Brazilian Senate Approves General Guidelines for Climate Change Adaptation Plans

Folha de S.Paulo

Brazilian Senate Approves General Guidelines for Climate Change Adaptation Plans

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The Senate approved this Wednesday (15) the bill that creates general guidelines for adapting Brazilian public policies to the effects of climate change, with an emphasis on the infrastructure sector. The approval occurred symbolically, without the counting of votes. The text provides guidance for the development of federal, state, and municipal plans aimed at adapting life to the planet's new reality. During the process, agribusiness managed to amend the text to reduce its obligations regarding these public policies. The bill was reported by Senators Alessandro Vieira (MDB-SE) and Jaques Wagner (PT-BA) and now returns to the Chamber of Deputies. The approval comes as Rio Grande do Sul experiences one of the greatest socioclimatic crises in its history, after two weeks of heavy rains, floods, and inundations in the state.