The only #10YearChallenge you should really care about: Climate change

The New Zealand Herald

The only #10YearChallenge you should really care about: Climate change

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The latest internet craze is the #10YearChallenge, which is seeing people post side-by-side photos of themselves in 2009 and 2019 for goodness knows what reason. Everyone, from your next door neighbour (maybe) to the biggest Hollywood celebrities, is jumping on the bandwagon, despite concerns from IT experts that the meme might not be all that innocent. Concerns aside, the main reason you shouldn't bother with the #10YearChallenge is because it's a useless (and yes, potentially harmful ) time-waster that highlights nothing but the regular passage of time. Unless you use it to make important points about what important things truly have changed in the world (and in New Zealand) over the last decade. A number of social media users have used the #10YearsChallenge hashtag to highlight what's been happening in the world because of global warming and climate change, from polar ice caps to reducing glaciers to malnourished polar bears. The 10 years challenge we should really care about... Except 6 months change instead of 10 years and icebergs instead of profile pics. Oh yeah climate change is real. #10YearChallenge The only #10yearchallenge you need to care about is actually a long one.. #ClimateChange #climatechangeisreal help the planet install solar PV in your home, eat less meat, drive electric including e-bikes on the daily routine.. Take a moment today to remember our biggest #10YearChallenge ! We must act now, change our lifestyles and hold our leaders accountable. We may not get more than another 10 years to do so. #GlobalWarming #ClimateChange The real #10yearchallenge ? Climate change. According to @IPCC_CH #SR15 , we have just over 10 years to #ActOnClimate before we cause irreparable damage to our planet. Take our free course on #ClimateAction and become a part of the solution. Enroll now! While it's fair to say we all made some questionable fashion choices in 2009, it's also important to note that that's not what's important to highlight. In fact, those photos should be buried in the past. Telegraph: Theres no 'safe level' of smoking - stop before its too late.