Watch: Hundreds of walruses face plunging to death due to climate change

The New Zealand Herald

Watch: Hundreds of walruses face plunging to death due to climate change

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Climate change has many devastating effects on all animals but one of those has just been highlighted in a heartbreaking segment of a new Netflix show. Netflix's recently released show Our Planet , narrated by David Attenborough, highlights the plight of the walrus, increasingly forced onto shore as sea ice dwindles. Footage on the show gives viewers a shocking look at how walruses are struggling with climate change. In the programme, the walruses can be seen becoming disoriented, due to their poor eyesight out of water as well as the shrinking ice, scaling cliffs and often plummeting to their deaths when trying to return to sea. In one disturbing clip, walruses can be seen perched precariously on a rocky cliff edge, contemplating how they'll join the other walruses to find food, as Attenborough explains. "A walrus' eyesight out of water is poor," Attenborough says. "But they can sense the others down below. As they get hungry, they need to return to the sea. "In their desperation to do so, hundreds fall from heights they should never have scaled." Walruses rely heavily on sea ice to rest in between hunting for food. As such, they are one of the biggest victims of the effects of climate change in the Arctic. Ashley Paul Griffith pleaded guilty to raping and sexual abusing more than 60 children.