km away. What few markings there are on the bu...

Global warming could be faster and fiercer than expected, and new forests to soak up the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide may not help, according to research today from British scientists. Their computer models predict a rise in global average land temperatures of up to 6C in the ne...