At the frontline of climate action, rising to the challenge and fostering a shared future

China Daily

At the frontline of climate action, rising to the challenge and fostering a shared future

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March 23 this year marks the 64th World Meteorological Day, with the theme of "At the Frontline of Climate Action". It calls for urgent actions and closer cooperation in climate mitigation and adaptation, to rise to the grave challenges posed by a warming planet to human survival and development. We have just experienced the hottest year on record, with the global average temperature and sea surface temperature shattering the historical records. Extreme weather and climate events have become more severe and frequent globally. As the global warming is intensifying, climate change has become one of the most pressing challenges around the world. United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres calls on the international community to take action to break the deadly cycle of global warming before a "deadly tipping point" is reached. China has made firm commitments and taken vigorous actions to tackle climate change. In 2020, Chinese President Xi Jinping announced that China will scale up its Intended Nationally Determined Contributions by adopting more vigorous policies and measures, aiming to have CO2 emissions peak before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060. As the largest developing country, China has achieved positive progress in addressing climate change, demonstrating its sense of responsibility as a major country. The China Meteorological Administration actively engages in global climate governance. It stands at the frontline of climate action with an open mind, innovative ideas and pragmatic measures, provides scientific support for building a modernization where humanity and nature coexist in harmony, and contributes Chinese wisdom and solutions to global response to climate change. First, building a firm line of defense against extreme weather. As the global warming is intensifying, China is confronted with more extreme weather and climate events. The CMA gives full play to the role of meteorology as the first line of defense against disasters, constantly enhances the capabilities of sophisticated monitoring, precise forecasting, and tailored services, further improves the coordination mechanism for meteorological disaster prevention and mitigation, raises the public awareness of disaster prevention and mitigation, and promotes the efforts of the whole society to effectively guard against disaster risks. Second, exploring climate resources to support the development of new quality productive forces. The CMA has conducted the survey and assessment on national wind and solar power resources, and charted a detailed solar power resource map to support new energy development. Meanwhile, the CMA has developed climate and ecological brands like Natural Oxygen Park of China, a summer tourist destination, China Climate Livable City (County), to promote the transformation of ecological value into economic value at the local level. Third, keeping a global vision in climate governance. The CMA is deeply involved in the scientific assessment of global climate change. The CMA, as the leading department of China, has long organized Chinese experts to participate in the assessment of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and provided services to 129 countries through Fengyun satellites, demonstrating China's efforts to implement the UN Early Warnings for All Initiative and build a community with a shared future for mankind. Looking ahead, the CMA will stand at the frontline of climate action, shoulder the responsibility of scientific innovation, enhance the meteorological science and technology, improve public services, consolidate the climate change research, vigorously promote the application of artificial intelligence, and strengthen climate risk management and early warning, in a bid to strongly support the growth of new quality productive forces, and advance the green and low-carbon economic and social development. The CMA will join hands with relevant counterparts to enhance international cooperation, and deeply engage in global climate governance for a clean and beautiful world.