Cut to Super Government Salaries Would Provide only R$ 1 Billion to New Social Program
A congressional proposal endorsed by Minister Paulo Guedes (Economy) to cut wages above the ceiling for civil servants (R$ 39.3 thousand) will not be enough to finance a significant expansion of Bolsa Familia. In Congress, the move advocated by government officials and leaders faces the strong lobby of servants, especially from the judiciary. In 2015, the government of Dilma Rousseff (PT) presented a similar project, which would reduce expenses for the Union by R$ 1 billion per year. To finance the Citizen Income, a program to replace Bolsa Familia, the team of President Jair Bolsonaro (without a party), seeks around R$ 20 billion. With this amount, the idea is to expand coverage to families in the line of poverty and extreme poverty and increase the value of the monthly benefit. Although with political and moralizing weight, the project to cut super" salaries, debated by government and congressmen, will have a low impact on public accounts. The effect is greatest in states and municipalities. The government faces difficulties in overcoming obstacles to the expansion of Bolsa Familia because of the spending ceiling. The rule prevents expenditure growth above inflation. For 2021, the government expanded the Bolsa Familia budget compared to previous years, but it is still limited. It is estimated to serve 15.2 million families with R$ 34.9 billion.