Derided Fernando de Noronha Tax Will Increase
The federal government has decided to increase the amount charged to visitors to this and nine other federal parks, three months after President Jair Bolsonaro (PSL) complained about the high admission fee at Fernando de Noronha Marine National Park. From November 1st this year, tourists visiting Fernando de Noronha will pay a fee of R$ 222 for up to ten days of access to the national park. Currently, the fee is R$ 212. Brazilian visitors get 50% off and will pay a fee of R$ 111 before the amount was $ 106. In July, President Bolsonaro posted on his social media stating that the fee "is a rip off" and intended to revise it. "This is why there is almost no tourism in Brazil," said the president, which he shared with a video where a man said the local beach is empty even when the limit for visitors is reached. Following Bolsonaro's statement, Environment Minister Ricardo Salles even visited the region. In a meeting with the company Econoronha, which is responsible for collecting the visitation fee for the beaches of the archipelago's marine park, however, he did not detail any plans to revise the fee. The fee has been charged since 2012. According to ICMBio, the arm of the Ministry of the Environment responsible for the conservation of fauna and flora, 70% of the entrance fee is used for infrastructure, signage, and maintenance of the national park's trails.